AX-8 10.00 Release Candidate #2

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Rex, there seems to be a connection to the bank the preset is stored in and/or the preset that has been used before. I'll see if I can take a few things out of the equation and confirm others to provide a simple way to reproduce it.
That would help.
FW 10 RC2 @ rehearsal last night.....

Switching in between banks after playing a couple hours got me no sound at all. Had to restart teh AX8, then all was well.
It's not an X/Y thing. It's clipping because your X signal is way hot. You've dialed in a lot more gain than you have on Y, but you've got the Amp block's Level control set the same as the Y side. Drop that Level by about 10 dB, and you're set. :)
This is a prime candidate for scene modifiers
Well, 10RC2 is working like a champ for me. I have a number of "fussy" presets: Scene controllers adjusting gain staging: Input trim, Input gain, MV (for MV amps) or MV trim, and scene volume adjustments. Expression pedals will be doing the usual wah, or Rotary rate and depth or the like. Older 9.04 presets now work fine without adjustment, but of course I find some little tweaks to suit the mood. I do X and Y switching only with scene changes - the foot switches disabled for X/Y (faster switching and less confusion/mistakes in my workflow). Its all working fast and clean and reliably. I'm noticing more nuanced differences between cabinet models (which it seems to me comes down to the power amp interaction with the IR).

So, goodbye 9.04 <sniff> I probably won't be seeing you again: it was lovely knowing ye, and I cherish our time together: but I'm committing myself to 10, even though there may yet be a few warts to be discovered and removed, there's a hint more bounce in the step, and well, who can say no to the new Friedman?

So, hope some of you find this useful; break time's over: back to rocking out.
Loaded RC2 yesterday but only had time to play for a little while. The one thing I did notice was that on a sampling of my go-to presets, the gain was approximately the same as 9.04 - which is fine w/ me, I liked how they were. Haven't gotten into checking any assignments or anything yet.

I won't be playing w/ a band till next week, and for the moment I'm using my old presets from the last band since it's really more in the audition stage. It'll be hard to do a direct comparison because it's a new setting and songs, and because I'm running into the return of a MkIII until I start bringing my gear... maybe I'll bring my own rig this next time. (nothing wrong w/ a MkIII though ;-)
Hey Cliff @FractalAudio, I found a bug in the 'Balance' control in the Amp block. I use this control in quite a few of my presets. I had a few emails from clients that had experienced issues with many of my presets during some of the beta versions. I usually don't upgrade until there is a stable release, but I upgraded to 'Q10 rc#2' to see what the issue was that was being reported using the latest release.

When the Amp block 'Balance' parameter is set to center or left, and outputs evenly to both sides. When set to right, there is no output at all.
When the Amp block 'Balance' parameter is set to center or left, and outputs evenly to both sides. When set to right, there is no output at all.
What's the CAB block post-AMP block set to for input?
Hey Cliff @FractalAudio, I found a bug in the 'Balance' control in the Amp block. I use this control in quite a few of my presets. I had a few emails from clients that had experienced issues with many of my presets during some of the beta versions. I usually don't upgrade until there is a stable release, but I upgraded to 'Q10 rc#2' to see what the issue was that was being reported using the latest release.

When the Amp block 'Balance' parameter is set to center or left, and outputs evenly to both sides. When set to right, there is no output at all.

Thought we discussed this recently?
@FractalAudio ....Also, there is a HUGE difference in the high-end of the Drive and Amp models between this firmware and 9.04? And all of the drive models seem to be louder than in 9.04? I tested this with no other blocks, including the cab block, in order to be able to compare the full frequency spectrum between the 2 firmwares.

I don't remember this difference when I tested Q 10.01 on my Axe-Fx II?

I'm going to update my Axe-Fx II to Q 10.01, and then compare the drive and amp blocks in isolation to the AX8 on the latest firmware next.

Never mind....... I'm an Idiot! See post #104 for
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Thought we discussed this recently?
That was for the Axe-Fx III.... the Cab block is different in the AX8/Axe-Fx II. Even when the Cab block is set to 'Sum L+R', the Amp 'Balance' is not working correctly.

Panning pre-cab with any other block works as intended.
When the Amp block 'Balance' parameter is set to center or left, and outputs evenly to both sides. When set to right, there is no output at all.
Confirmed. When the Cab block’s Input Select is set to Stereo, it’s behaving as if it were set to Left.
That was for the Axe-Fx III.... the Cab block is different in the AX8/Axe-Fx II. Even when the Cab block is set to 'Sum L+R', the Amp 'Balance' is not working correctly.

Panning pre-cab with any other block works as intended.

Ah yes, other section ... :)
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