Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Public Beta #2 (Beta 2)

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I understand that Master Volume on ODS has a bright cap. But would somebody please explain this in layman's terms:
A bright cap is a part of the circuit that allows some highs to bypass the volume control in question. That makes the amp brighter at lower settings of that volume control.

A bright cap is more typically used on a channel volume (gain) control than on master volume, this is an exception as I understand it.

EDIT: To clarify, Fractal amps with a bright cap typically have a setting for how big it is, with higher values making it have more effect, and a Bright Switch, which takes it out of the circuit completely when it's off.

I don't know if either or both of those exist in this particular amp, or if it has separate ones for the gain and master volume controls.
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I still have about another dozen amps to verify but I'd like to get this out for some testing before the final release.

Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Notes​


New “Cygnus X-2” amp modeling:

  • Improved Amp block output transformer algorithm. New algorithm more accurately models B-H curve resulting in a clearer low end. New algorithm now also accounts for effect of speaker impedance on transformer response.
  • Improved power tube modeling. This yields better dynamics, improved low frequency accuracy and more accurate interaction with output transformer.
  • Improved cathode follower algorithm. Provides more accurate “cleanup” when volume is rolled off.
  • Improved triode algorithm more accurately models plate bypass capacitors.
  • Various other improvements.
  • Many amp models have been updated as a result of the aforementioned improvements.
The default values of various parameters have been updated. Existing presets are automatically updated to the new values upon load.

Improved modeling accuracy for following Amp models:

  • Plexi 50W Jumped
  • Plexi 100W Jumped
  • Brit JM45 Jumped
  • 1987X Jumped
  • 1959SLP Jumped
  • Plexi 100W 1970
  • Deluxe Tweed Jumped
  • Two Stone J35 and J35 PAB
  • Fox ODS and ODS Deep
  • Nuclear Tone
  • All Solo 88, 99 and 100 models
  • All Bogfish models
  • All Spawn Q-Rod models
  • All Spawn Nitrous models
  • All Vibrato Verb models
  • All Deluxe Verb models
  • All Double Verb models
  • All Brit 800 models
  • All Brit JVM models
  • All Friedman BE/HBE V2 and V3 models
  • Friedman Small Box
  • Cornfed M50
Improved Drive block modeling to more accurately model effects of op-amp finite open-loop gain and GBW product.

Added “Griddle Cake” Drive model based on a Crowther Hot Cake. The “XLF” switch on the pedal can be replicated by turning the Bass Response knob fully CW.

Added “Overdrive Volume” parameter to Dumble-type amp models (ODS-100, Two Stone, etc.). This is sometimes labeled “Ratio” or “Lead Master”. As the Master Volume on these amps often has a bright capacitor the Overdrive Volume control allows setting the Master Volume higher to counteract the bright cap and then lowering the power amp drive with the Volume.

Added “Plate Suppressor Diodes” parameter. This value is set automatically when the amp model is chosen but the user can override the default setting. Most amps do not have suppressor diodes but some do (e.g., Trainwreck Express). These diodes (also called “snubber” or “flyback” diodes) prevent undershoot on the power tube plates due to inductive kick and reduce upper harmonics thereby reducing “fizz”.

The Ideal amp controls have been updated.

Added Brit Studio 20 Amp model based on a Marshall SV20H.

Added Plexi 50W 6CA7 Jumped Amp model. This is simply the jumped version of the Plexi 50W 6CA7.

Renamed USA Clean to USA Rhythm 1 to be more in line with actual amp.

Reduced CPU usage in some cases.

Fixed wrong coupling capacitor value in 1959SLP Treble, 1959SLP Jumped and 1987x Treble amp models.

Fixed wrong resistor value in tone stack of Solo 88 Rhythm and Lead models. Probably not audible though.

Fixed low frequency behavior of Recto2 models due to loss of precision.

Fixed wrong treble pot taper in CA3+ models.

Fixed wrong capacitor value in Friedman HBE V1 Fat model.

