Axe-Fx II Firmware 15.00 Public Beta

Axe-Fx XL FW 15.00 Public Beta. When I change presets there is 2-3 short episodes like unconnect. Just after change. I tried different presets -the same scenario. /Michael

Do you have Axe-Edit running at the same time and are changing patches from the front panel and/or MFC? If so, that's normal as the software and the box synchronize up. Basic rule: If you have Axe-Edit connected/running, do everything from there.

I'm new to the Axe fx, bought the xl to help with getting the sound I hear in the room that I can never quite capture with micing the cabs. Busy guy, only ever made one preset based around my live rig, an Orange Rockerverb 50H MK1, had the right sort of sound, close but still a little off to me, I found some time to play around last night, installed the beta 15 FW, changed my presets, and dialled it in against the real deal with a ab switch, incredible! the only audible difference is that the real RV is pushed through a 2x12 orange and the Axe through a matrix power amp with an Orange 4x12, but sounds exactly like I would expect the Orange to sound throughout the larger incredible!

well done!
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yek, can anything be purchased for guys without the XL so that we have that same safety net?

I believe you can contact Support and buy the recovery EPROM.
ICE you can install that and get your unit back running.

PS I've never had to use it.
+1 , Said a mouthful there, I agree

Could not agree more. FAS do an absolutely beyond amazing job. Had Line6 and Boss stuff and more than pleased with the word 'HAD'. Even the minor releases from FAS have goodies. Let's be thankful...VERY Cliff and his team for what is a blessing in technology and utter enjoyment.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I had an idea last night. I'm going to add an "Update Amp Blocks in All Presets" function to the Utility menu. This will set all parameters in each amp block in all presets to the default values EXCEPT for the following:
Drive (Input Drive, Overdrive, etc.)
Bass, Mid, Treble, Bright
Presence, Depth
Cut, Fat, Bright and Fat switches
Master Volume and Output Level
Pick Attack

So all the advanced parameters and any others not listed above will be set to default values.

Would you add the amp EQ page values to the things that do not go to default?
It's beta. It probably has bugs. It will change the sound of things. Presets created with this are not compatible with earlier firmware so back your presets up.

I haven't seen anyone reporting bugs so far. Has anyone found any bugs in the 15 beta? Most everyone seems to like it. I'll probably wait for the official release. I'm looking forward to it. Thanks for your continuing improvements to an already great unit.
Yes, I forgot about those but that would make sense.

Matt had a good idea and that was to extend the function to just do the current preset.

I'm not sure how it would be implemented, maybe in Axe Edit only, but being able to freeze certain advanced parameters like speaker low freq. resonance, transformer drive, so they don't change would be great for me. Just a thought. Also, maybe an undo if you don't like the results? BTW, great update! Looking forward to the final version.
I had an idea last night. I'm going to add an "Update Amp Blocks in All Presets" function to the Utility menu. This will set all parameters in each amp block in all presets to the default values EXCEPT for the following:
Drive (Input Drive, Overdrive, etc.)
Bass, Mid, Treble, Bright
Presence, Depth
Cut, Fat, Bright and Fat switches
Master Volume and Output Level
Pick Attack

So all the advanced parameters and any others not listed above will be set to default values.

I love you, man.

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