Axe Fx II, It's not Hype (IMO)

For god's sake, what sort of a response is that??? As someone else has commented, this forum is becoming more fanatical and elitist by the day. Subjective? Everything is subjective and kenjf's opinion, based on (what would seem) his considerable experience, is as valid as anyone else's. I love my Ultra but I have more than a passing interest in reading reviews and comments made by guys who have high-end, stand alone units like Eventide and TC and the comparison of their choruses/ reverbs/delays etc to the Axe. I can't get the spiky shrill of an MXR 117 flanger etc, and god I've tried. But it's goddamn close. It's all about compromise. Some guitarists will, some won't and I understand both points of view. However, I personally don't want an 8U rack as I used to have, I don't want all the weight and chaos of patch leads, sends/ returns etc, so I'm willing to compromise. To suggest that every amp/cab simulation, effect etc, ends with the Axe is absurd. The Axe is the best there is around, subjectively, IMO, but I am the arbiter of nothing, it just works for me. Let individuals express themselves. Great minds do not think alike and that is precisely why the Axe was created and is still evolving.

Best post of this thread!
As it would seem conditions for conclusive listening were far from perfect. To suggest that going into a small hotelroom, listening to highly subjective material and then go into another hotelroom, listen to other material using completely different means of amplification should give a solid basis to draw conclusions about high end effects gear is... rather odd. Does raise questions about the professionalism of the one suggesting it.

Highly experienced and knowledgeable people that have had ample room to compare any effects unit in discriminative environments (studios) concluded the opposite about the previous rendition of the Axe-FX, yet that does not cause the poster to question the method of comparison, just to get defensive about his opinion.


I'm not an English native so I'm not sure, but isn't an Electrical Engineer someone who designs electrical wiring in buildings? Far throw from Electronics, isn't it? Even if it is the same that still doesn't say much about the value of his opinion.

+1 on a professional expecting to be able to compare two different pieces of gear in two different hotel rooms and then posting to a dedicated forum a warning about purchasing... seemed a little off base to me too.

We call people that wire building Electricans, Electrical Engineers usually means you got a degree in Electrical Engineering from a college but your actual occupation can vary wildy but typically would not be the same as an Electrician.

- Richard
The folks calling foul from both extremes (ie. "Troll!" and "fanatics!") are off the mark.

Keep to the topic and less name calling.
I'm not an English native so I'm not sure, but isn't an Electrical Engineer someone who designs electrical wiring in buildings? Far throw from Electronics, isn't it? Even if it is the same that still doesn't say much about the value of his opinion.

Ether way it was his opinion wether it was accurate or not. The real problem was the fact that he was being called names and being accused of trolling was uncalled for.

EDIT: Ok Im done...
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While I agree that the treatment was less than desirable, as someone did point out... making your first post a negative review on the vendor forum about their new "hot" unheard-by-many product, auditioned live (2nd hand) in less-than-ideal conditions (regardless of one's qualifications) is akin to posting "terrorists suck" on an Al Qaeda forum! What kind of reaction did the individual expect to elicit with his initial comments??
The folks calling foul from both extremes (ie. "Troll!" and "fanatics!") are off the mark.

Keep to the topic and less name calling.


My mind is made up about the Axe but I do like to hear other peoples opinions, usually looking for clues about what not to do, rather than what I should :) I usually figure that part out on my own. but personal attacks based on opinions is not good, remember its just an opinion and not the core of the person. As fas as being biased the only person with an unbiased opinion is someone that has never heard ANY effects processor so that probably counts all of us out :)
Went to the NY Amp Show today (in New Jersey, go figure?) and went with one thing on the agenda, “Axe Fx II”.
I like what I’m seeing on YouTube, but as you guys know nothing like being in front of it yourself. Keep in mind had said pretty much right after the announcement of the AF II, that I would get one of the new units. Pretty much on faith for at the time I never heard one, like everyone else. So I could be considered biased.

Anyway, how do I feel now that I have been in front of one? Want it more than ever! And for those who are on the fence about an upgrade, if you can, I feel it’s worth it. Without writing a novel about a piece of gear, you can already tell I like, and spent a short amount of time with. Some quick highlights, yes the effects sound stellar, the new modeling tech stands out with the amp models, but the new cab models are really outstanding! The USB is really nice also; editor works way faster which means everything can be manipulated faster.

That’s it really just a quick observation, you were also given the opportunity to either play through a real cab or for the FRFR people a pair of Atomics or a set of JBL’s monitors as you can see in the photo, each setup sounded great! Also there was alot of great gear at the show not just Fractal, great tones everywhere and for every style!!. But the Fractal room really did it for me. Not meaning to sound smug after the Fractal room pretty much lost motivation for everything else, but of course went anyway.

John, did you have a chance to dial in a preset or play with any parameters or was it hands off and just listen to what was already dialed up?
The folks calling foul from both extremes (ie. "Troll!" and "fanatics!") are off the mark.
Agreed. Just as people using extreme language ("best ever" and "thin and lifeless") about the device are off the mark.

