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R.D. said:
vAmp said:
We will begin to fill reserve list orders later this month, and shortly thereafter, the MFC-101 will be made available for general ordering in our web store...
I'd say begin doesn't mean they will finish that list first before making it available for the rest.

However, I would have expected this as well, if I were you... I'm not on any list for the moment, so I still think what is happening is reasonable.

O.K., in that case, based on the context of the statement what would .... [quote:37423kdo] and shortly thereafter
..., mean then ... :?:[/quote:37423kdo]

+1, to be technically accurate if even one person on the list has been sold a unit, prior to making them available for public ordering. that would make the statement true. Otherwise it was misleading. And if no one receives "the email" before the end of the month, which is fast approaching, that portion is likewise misleading. I think they should at least post some kind of clarification of the policy change. If those of us who've been on the list for 2+ years are looking at weeks or months of waiting, we can at least make an informed decision whether to buy now.

And on another note, it's pretty obvious that a certain number of units have been made available through the online store, not available one day and more the next. I can't see much reason for this, unless it's to sell as many as possible at full price before eventually filling the list orders. The more users on the list who give up and buy it now, the more money on the bottom line.

Maybe there is other justification? I remember while when I got on the list for the Ultra, I honestly did not know that you could buy immediately, after reading all the info I could find on the forum. I thought you had to get on the list just to get one. At the time there were units showing up pretty regularly on Ebay, going for retail price or more. If the current policy is to help offset this type of behavior, that's understandable but still I don't believe secrecy, lack of information or misinformation is warranted.
You guys aren't understanding how it works.

The store software simply allows me to set the inventory. As soon as the inventory is non-zero people can add the product to the cart and purchase it.

Just as with the Ultra I've set the price higher so that if anyone wants to "cut in line" they have to pay more.

So yesterday I set the store inventory and went and got some lunch. I figured when I got back from lunch we would start sending emails with the coupon code. However, when I got back from lunch the entire inventory had been bought at the set price.

Same thing happened today although it took longer.

In a couple days the demand will slow as those who can't wait will have purchased and then we will start moving through the list. We can only add so many a day to the inventory since we can only process so many a day (and only so many fit in the back of my car). If I put the entire shipment into the inventory we run the risk of getting more orders than we can handle and then having to deal with disgruntled customers ("why hasn't my order shipped??!!").

And let's get some things straight:
1. I'm running a business. This project cost me a bundle. It cost me way more than the Axe-Fx. If I can make a few extra bucks to recoup my investment I'd be stupid not to.
2. I don't have the time to manually process orders and the store works the way it works, for better or worse. Unfortunately this means people can cut in line if they are willing to pay more.
3. It's just a MIDI controller. A few extra days wait isn't going to kill you.
I think what most people want to know now is...if my number on "the list" is I six months out...9 months out....1 week out?

That will help us make a decision and possibly make you $100 more on each purchase from people on the list who want to jump in line.
FractalAudio said:
You guys aren't understanding how it works.

The store software simply allows me to set the inventory. As soon as the inventory is non-zero people can add the product to the cart and purchase it.

Just as with the Ultra I've set the price higher so that if anyone wants to "cut in line" they have to pay more.

So yesterday I set the store inventory and went and got some lunch. I figured when I got back from lunch we would start sending emails with the coupon code. However, when I got back from lunch the entire inventory had been bought at the set price.

Same thing happened today although it took longer.

In a couple days the demand will slow as those who can't wait will have purchased and then we will start moving through the list. We can only add so many a day to the inventory since we can only process so many a day (and only so many fit in the back of my car). If I put the entire shipment into the inventory we run the risk of getting more orders than we can handle and then having to deal with disgruntled customers ("why hasn't my order shipped??!!").

And let's get some things straight:
1. I'm running a business. This project cost me a bundle. It cost me way more than the Axe-Fx. If I can make a few extra bucks to recoup my investment I'd be stupid not to.
2. I don't have the time to manually process orders and the store works the way it works, for better or worse. Unfortunately this means people can cut in line if they are willing to pay more.
3. It's just a MIDI controller. A few extra days wait isn't going to kill you.

Your posts always make me laugh.

Looking over this thread a little bit makes me think some of you guys need to take a break from the computer. Some of you need to take a particularly long break I might add. I'm on the list for an MFC, and frankly I don't understand what you're all freaking out about.

I was on the list for a Std for a very long time. In that time, plenty of people that weren't on the list paid to cut in line and buy one. I'm a tightwad, so I'm perfectly okay with waiting a little longer to get a product to save a few bucks and I don't feel slighted because of that. If you do, then maybe you should pay extra and get it now so that it won't bother you so much anymore. Like he said, it's a midi controller, you won't die if you wait a few extra weeks to get it. This product has taken a long time to show up, so how could a few days really matter now?

