Axe-Fx III Firmware 26.00 Public Beta

I'm really liking this Firmware so far! It's fun to A/B real amps vs the models, so I made a couple short clips comparing my '93 Sampson era Matchless D-30 to the Matchbox D-30 and my '96 Marshall JCM Slash to the Brit Silver. The amps went into a Fractal LB-2 load box and the models used the LB-2 UK impedance curve with Speaker Drive, Speaker Compression, and Speaker Thump all at zero. Both the amps and the Axe-Fx III used the same IR and IR loading plugin in my DAW (no cab block was used in the Fractal). I used a looper pedal and started with the amp and model knobs in the same settings and fine-tuned them in by ear. I'm sure I could get closer, but it's already pretty dang close without making any drastic knob adjustments.

To me, they sound virtually identical when playing chords. It's truly remarkable, and I don't think anyone could tell the difference in a mix. Each amp's character really shines... even though both the Jubilee and the D-30 are all going through the same IR. The main difference I notice is in the transients. The models seem to have more compression (more noticeable in the Matchless). To show this, the clips start with the amp/model playing chords to show how similar they sound (no low/high cuts). The second part is meant to show the compression difference I was hearing/feeling.

If anyone knows how to lessen that compression to bring out more attack in the transients, I'd love to try your methods.

Anyway, here they are:

Marshall JCM Slash vs Brit Silver

Matchless D-30 vs Matchbox D-30

Great job, Cliff! Thank you for all of your hard work. The Axe-Fx III continues to be the best piece of musical equipment I've ever purchased.

Awesome tones! Love the Matchless - one of my all-time favorites.

Justin- can you share what general amp settings you are using and the Cab IR? (sorry if I missed it earlier in the thread).

For me to get more punch/in-the-room attack, I end up turning the depth up to 3-4 and lowering the bass just a bit to compensate.
Awesome tones! Love the Matchless - one of my all-time favorites.

Justin- can you share what general amp settings you are using and the Cab IR? (sorry if I missed it earlier in the thread).

For me to get more punch/in-the-room attack, I end up turning the depth up to 3-4 and lowering the bass just a bit to compensate.
Thanks! The IR for both clips was the YA KW 412 M25 Mix 01. The amp settings were around...

Matchbox D-30
Volume around 4.8, Bass around 3.8, Treble about 5.5-6, High Cut at Zero, and Master Volume at 10.

Brit Silver
Gain around 6.4, Bass around 8.7-9, Middle around 6.4-6.6, Treble around 5, Master Volume around 3.4-3.8.

I hope this helps!
Jesus, these collections lol. I'm one of those rare guitarists that was born with natural immunity, as I only purchase a new guitar when I sell another, so I only ever have 1-2 at any given time. Any moment I will be called in to a CDC lab for my blood to be used to develop a vaccine.
Lack of square footage is the only thing keeping my guitar addiction in check 😆
In the FW 25.04 release notes it was explained to do a soft reset of the Plexi 100W and 1959SLP. I have not yet done that and wondering if that is still needed if I have updated to this beta 26.03...I'm guessing yes?

Also lovin the hell out of the Stealth 2x12 on my 5153 Blue Stealth preset. Okay I may be a believer in 2x12 IR's now. IN Channel A Cab slots 1/2 i have what was there before: 4x12 5153 with Condenser and Dynamic 2 respectively. I've been A/B'ing (in slots 3&4) the same config but with the 2x12 5153 Stealth. It's similar character for sure but tighter /punchier. I love it. The 4x12 just sounds more airy and open but for high gain I want things bit tighter so i think this 2x12 is a win for sure.

Another thing i've been doing lately is not abusing the enhancer block as much! ha. I sprinkle that crack on most my presets like salt Bae just cuz it sounds so lush especially with 2 FRFR's and stereo delays etc but i've been dialing in tones lately a bit more straightforward without all the extra noise/crack (enhancer block). like this 5153 preset with the 2x12 cabs. I have never had such a bitchin thicc tone that growls so nicely. This is one of those FW's where I'm like damn this is sounding amazing. like truly amazing. not just oh amazing we say with every new FW , ya know ;) happy wookie here. And side note, yesterday I listed one of my guitars on local classified and playing it today with this new FW. 5 minutes later, deleted my ad. Thanks Fractal...I think, haha
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Thanks! The IR for both clips was the YA KW 412 M25 Mix 01. The amp settings were around...