The first post by the individual in question had all the marks of a troll post. For one thing, he was apparently unaware that any issues of comparison to "the real thing" have been understood and addressed/accepted by the vast majority of the participants here. He also apparently did not realize that there is 15-day trial period. A little surfing of the site in advance of that post would have made matters clearer to him, and I suspect he would have trod a bit more lightly had he done so.
My apologies to everyone here. Including you kenjf. I hadn't had my cup of Joe yet, must of woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something. I was clearly off the mark as Scott stated and had been warned by Java for antagonizing. His post just rubbed me the wrong way. Again, I apologize to everyone.
Agreed. Just as people using extreme language ("best ever" and "thin and lifeless") about the device are off the mark.

The first post by the individual in question had all the marks of a troll post. For one thing, he was apparently unaware that any issues of comparison to "the real thing" have been understood and addressed/accepted by the vast majority of the participants here. He also apparently did not realize that there is 15-day trial period. A little surfing of the site in advance of that post would have made matters clearer to him, and I suspect he would have trod a bit more lightly had he done so.

Jay...even though everything you mention above is true I still don't think it is productive to call him a troll. (which you did when you said "you are feeding a troll").

I certainly appreciate all of the knowledge that you bring to this forum. However, if the global moderators are calling people "trolls" then how could we expect the general user base to adhere to a higher standard?
Agreed. Just as people using extreme language ("best ever" and "thin and lifeless") about the device are off the mark.

The first post by the individual in question had all the marks of a troll post. For one thing, he was apparently unaware that any issues of comparison to "the real thing" have been understood and addressed/accepted by the vast majority of the participants here. He also apparently did not realize that there is 15-day trial period. A little surfing of the site in advance of that post would have made matters clearer to him, and I suspect he would have trod a bit more lightly had he done so.

If someone comments that after using a Framus Dragon, an Eventide or whatever, the Axe sounds "the best ever" or "dull and lifeless", as a former user of both, what is wrong with that? How is it "off the mark"? To me they are reference points.
I agree with Scott in that both sides were off the mark.

For me, it wasn't the "thin..." comment, it was someone with a low low post count posting to the vendor's forum warning people not to buy the Axe II based on the amp show experience.

That seemed suspicious but again was overreacted to, IMO, here as well.


+1 on a professional expecting to be able to compare two different pieces of gear in two different hotel rooms and then posting to a dedicated forum a warning about purchasing... seemed a little off base to me too.

We call people that wire building Electricans, Electrical Engineers usually means you got a degree in Electrical Engineering from a college but your actual occupation can vary wildy but typically would not be the same as an Electrician.

- Richard

To be fair to the guy, Electrical Engineers are extremely diverse in terms of the work they can do. Electricians install and fix building wiring but the Engineers still design the building's wire infrastructure. Some of us do go into Electronics, components and some go into power distribution and generation. Contractors (electricians) still do the grunt work. Just thought I would clear that up. Oh and this tread is pointless btw.
Jay...even though everything you mention above is true I still don't think it is productive to call him a troll.
As it turns out, perhaps not. My intent was to discourage hostile responses, because that is what trolls are looking for. I should have worded my post differently.

However, if the global moderators are calling people "trolls" then how could we expect the general user base to adhere to a higher standard?
Sometimes the shoe fits, and calling 'em as you see 'em is the best approach. We've certainly had our share of trolls here. In this case, perhaps I was premature in that characterization. Time will tell.
If someone comments that after using a Framus Dragon, an Eventide or whatever, the Axe sounds "the best ever" or "dull and lifeless", as a former user of both, what is wrong with that?
Neither is correct. Both are hyperbole. A reasoned, nuanced comparison has credibility. An extreme one does not.
As it turns out, perhaps not. My intent was to discourage hostile responses, because that is what trolls are looking for. I should have worded my post differently.

Sometimes the shoe fits, and calling 'em as you see 'em is the best approach. We've certainly had our share of trolls here. In this case, perhaps I was premature in that characterization. Time will tell.

Jay, no disrespect meant for your contribution to the forum, but it seems that most of the time I check out a thread of interest to me where you are active, it seems you are either telling someone they're wrong, in the middle of a crap-flinging competition, or trying to explain how there might be a one in million chance that you MAY have been wrong...without ever really admitting it. :) I don't claim to know why that is. That's just what it looks like from my corner of the world.

Enjoy your day,
My apologies to everyone here. Including you kenjf. I hadn't had my cup of Joe yet, must of woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something. I was clearly off the mark as Scott stated and had been warned by Java for antagonizing. His post just rubbed me the wrong way. Again, I apologize to everyone.

Way to be man... we can all respond to things the wrong way or make knee jerk emotional reactions but it takes a real man to admit or apologize on a public forum when he has done so, I commend you sir ;) .
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