Axe-Fx II Firmware 18.10 Released

The changes were only to the power amp modeling which isn't used in your case. There were no changes at all to the preamp modeling therefore your presets should be identical. Check your cables, systems settings, etc.

Problem solved with 18.11 fw , thanks Cliff !!
I'm glad that most of the forum appears to be in agreement that as far as amp modeling goes the axe fx has pretty much hit it's peak and most likely all future changes to the preamp modeling will be so subtle most will not even notice except for the constant tweakers & Eric Johnson.


LOL! I thought exactly this same thing when I read that statement. I guess I'm just too optimistic. I agree that modeling is better than ever, but perfection even insofar as amp emulation isn't there yet. And I suspect Cliff and his crew are clever enough that they will be pushing for good sounds that could never have been done on a tube guitar amp.

Plenty of room to grow.
LOL! I thought exactly this same thing when I read that statement. I guess I'm just too optimistic. I agree that modeling is better than ever, but perfection even insofar as amp emulation isn't there yet. And I suspect Cliff and his crew are clever enough that they will be pushing for good sounds that could never have been done on a tube guitar amp.

Plenty of room to grow.

My point of that statement is, if two people are listening to two recordings, one with a real 1964 Vibroverb, and one with a Fractal doing a 64 Vibroverb, and they can't correctly identify the real amp from the fractal.... then how much more better can you get it? If it's so good that people can't tell the difference when listening to recordings, then what advantage is further "improvements" in the tone if you have to have bat hearing to notice it? Also... even if there are improvements, then at a certain point after the Axe sounds just like what ever amp fill in the blank, at that point it seems if any improvement occurs that is easily audibly noticeable then it would cease to be exactly like a recreation of a original amp and instead a deviation of said amp.

I don't want the 64 Vibroverbs to sound "better" than 64 vibroberbs or old plexi marshalls that VH used... what I'm saying is all I want from Fractal is a unit that can clone the sound of those old amps to perfection... once that's done, it's done in my book.

So all I was concluding is the majority of people in this forum seem to agree with me that the Fractal can produce recorded sounds that sound indistinguishable from the recorded sounds of amps it mimics.

It's great that Fractal continues to explore "new" sounds... but I only have interest in sounds on my favorite cds. I have very little interest in using any tone that hasn't already been used by Rhoads, EVH, Malmsteen, Vai etc.

So my bottom line point was, this is great that Fractal has now evolved to this point, because when I bought my Fractal back in 2006 or when ever the 1st units came out, it was close, but nowhere as near as close as it is now. Now I feel it's at a point to where real amps are literally obsolete. Just like Film cameras are obsolete to all except then a small niche community of people obessed with old prehistoric technology. I love digital, digital everything. I also prefer digital over vinyl any day... I've never heard vinyl that didn't have hiss, or all those snaps and pops and crackling statically sounds in it and I can't enjoy music with all that noise in it, I know that's slightly off my point, but just saying digital is at a point now where it's superior to analog.

My bottom line again, was it seems like now is the best time to buy Fractal because it's reached it's peak, no matter what happens in the future, I don't think the core of the amp tones will dramatically change from how they sound now.

When version 10 or whatever version came out and Mark Day did those demo's for Autograph Turn Up The Radio, and Van Halen Somebody Get Me A Doctor were uploaded to you tube, that's all I needed to hear Fractal has finally "arrived".

Even though now you are on ver 18, I can't hear a huge difference in the tones & distortion between what people are uploading of ver 18 vs what Mark Day was doing on those two particular videos he did.

It's great when something can be perfect just the way it is.
It's cool that you're satisfied, soon. And it's probably good that some of us still aren't quite content. The fact that I might not hear the difference in a mix doesn't mean to me that we've arrived, just that it's good enough for most purposes. I'm a perfectionist though, and I also am after a duplication of the feel of interaction between amp and guitar and fingers.

Cliff (and probably Kemper and others) have opened a door that lets us think about new ways to make musical noises. And if he'd stopped and said "close enough" back at v. 10, I for one wouldn't be nearly has happy.

