Axe-Fest II

I pledge $100 (seriously). Or you can use Kickstarter.

Here's a topic to cover -- comparing amp-in-the-room vs recorded-amp. With a demo.

And/or a tone matching A/B test.
Even better... fly me over and my company will do it for you. ;)

Hiring someone to videotape for 16 to 18 hours and then edit it is no small expense. Not here at least. When its all said and done the presenter and/or performer has control whether the video is released to the public. A couple of us edited a lot of footage last year taken from 3 cameras. As you know that is very time consuming. You saw the videos we did release and I think they came out fairly well. But the truth of the matter is that we had just a few weeks to prepare the whole event and much of the video wasn't as polished from a pro point of view. The room is small and the lighting was not stellar at the location of the event. So we chose not to release some of it.

It was all done voluntarily by persons attending the event. I felt it took away from their experience. This year I am putting my camera on a tripod at that back of the room so it will take in the whole stage and basically turning it on and leaving it fairly unattended. If we get decent enough video where there is a positive consensus amongst FAS, the presenter/artist, and myself then I'll release it to the public. There are no promises.

And there is always the argument that if you want to see it then come to the event. :)
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It was all done voluntarily by persons attending the event. I felt it took away from their experience.

It's a totally different experience working an event, than attending one. Even when we did get a chance to just watch ie Dweezil, Tosin etc, it didnt quite feel like I was "off the clock", but maybe that's just me ;)

and I dont consider myself to have been nearly as involved as you were Craig...
And there is always the argument that if you want to see it then come to the event. :)

Apologies for highlighting the obvious....the event is (1) tiny, (2) sold out, and (3) inaccessible to the majority of a very geographically scattered group.

I appreciate your efforts, and will keep my fingers crossed.
Like I said, it was just a humble opinion. If I could be there I'd do it for free. Editing, audio, feedback round, finalizing, uploading.. I know you guys have a lot on your mind already and I’m not saying you're doing anything wrong. Simply stating that the point of this get-together is to go oldschool and physically meet and advertise. Many people feel left outside. (me :( )

I'm so gonna create a Finnish Axe-IR festival where we make the worlds best IRs together but no one shares. It's just for the ones who could make it. Oh.. you can tone match from the YouTube content picked up by a camera mic. :D
Apologies for highlighting the obvious....the event is (1) tiny, (2) sold out, and (3) inaccessible to the majority of a very geographically scattered group.

I appreciate your efforts, and will keep my fingers crossed.

Well, the obvious to me is as I said. The ultimate decisions whether to release what video is taken is in the Hands of FAS and the presenter/artist. (1) Since interest was greater this year maybe we will expand a little next year. Judging possible attendance is a crapshoot at best. (2) It sold out two months after it was announced and we made periodic posts stating availability. (3) Nothing is inaccessible in this day and age. We have people attending from Europe, Asia, and South America this year.

I absolutely understand that it may not be practical for many to attend due to distance, cost, and schedules. Everyone is doing their utmost to provide the best possible experience for those who do attend. That is our primary goal! Other than the GENEROUS support of the sponsors the majority of persons involved in making this happen are doing so on a voluntary basis. We will do our best to release documentation of the event if possible but as I said there are no promises due to the reasons already stated. Though maybe not desirable I certainly hope it is understandable.
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Like I said, it was just a humble opinion. If I could be there I'd do it for free. Editing, audio, feedback round, finalizing, uploading.. I know you guys have a lot on your mind already and I’m not saying you're doing anything wrong. Simply stating that the point of this get-together is to go oldschool and physically meet and advertise. Many people feel left outside. (me :( )

I'm so gonna create a Finnish Axe-IR festival where we make the worlds best IRs together but no one shares. It's just for the ones who could make it. Oh.. you can tone match from the YouTube content picked up by a camera mic. :D

I appreciate you offering to do all the video work for free if you "could" be here. I am sorry you feel left out as well.

You also make it sound like we or I am being petty and spiteful and nothing could be further from the truth. I have stated the reasons numerously why we didn't release "some" of the video from last year and what will go into the decisions with regards to documentation this year. It is what it is.
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It's a totally different experience working an event, than attending one. Even when we did get a chance to just watch ie Dweezil, Tosin etc, it didnt quite feel like I was "off the clock", but maybe that's just me ;)

and I dont consider myself to have been nearly as involved as you were Craig...

It's not just you at all. Your support and generosity last year was tremendous. I was sad to see you couldn't make it this year.
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Though maybe not desirable I certainly hope it is understandable.

I suspect you may have taken my post in a different way than I intended. Again, I appreciate the efforts of all of the volunteer contributors to something like this. Really. Sincerely.

Your explanation is clear, but it won't keep the 99.9% of AxeFX owners--who for whatever reason couldn't make plans to fly to California at just the right moment--from begging. Myself included. ;)
I suspect you may have taken my post in a different way than I intended. Again, I appreciate the efforts of all of the volunteer contributors to something like this. Really. Sincerely.

Your explanation is clear, but it won't keep the 99.9% of AxeFX owners--who for whatever reason couldn't make plans to fly to California at just the right moment--from begging. Myself included. ;)

I apologize if I came off as overly sensitive. I took a lot of heat last year for not releasing some of the videos. Take for instance our FRFR shootout. We had a large variety of monitors there and it was a great experience to get to see & hear them all in one place. After reviewing the video we took when the group went through the various monitors we decided that it didn't properly represent what we experienced first hand due to different shooting angles, mic position etc. As you have seen with similar "shootout" threads they can turn ugly quickly so therefor we decided collectively not to release it and avoid the backlash.

When it is all said and done this year we will see what's on the video and determine if it meets all parties expectations and make decisions accordingly. We are not putting anywhere near the emphasis on videotaping as we did last you so that is why I cautioned with the "no promises".

Again, sorry if I came off as overly defensive. It's been a long week.:roll
I'm giving a presentation on Sunday. If you have specific requests on topics you would like to see covered please list them and I'll give them consideration.

I'm thinking it will be mostly a question-and-answer session.

I cannot attend, but ... UltraRes (TM)! :encouragement:
Just got home from hanging out with Matt and Cooper at The Baked Potato. What an incredible night of music!!! It just doesn't get any better.

All of you attending Axe Fest are in for a real treat!!! ;)

Yep - FAS picked a great week for Axe Fest II - the Friday-Monday shows at the Baked Potato are all loaded with stellar players and all the shows are worth attending. You may recognize these guys from their session work and or projects:

E.g., Steve Weingart plays keys for Simon Phillips, Steve Lukather and Dave Weckl. Steve is playing Friday with drummer Joey Heredia.

Session great Mitch Forman plays keys for fusion superband Metro (with Chuck Loeb, the guitarist he met while playing for Stan Getz). Mitch is playing Saturday and Sunday and frequents the Monday Night Jammz.

Doug Webb is absolutely fantastic, highly accessibile and down to earth and the guys in his band are all killer musicians. Doug is playing Sunday and frequents the Monday Night Jammz.

Guitarist John Zeigler of the Volto band is just phenomenal and spearhead's the Monday Night Jammz expertly covering jazz standards of Miles, Shorter, Hancock, Jaco, etc., at heavy and very loud fusion-metal levels (bring ear plugs but do not miss the Jammmz if you are hanging around through Monday night). John is playing Sunday and Monday.

Wish I could be there to meet Cliff, Scott, Cobbler and the Legion of Extraordinary Fractalites! :D
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