Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 5 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #2

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Yes i tried it several times :cool: jumped between the firmwares and dit everything you normaly

do like amp reset and this things...:)

Also did a new Preset from scretch and did the same and checked via photo of each page...
Please post us your patch (Preset -> Export in AxeEdit) and let us know what guitar and power cab you are using. A recording would also be helpful.
Here are my Patches

I Use a Strandberg OS7 with Abasi Set
Mesa 20/20 Poweramp
Old Engl 4x12 Cab with V30 from early 90´s

I didn´t use efects or some special eq or something...just this patches.
I get my 3 about 2 weeks but came from an 2xl what i used for some years and had some expirience to dail in that kind of tone what i want :)
I hop sombody can help me to use new beta5 and get that result i have in the 15.1 becase the beta sounds in some kind that i can´t describe bette but with the missing lowend...
Thanks to all


  • 5153 Blue 15.1.syx
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  • 5153 Blue.syx
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Why not just turn off all the extra stuff in your patch, so others can hear the amp model? As it is, it’s soupy.
As I said in the post you quoted, I tried to exaggerate the buzzing with the delay and reverb. If you listen for a buzzing or fizzy sound you’ll clearly hear it.
Have you tried adjusting speaker compression, time constant and compliance? Found getting those right gave me the "missing" feel on the attack.
Ah yeah the speaker compression and input dynamics did it for me 😀
I forgot I had nuked all my presets and started fresh and these parameters were still at default 🙈
I'm sure I'll get roasted for this...but...

Is there any chance that the latency has increased overall in this FW?
I don´t know how to discribe because my first languege is not english.

In the beta i like the way of texture the amps sound ist and the feel of it.In the 15.1 it´s a little bit differend.

Beta 5 sounds great via headphones ,but via Poweramp and guitar cab i miss a lot off bottom end.

I also miss the dynamic deph an precence in the Dynamics page.

I tryed to tweak in beta the botom end back but didn´t get it in the way it´s in the 15.1 .

My patch is very simple only Amp and Drive and Cab.

Gretings Andree
Just a suggestion that could help, try making a "system parameters reset" in my case it did open low end, something was stuck after several consequent firmware updates without this reset. It may help.
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I can check. I have mkIIc+ and a jp2c.
The MkIIc+ sounds about right. I didn't go through all the modes but I went through the deep bright and the bright setting. My tapers were different but I could dial things in so they were pretty much the same. I forgot what a bitch dialing a real mkIIc+ can be. The Axe-fx was much easier to tweak (no reaching around the back to adjust presence and all the push\pulls). I don't know why but it was actually pretty easy to get my MkIIc+ to sound like the Fractal's MkIIc++.
The MkIIc+ sounds about right. I didn't go through all the modes but I went through the deep bright and the bright setting. My tapers were different but I could dial things in so they were pretty much the same. I forgot what a bitch dialing a real mkIIc+ can be. The Axe-fx was much easier to tweak (no reaching around the back to adjust presence and all the push\pulls). I don't know why but it was actually pretty easy to get my MkIIc+ to sound like the Fractal's MkIIc++.
thank you for checking, happy to have made you turn on your amp again 😅
These amps are NUTS now!!! I swore at times I was in front a festival stage with amps roaring at my back instead of chatting with my wife at conversation volumes about how great this firmware is

Even she agrees it sounds REALLY killer! And brutal and tight and punchy, and she's a classical concert violinist 😂

Great job again Cliff!!👏

I DO get the real amps having a bit more dynamic range that others mentioned, I heard it on some A/B clips and found my muscle memory on some amps expecting more chunk depending on the attack, but honestly this firmware I can safely say is THE sound and feel of tube amps. We have arrived with modeling.

You have a wife to talk about firmware updates? That is incredible! Where do you find these? Congratulations! My wife only talks about how stupid I am when I forget the discount coupons to buy the yogurts 🥴
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Mine hates my guitars, my gear and my old band.

She probably hates me too. 😓

I would love to talk with her about music.
Mine is the same, and she is a Gemini, so she NEVER STOPS TALKING, NOT EVEN IN HER SLEEP. The Qveen of Kvetch.

I went to the marriage counselor, and told him, "I think my wife is trying to poison me!"

He comes back later, and says, "I talked to your wife for an hour session yesterday. Take the poison!"
You have a wife to talk about firmware updates? That is incredible! Where do you find these? Congratulations! My wife only talks about how stupid I am when I forget the discount coupons to buy the yogurts 🥴
Would you believe we chatted over sushi tonight too about how amazing Cliff is for pumping out high quality firmware and products and so far ahead of the curve that his only competition is his past products?🤣

It came up because she was amazed how every other week I have these 'firmwares' to install, and how she thinks it's amazing to have such a rapid turnover of bug fixes, improvements, and features when Microsoft can't even get their own updates right!

Yes, I am a VERY blessed man 🙌🤣
Ha, I had one of those. We used to call it "the boat anchor".

That was my first real electric (I had a red Kay, probably and SG copy for about 6 months prior to trading it in for the full purchase price of $90 and put it towards the $325 Peavy T-60! Probably 1979, I'm guessing!

Had I known what I was doing, and how the electronics worked, where the tone control from 0-8 was humbucker, and 9-10 was single coil, I might have liked it better. Always played it with both knobs on 10, so always single coil. My next guitar was a Les Paul Custom, and there was that humbucker sound, and it was actually lighter, and smaller sized!
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