No real dog in this fight, but my hackles rise a little when I hear someone speaking on behalf of the majority.
But there has to come a time at some point when the painting is finished and the painter has to walk away.
To be fair a lot of upgrades are actually a bug fix with something new thrown in as well.
But there has to come a time at some point when the painting is finished and the painter has to walk away.
To be fair a lot of upgrades are actually a bug fix with something new thrown in as well.

I'm not against this at all.

But to say "most of the forum agrees" as the opener... well that's just not true :) That was what I disagreed with. Most of the forum does not feel this way.

It is a bumpy road though sometimes in regards to keeping up. Change for improvement is the philosophy and I expect will continue to be.
But there has to come a time at some point when the painting is finished and the painter has to walk away. To be fair a lot of upgrades are actually a bug fix with something new thrown in as well.


There may come a time for this particular piece of hardware, but why should FAS ever stop trying to make this more versatile, robust, and better sounding?
Now which would your rather see here:

The latest update, #xx.xx is available NOW! I just had an epiphany, and here is the result for FREE!

-OR -


There may come a time for this particular piece of hardware, but why should FAS ever stop trying to make this more versatile, robust, and better sounding?

I was talking about this particular piece of hardware. What else would I be talking about? When it has reached a point where it sounds exactly the same as what it is modelling, what is there to improve upon?
I was talking about this particular piece of hardware. What else would I be talking about? When it has reached a point where it sounds exactly the same as what it is modelling, what is there to improve upon?

Glad you're satisfied. I'm not, at least on some amps. Some are great...even better than ones I have played. Some are still decidedly lacking in sound, feel or both.
Glad you're satisfied. I'm not, at least on some amps. Some are great...even better than ones I have played. Some are still decidedly lacking in sound, feel or both.

