Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.03 Beta #1

I really enjoyed that. I'm guessing this was the IR used. Complete guess really.


You're close! At that time I was using a blend of Fractal's Legacy 4x12 Basketweave TV Mix cab and a few Mesa V30 4x12 IR's that used a few different mics.

However that Legacy Basketweave TV Mix IR was made with an old Marshall cab which I believe had Greenbacks in it, and the Suhr 4x12 you referenced uses Greenbacks and the cab itself is based off the old Marshall cab design, so you weren't far off there. :)
Ok. I just bought a Mac. I’m not use to it. Trying to figure out how to unzip it.
You can:
  • Double-click the file which will expand it.
  • Right click it and select "Open" which will expand it.
  • Select it with a single click then go to the "File" menu and click "Open" which will expand it.
There are many other actions which will do the same thing.

As a last resort, click the Desktop to go to the Finder, click the "Help" menu at the top-right on the menu bar, and click on "macOS Help". When the Help appears, click in the Search field on the top-right and enter "unzip", click the resulting "hit" and follow its suggestions.
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Not on axe fx III, but I'm curious: how does the new JCM feel under the fingers? I've always loved the older JCM 800 sim, but at times wished for a "rougher" version. I did watch the Leon Todd video but wonder what others think.
I own:

EVH 5150 III 50w 6L6
EVH 5150 III 100w Stealth
EVH 5150 III 100w EL34

I don't have an OG 5153 100w to compare to the Stealth 100w amps so I can't really say what's different there.

As for the 100w Stealth and 100w EL34, in my experience, the Blue and Red channels of these amps are completely identical. The poweramp is identical except that obviously one is tuned for and uses 6L6's, and the other uses EL34's. My 100w EL34 version to my ear has slightly more prominent mids than my 100w Stealth, but only sliiightly, and those extra mids can be almost exactly accounted for by lowering the Mid knob just a bit, and exactly accounted for with any capable Parametric EQ in post.

As for the EVH 50w amps, the 50w EL34's Blue channel has less low end filtering at the input than the 50w 6L6's Blue channel. This can be remedied by clipping one leg of the C137 component on the 50w EL34's board. Other than that and the power tube types, those amps are identical. However the EVH 50 watt amps are quite different than the EVH 100w amps. Mostly, the 50w amps are slightly more "slinky" sounding and feeling than the 100w amps. I can almost get my 50w 6L6 head to have the same response as my 100w amps by using a mid boost at the 50w amp's input, if that tells you anything. Also, the 50w amps don't really have more or less prominent low end than the 100w amps, but the sub lows of the 50w amps don't extend as far down the spectrum as the 100w amps.

Here's another interesting anecdote about the 50w heads. In my experience, EVH amps tend to vary in sound from one to the next. I'm not talking about different models, but two instances of the same model. This is nothing unique to EVH, a lot of amps from a lot of amp companies are like this, but I've tested EVH amps myself and it's fairly significant. When the Stealth 50w was announced, I preordered one. I already had a 50w 6L6 head and wanted the "updated" Stealth 6L6 version. I got an email from my preorder dealer right as they released which told me my preorder was going to take "a couple more months," so I ordered another one, intending to cancel the original in the next couple days. However, about 2 days later, I found out that the "couple months" was a bit of an overstatement as both amps arrived at my address on the same day. So, at that time, I had a 50w 6L6 and two 50w Stealth amps in my studio at the same time, and about two weeks before the return period on the first amp was up. So, I did some testing.