Matchbox D-30
Volume around 4.8, Bass around 3.8, Treble about 5.5-6, High Cut at Zero, and Master Volume at 10.

Brit Silver
Gain around 6.4, Bass around 8.7-9, Middle around 6.4-6.6, Treble around 5, Master Volume around 3.4-3.8.

I hope this helps!

The YA KW 412 M25 Mix 1 is my favorite, go-to IR for just about anything. The Jim Atkins mixes are a close runner and, to my ear, sound very similar. I would be great to learn more about those mixes.

Thanks for everything Justin!
I still find this to be the case, in general, for all amps in the FM9. I tweak advanced parameters, the various compression options in the amp/speaker blocks, speaker parameters, SIC's, IR's, try different output devices, etc. but I still don't get the same right hand feel and attack/punch I get from "conventional" amps.

I still play a wide variety of tube amps, vintage, new, etc. and even more recent solid state amps (ie: Quilters) and there is an attack/punch/open dynamic feel that instantly couples with my right hand...that all is just "there". I still feel there is an overall compression happening somewhere in the FM9.

Having said that, my tones are awesome in the FM9 and I have managed to dial things in to get a great feel for's still far and away the best amp/rig I've ever owned.

And great work FAS/Cliff on the latest and greatest always, always raises the bar.
A long time ago, I settled into splitting to two outputs, using a cab block with great IR’s to one Output, to FOH. Simultaneously, I’m bypassing the cab block and going to a second Output, to an external reference amp and into appropriate speaker cabs. It makes a difference. Depending upon the venue, sometimes the amp is a QSC, or a Crown, or a Fryette.

Moving air makes a difference.
Jesus, these collections lol. I'm one of those rare guitarists that was born with natural immunity, as I only purchase a new guitar when I sell another, so I only ever have 1-2 at any given time. Any moment I will be called in to a CDC lab for my blood to be used to develop a vaccine.
Please save us, I need this vaccine so bad.
Jesus, these collections lol. I'm one of those rare guitarists that was born with natural immunity, as I only purchase a new guitar when I sell another, so I only ever have 1-2 at any given time. Any moment I will be called in to a CDC lab for my blood to be used to develop a vaccine.

High Five GIF by giphystudios2021
I'm really liking this Firmware so far! It's fun to A/B real amps vs the models, so I made a couple short clips comparing my '93 Sampson era Matchless D-30 to the Matchbox D-30 and my '96 Marshall JCM Slash to the Brit Silver. The amps went into a Fractal LB-2 load box and the models used the LB-2 UK impedance curve with Speaker Drive, Speaker Compression, and Speaker Thump all at zero. Both the amps and the Axe-Fx III used the same IR and IR loading plugin in my DAW (no cab block was used in the Fractal). I used a looper pedal and started with the amp and model knobs in the same settings and fine-tuned them in by ear. I'm sure I could get closer, but it's already pretty dang close without making any drastic knob adjustments.

To me, they sound virtually identical when playing chords. It's truly remarkable, and I don't think anyone could tell the difference in a mix. Each amp's character really shines... even though both the Jubilee and the D-30 are all going through the same IR. The main difference I notice is in the transients. The models seem to have more compression (more noticeable in the Matchless). To show this, the clips start with the amp/model playing chords to show how similar they sound (no low/high cuts). The second part is meant to show the compression difference I was hearing/feeling.

If anyone knows how to lessen that compression to bring out more attack in the transients, I'd love to try your methods.

Anyway, here they are:

Marshall JCM Slash vs Brit Silver

Matchless D-30 vs Matchbox D-30

Great job, Cliff! Thank you for all of your hard work. The Axe-Fx III continues to be the best piece of musical equipment I've ever purchased.

Have you tried turning the Speaker Compliance to 0 as well? Based on one of @yek ’s posts/guides, this may be relevant.
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