I agree. I never said I was satisfied anywhere in any of my posts. I still think there is lots of room for improvement. It was just an observation.
When it has reached a point where it sounds exactly the same as what it is modelling, what is there to improve upon?
There will still be plenty to improve upon. The tube amps being modeled aren't the last word in amp tone; they're just the best tones that 80-year-old tube technology can deliver. The Axe has already surpassed that in some ways, with dynamic processing that real tubes can't touch. Who knows what will come next?
Clearly at some point the processing power will increase and the oversampling will be higher. Maybe the Axefx will output above 24/48. I look forward to axe3
I never said anything along the lines of I'd like to see Fractal stop updating the unit. It's ridiculous that someone could have taken that away from my posts. I don't think anything will be done to the Fractal though to get you any closer to the tone of the old VH records than what we already have, because the unit is already delivering that. I think most people on this board are just addicted to updates. I said most people again, because I think it's hilarious that people on here get annoyed that I would use a phrase like "most people" and they themselves turn around and say how dare I, that most people think the opposite.... I really don't care, I stand behind what I said, I've been reading this forum from day one of it's start and have probably read almost every post on this board, at least all the ones that are relevant to the axe fx unit, and I feel I have a good idea of how the majority of the board feels about things, I see trends here among people, it's not difficult to draw a general idea of how people feel. Also I am in the camp of people on here that think Cliff could release a new FW update tomorrow and the upstate actually just be a trick that there was no update, but only him saying it and bumping it to 19, half the people here to download it would think their Fractal was even better sounding than before, when nothing had changed.... Anyone that is telling me there's room to improve on the VH tones, then I guess you think you could pass a blind-folded test? I doubt anyone could tell the difference between Mark Day playing VH on the Fractal vs Mark Day playing VH on a mic'd amp. We are talking about recordings here just to be clear, not amp in the room. I've never liked the amp in the room sound. I don't even like live sound in bars or concerts. I only enjoy music after it's been recorded coming out of high quality headphones or studio monitors. But yeah, I never said Cliff should stop updating the unit, I just said certain parts of the unit have gone as far as they will ever go. If a amp in the Fractal nails the VH sound to where you can't tell it from a real amp, in what way can that be improved. I only care about ONE lead tone, ONE rhythm tone, and ONE clean tone. I don't really care about thousands of tones... but I never suggested for Cliff to stop evolving the unit. But I will burn my guitar the day I hear the Fractal get any closer to the old VH sound than it already has. It's already nailed it. Hell when Cliff posted that sound clip of him demonstrating that new power strip or whatever kinda strip that was and he was doing a EVH song, at first I thought that was really Eddie Van Halen playing! The Fractal is a amp killer. Unless you actually like the tone of a "amp in the room", which I strongly don't, then I don't know why you'd ever want a amp. I also never said the Fractal perfectly reproduced ALL amps.... I don't care about anything that's not a Marshall or Fender, and I only care about EVH, Vai, SRV, Randy Rhoads, and Malmsteen. So the Fractal seems to already nail the tones that I like 100% perfect, even though I don't have a Fractal yet, but I've listened to everything you people post on this forum and everything I find on youtube.
I never said anything along the lines of I'd like to see Fractal stop updating the unit. It's ridiculous that someone could have taken that away from my posts. I don't think anything will be done to the Fractal though to get you any closer to the tone of the old VH records than what we already have, because the unit is already delivering that. I think most people on this board are just addicted to updates. I said most people again, because I think it's hilarious that people on here get annoyed that I would use a phrase like "most people" and they themselves turn around and say how dare I, that most people think the opposite.... I really don't care, I stand behind what I said, I've been reading this forum from day one of it's start and have probably read almost every post on this board, at least all the ones that are relevant to the axe fx unit, and I feel I have a good idea of how the majority of the board feels about things, I see trends here among people, it's not difficult to draw a general idea of how people feel. Also I am in the camp of people on here that think Cliff could release a new FW update tomorrow and the upstate actually just be a trick that there was no update, but only him saying it and bumping it to 19, half the people here to download it would think their Fractal was even better sounding than before, when nothing had changed.... Anyone that is telling me there's room to improve on the VH tones, then I guess you think you could pass a blind-folded test? I doubt anyone could tell the difference between Mark Day playing VH on the Fractal vs Mark Day playing VH on a mic'd amp. We are talking about recordings here just to be clear, not amp in the room. I've never liked the amp in the room sound. I don't even like live sound in bars or concerts. I only enjoy music after it's been recorded coming out of high quality headphones or studio monitors. But yeah, I never said Cliff should stop updating the unit, I just said certain parts of the unit have gone as far as they will ever go. If a amp in the Fractal nails the VH sound to where you can't tell it from a real amp, in what way can that be improved. I only care about ONE lead tone, ONE rhythm tone, and ONE clean tone. I don't really care about thousands of tones... but I never suggested for Cliff to stop evolving the unit. But I will burn my guitar the day I hear the Fractal get any closer to the old VH sound than it already has. It's already nailed it. Hell when Cliff posted that sound clip of him demonstrating that new power strip or whatever kinda strip that was and he was doing a EVH song, at first I thought that was really Eddie Van Halen playing! The Fractal is a amp killer. Unless you actually like the tone of a "amp in the room", which I strongly don't, then I don't know why you'd ever want a amp. I also never said the Fractal perfectly reproduced ALL amps.... I don't care about anything that's not a Marshall or Fender, and I only care about EVH, Vai, SRV, Randy Rhoads, and Malmsteen. So the Fractal seems to already nail the tones that I like 100% perfect, even though I don't have a Fractal yet, but I've listened to everything you people post on this forum and everything I find on youtube.

The Enter key is right above the right-hand Shift key.
I never said anything along the lines of I'd like to see Fractal stop updating the unit. It's ridiculous that someone could have taken that away from my posts.


I'm glad that most of the forum appears to be in agreement that as far as amp modeling goes the axe fx has pretty much hit it's peak and most likely all future changes to the preamp modeling will be so subtle most will not even notice except for the constant tweakers & Eric Johnson. To me, that's good(snip).

Sorry if I made a ridiculous leap. I don't hear tonal perfection the same way that you do, and I didn't hear "most of the forum" saying that any other changes in amp modeling are going to be that subtle. I think some amps that I like have real room for improvement.

Just updated from 18.08 to 18.11, not knowing what I'd missed in 18.10; immediately noticed a change in sound and feel on my primary amp, for the better.
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