To sum it up, one of the 50w Stealth amps sounded basically identical in character but overall slightly thinner in the lows and low mids than my 50w 6L6, with no knobs I could adjust to change that general character, and the other 50w Stealth was basically identical but slightly thicker sounding than my 50w 6L6 in the lows and low mids. Funny enough, I ended up keeping the "Goldilocks" amp, my original 50w 6L6 head, and I returned both Stealth 50w amps. Sound wise, as far as I could hear, if you account for the individual variances of the two 50w Stealths and took basically the "average" of the two, then it seemed the 50w Stealth and 50w 6L6 circuits were pretty much identical. The Blue channels of the 50w Stealth and 50w 6L6 were the same. Same character, same amount of Gain (lots of people say the 50w Stealth's Blue channel has more gain than the 50w 6L6 Blue channel and I can assure you this is not the case), same everything. Same deal with the Red channel. They're the same on both amps. As far as I could tell, besides the 50w Stealth having external bias points, the biggest differences between them was the color. In that sense, we've kind of already had a model of the 50w Stealth's Blue channel in the Axe even before this latest update. :)
I don’t know man. I have had them all too and there are differences. The two 100W Stealth amps I could sort of support your view that they are the same minus power amp tubes.

As for the 50W amps, my Stealth 6L6 50W definitely sounded different than the 6L6 50W (newer version with concentric knobs). The Stealth had more gain, was tighter/less flubby low end, and the green channel could get more crunch out of it than on the regular 6L6.
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I don’t know man. I have had them all too and there are differences. The two 100W Stealth amps I could sort of support your view that they are the same minus power amp tubes.

As for the 50W amps, my Stealth 6L6 50W definitely sounded different than the 6L6 550W (newer version with concentric knobs). The Stealth had more gain, was tighter/less flubby low end, and the green channel could get more crunch out of it than on the regular 6L6.

I'll say that if I had only received one of the two Stealth 50w heads and compared them, I would probably completely agree with you. The first 50w Stealth head I got was just a bit, maybe not "tighter," but thinner and leaner sounding than the 50w 6L6. What I mean is that maybe there wasn't more low cut at the input, but there seemed to be more low end filtered out farther into the circuit. However, the second one was the opposite. To be honest I'm not sure if I just got two Stealths on the opposite end of the component tolerance scale or if I got one that sounded like it should have and another that was WAY out of spec or whatever, but honestly the 50w 6L6 really did sit right between them in basically everything.

I'm not saying your 50w Stealth wasn't better than your 50w 6L6. Maybe it was! But my experience with the amps wasn't like that. I also personally did not notice any significant difference in gain between the Blue or Red channels between the 50w 6L6 and 50w Stealth. There could have very well been differences in your amps, but those differences weren't there in the ones I had.
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I'll say that if I had only received one of the two Stealth 50w heads and compared them, I would probably completely agree with you. The first 50w Stealth head I got was just a bit, maybe not "tighter," but thinner and leaner sounding than the 50w 6L6. What I mean is that maybe there wasn't more low cut at the input, but there seemed to be more low end filtered out farther into the circuit. However, the second one was the opposite. To be honest I'm not sure if I just got two Stealths on the opposite end of the component tolerance scale or if I got one that sounded like it should have and another that was WAY out of spec or whatever, but honestly the 50w 6L6 really did sit right between them in basically everything.

I'm not saying your 50w Stealth wasn't better than your 50w 6L6. Maybe it was! But my experience with the amps wasn't like that. I also personally did not notice any significant difference in gain between the Blue or Red channels between the 50w 6L6 and 50w Stealth. There could have very well been differences in your amps, but those differences weren't there in the ones I had.
From my experience, the 12AX7 preamp tubes and biasing make a significant difference (power amps too, but to a lesser degree). For instance, look at these reference charts:
Far from a 5153 expert, but I did hang on to a 50S because it seemed meaner than other versions I tried.
Side note, depth (back panel control) all the way up is a cheat code to make it a beast. Not sure about the 100W version.
Far from a 5153 expert, but I did hang on to a 50S because it seemed meaner than other versions I tried.
Side note, depth (back panel control) all the way up is a cheat code to make it a beast. Not sure about the 100W version.
That would be too much on the 100W version as it inherently has more low end being a larger power section and transformer. But yes, on the 50W you could dime the resonance and crank the bass to fill it out without getting muddy/flubby.
The original comment was about it being louder, so perceived volume is the only thing that matters in that context. 10dB is only an average too. Perception of volume is funky and varies not only with frequency content but also level, enter our old buddies Fletcher and Munson.
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