Fixed wrong resistor value in AC-20 12AX7 models.

Fixed wrong Depth knob taper in Archean models.

Fixed High Mid control in Drive block set to minimum when importing presets created prior to 19.01.

Various other fixes and improvements.
So very cool. Thanks. Does this use the same Axe-Edit or is that going to be updated too?

Cliff, any chance you could take a break from the AxeFX III and work with the FM3 and FM9 teams for a few weeks to help them get caught up? You are a coding machine! New updates just about every week and even releasing updates on Sunday evening. That is so impressive. You certainly are dedicated to your craft and your company. How about throwing a little love toward the FM crowd. 😂😂😂

Seriously, you impress the hell out of me. Keep up the good work!
I think it would be best to power through finishing the big 21 update, then work on getting the FM all the way caught up to 21.
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It will in time but it’s only in Beta here and Cliff said he has more amps to do so this will likely have to go Beta 3 before release
Sure. Makes sense.

I’m also hopeful that as more FM9s enter with wild, update cycles will become more frequent as well, since there is more demand.
Sure. Makes sense.

I’m also hopeful that as more FM9s enter with wild, update cycles will become more frequent as well, since there is more demand.
That corollary has not proved true with respect to the FM3. There are a lot of FM3 users but there haven't been any firmware updates since May. The Axe-FX has always had updates at a much greater frequency than the non-flagship models. There is no reason to believe that the frequency of updates for the FM9 will be any higher than it is for the FM3 (which is 2-3 updates a year at this point).
That corollary has not proved true with respect to the FM3. There are a lot of FM3 users but there haven't been any firmware updates since May. The Axe-FX has always had updates at a much greater frequency than the non-flagship models. There is no reason to believe that the frequency of updates for the FM9 will be any higher than it is for the FM3 (which is 2-3 updates a year at this point).
True, but the reason for slow FM3 updates may be more about the difficulty of getting the firmware to run on a lesser processor & the choices that need to be made as to what to leave out to make it work. The FM9 will have that issue as well but to a lesser degree since it has a more powerful processor than the FM3. Pure speculation on my part for sure but it would make sense, at least on my laymen's level of understanding.
The FM9 will have that issue as well but to a lesser degree since it has a more powerful processor than the FM3.
And even Ax3mk2 could have that issue as well to an even lesser lesser degree since it has a more powerful processor that the still supported Ax3mk1 (there could (not seen by us) be iterations of development that occur within an Ax3 release that focus on getting new stuff to fit in the mk1).
And even Ax3mk2 could have that issue as well to an even lesser lesser degree since it has a more powerful processor that the still supported Ax3mk1 (there could (not seen by us) be iterations of development that occur within an Ax3 release that focus on getting new stuff to fit in the mk1).
Maybe you are wrong about this Axe3 MkI and MKII processor comparison, you mean Turbo variant with this "...more powerful processor...".
And even Ax3mk2 could have that issue as well to an even lesser lesser degree since it has a more powerful processor that the still supported Ax3mk1 (there could (not seen by us) be iterations of development that occur within an Ax3 release that focus on getting new stuff to fit in the mk1).
It's only the turbo version that is more powerful. The MKI & MKII are the same processor power.
Maybe you are wrong about this Axe3 MkI and MKII processor comparison, you mean Turbo variant with this "...more powerful processor...".

It's only the turbo version that is more powerful. The MKI & MKII are the same processor power.

yes, sorry, I meant Turbo vs mk1/2 - it may be possible to have more functionality on the Turbo version but that still needs to fit in a non-turbo.
I understand that Master Volume on ODS has a bright cap. But would somebody please explain this in layman's terms:
“the Overdrive Volume control allows setting the Master Volume higher to counteract the bright cap and then lowering the power amp drive with the Volume.”
The higher you crank the Master Volume, the less effect the bright cap has. With the new Overdrive Volume Control, you can crank up the Master to make things less bright, but keep the same amount of power-amp distortion by turning down Overdrive Volume.
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