Axe-Fx III Firmware 27.00 Release

Super quick rip with the envelope filter updates and it really is super spot bang on amazing.

Dial back your volume a touch to keep it soft and dark. Roll it all the way up to get more of synthy high end the occasional growl as it decays. Just like the real thing! I love it.

Settings used were:

View attachment 145260

This is with my Silver Sky on the neck pick up. Pickup character is retained in spades as well as you move through them with the filter on.

The Mix mode is also really cool! Try it out!

Musician to musician, that tone and playing was glorious ear candy. Man to man, I was listening on my phone in the John, and my wife had suspicions I was being a little bad if y'all know what I mean😱😂😁💪🤯
One Go-To test for a clean settings on the VC is to play the intro to A Change of Seasons by Dream Theater on my six-string superstrat in standard tuning and see if I can get a natural sound shifting a 4th down to emulate Petrucci's low B. I haven't been able to pull it off well with the new update, but I'm going to play with it more and see what I can do. Maybe a PEQ block after the pitch shifter will help, but I'll see what it takes.

I finally gave this a try, and I've attached my preset. What I did was just to play that intro on my six string in standard tuning, so I'm transposing the original song up a 4th, then I played a loop of that using a momentary CS swich on my FC12 to activate the VC shifted down a 4th with a PEQ after, going back and forth between the original six string loop and the pitch shifted tones, tweaking the level, low cut, and high cut on the VC as well as the PEQ until I could get the overall frequency range pretty close, with the overall effect sounding as natural as possible. I played through this with my neck humbucker at full.

I think I got it sounding okay, but this still seems to lose pick attack, and I hear a glitchiness. This seems like the impossible problem to solve with realtime pitch shifting, and I have no idea if realtime pitch shifting at studio quality is even possible, based on what I've gleaned. I've read people's experiences with various pitch shifters, but I really don't know if anyone anywhere has pulled this off.

As far as single notes and power chords go, I would have no problem even committing this to a recording, but I haven't been able to figure out how to get clean arpeggios pitch shifted down to sound natural. Many have been praising the new algorithm, and if you have any pointers to achieve a natural sound in that context, please let me know what you've found. I don't doubt that I'm missing something here. I'll maybe try this again with the PEQ before the VC to see if I can get it any better. Much appreciated.


  • Virtual Capo Test.syx
    48.2 KB · Views: 14
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Okay, this might be the answer. So I switched pitch and PEQ blocks, placing the PEQ before the pitch block. This time I forgot about trying to match by ear the overall tone of the non-pitch-shifted guitar, and just went by ear with the PEQ to get it to sound best for the part I had looped. I came up with a ridiculous scoop, approaching kind of a single-coil type tone that I think works for this. The result was that, at least with my guitar, the tone ended up sounding much more natural. I actually ended up decreasing the VC Tracking Adjust to 1.49.

I think posting presets is Pandora's Box, because I know many presets created by others sound bad with my guitar, so I expect that presets I post will sound bad with most people's guitars. But I do think that regardless presets always serve as a deductive tool to figure out different ways to achieve the tone that works for you.

Anyway, I don't know if anything can be done to maintain a natural pick attack as you shift downward to emulate a 7-string, but if possible, that would be awesome. Again, I may just be missing something. I was wrong about something once before at least (I think that was in the 80s), so I may be wrong here too.

By the way, I know the example I've cited, A Change of Seasons, is not exaxtly a bunch of arpeggios, as I keep citing. Something like the intro to Beneath the Remains by Sepultura would be a great test in this regard, just shifted to whatever, since the original is in E standard.

But of course as you shift downward playing clean you are really trying to emulate a baritone guitar, then, as you go lower, a bass guitar, and the tones for those are going to require different input signals. The physics of a long scale length, for one, aren't going to be represented just by a pitch shift, so as I reason this as I write, it makes more and more sense as to why you'd want to apply aggressive PEQ to your dry signal before hitting the pitch block, to have a signal that emphasizes all the important elements of the part you want to play. In the case of this Dream Theater example, it was the girth of the low B with the pick attack. Of course there's some gorgeous compression going on in the original recording, but I'm not even getting into that, and I wasn't at all trying to match the actual tone of the recording, just trying to get something to sound natural at all.


  • Virtual Capo Test 2.syx
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Final post in this trilogy: I realize this is far less helpful without an audio example, so I recorded myself playing this intro with the preset I posted in the preceding post, Virtual Capo Test 2:

You can hear some of that glitchiness that I just can't shake, and there may be something else I'm missing to get rid of it entirely. If anyone wanted to play with this at all with my dry track, I recorded that at the same time, and I've attached it to this post.


  • Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons Intro DI
    2.8 MB · Views: 14
Sounds great as usual! Did you already update them to FW27 though?

It's not necessary, so I didn't. Only my Pink Floyd pack is updated, and the "Rock & metal vol 3" was released with fmw 27 (you can check some of those tones in the firmware 27 update of the Factory Presets, in the bonus section)

Love the new virtual capo! It's the only thing that wasn't great in my pitch shifting demo video, with the "Diary of Jane" part. I need to make a new video for the final version. Here's the old one,r ecorded with 27 beta something (a version only accessible to beta testers then) :

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