Wish Axe-Fx III boot right into Tuner

I just tried it and it didn't work for me. What firmware? What version AFXIII?
I power off with the tuner running and then power it on. But the next power on the tuner is not back.
Maybe I just dreamed that it booted up to tuner when it was powered down in tuner mode. Sorry. That wish still stands I suppose. I have to make sure all volumes are down now. Seems like a reasonable wish and it damn sure would save a ton of noise at power up. If there were a way to set the tuner to activate after a set amount of time after zero input form the instrument, that would be great. Maybe that's another wish, but the first one was so long ago.... why wish?
in b4 "i turned on my axe and there's no sound." :D

Except it will only be muted if your tuner settings are to have it muted. Most people that go "why is there no sound" will probably exit the tuner to try and check what's wrong/what preset/etc and then sound will come back. Never underestimate a user, but I bet most people will fix this before making it far enough to post the question.
I just blew my ears this morning by powering on with an unplugged cable and a preset with lots of distortion last selected.
It doesn't happen often, but it would be great to have the option to power on the AF3 into a tuner or some other option that can be run silent.
You might consider getting a cable with a Neutrik silent plug. That would solve the issue you encountered.
Was meaning to wish this for a long time as well. Never got around to it for some reason.

Glad you posted this. 👍🏻
I think if anything this feature should be defeatable. The LAST thing I want is more mouse clicking or button hunting between me and just playing the guitar.
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