I think we should all relax and go play our guitars...

John Watkins said:
With all respect Cliff, if you had just said this any time in the last six months, there wouldn't be any complaints from anyone now.

You're giving "anyone" way too much credit! :D
FractalAudio said:
You guys aren't understanding how it works.

The store software simply allows me to set the inventory. As soon as the inventory is non-zero people can add the product to the cart and purchase it.

Just as with the Ultra I've set the price higher so that if anyone wants to "cut in line" they have to pay more.

So yesterday I set the store inventory and went and got some lunch. I figured when I got back from lunch we would start sending emails with the coupon code. However, when I got back from lunch the entire inventory had been bought at the set price.

Same thing happened today although it took longer.

In a couple days the demand will slow as those who can't wait will have purchased and then we will start moving through the list. We can only add so many a day to the inventory since we can only process so many a day (and only so many fit in the back of my car). If I put the entire shipment into the inventory we run the risk of getting more orders than we can handle and then having to deal with disgruntled customers ("why hasn't my order shipped??!!").

And let's get some things straight:
1. I'm running a business. This project cost me a bundle. It cost me way more than the Axe-Fx. If I can make a few extra bucks to recoup my investment I'd be stupid not to.
2. I don't have the time to manually process orders and the store works the way it works, for better or worse. Unfortunately this means people can cut in line if they are willing to pay more.
3. It's just a MIDI controller. A few extra days wait isn't going to kill you.

Well said, Cliff. I totally understand and I have been only reading this latest thread and not chiming in until now.

I have actually re-wired my live rig in anticipation of the MFC and I don't have a gig until October 2nd so I am okay with waiting a little longer. But, if there are any available tomorrow, I will probably pull the trigger on the full price since I was lucky enough to sell my All Access LTD 3 weeks ago for the exact price of the MFC without the $100 off. ;)

Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Cliff.

FractalAudio said:
Just as with the Ultra I've set the price higher so that if anyone wants to "cut in line" they have to pay more.
totally makes sense :!:

Same thing happened today although it took longer.
In a couple days the demand will slow as those who can't wait will have purchased and then we will start moving through the list. We can only add so many a day to the inventory since we can only process so many a day (and only so many fit in the back of my car). If I put the entire shipment into the inventory we run the risk of getting more orders than we can handle and then having to deal with disgruntled customers ("why hasn't my order shipped??!!").
totally makes sense :!:

And let's get some things straight:
1. I'm running a business. This project cost me a bundle. It cost me way more than the Axe-Fx. If I can make a few extra bucks to recoup my investment I'd be stupid not to.
2. I don't have the time to manually process orders and the store works the way it works, for better or worse. Unfortunately this means people can cut in line if they are willing to pay more.
3. It's just a MIDI controller. A few extra days wait isn't going to kill you.
cliff, i don't know you personally, but i have to say thank you for being honest! 100% serious and appreciative of your products. :D

i'm sorry (as a recent bystander) that you are catching flak just trying ultimately to do something for other people. people will always get pissed off for even the smallest reasons! :roll: i will probably be flamed for this (especially since i only got on the list very recently), but i don't see anything wrong with your approach except maybe weird timing and things getting blown out of proportion. if anything, the whole cutting in line thing may be of "our" (those not willing to wait) own making based on the description of the inventory system. i bet part of the overreaction in the forum is the overwhelming need for people to be "first to get blah blah", everything becoming a competition.

i don't feel the need to defend your practices except that you have the right to do what you like because this is YOUR business. the fact that you have successful products out there already means something, and no, i have not been brainwashed.

+1 dk_ace & gittarzann. just chill out people and get things into perspective. it may be the coolest, shiniest tool you'll ever use for guitar, but at the end of the day it is still a tool. you can afford to wait, unless you are a professional, gigging musician, but in that case you should have already covered your bases for a substitute. and what would we all have done before this was even designed in the first place? alright, i'll get off the soap box now.
OK, so having cut in line ahead of myself, are the code coupons transferable? Maybe I could sell mine (assuming I get one) to a newbie for $50 or so? Just musing .......... :roll:
bluesdoc said:
OK, so having cut in line ahead of myself, are the code coupons transferable? Maybe I could sell mine (assuming I get one) to a newbie for $50 or so? Just musing .......... :roll:
haha :lol:

well, only 11 pgs into the thread until the black market began to develop :p
gittarzann said:
I think what most people want to know now is...if my number on "the list" is I six months out...9 months out....1 week out?

That will help us make a decision and possibly make you $100 more on each purchase from people on the list who want to jump in line.

i posted yesterday that i would be patient, but then realized i could possibly #600 on the "list". i decided to buy it when i could. i've had the ultra 1 month and don't have a foot controller. i want to gig the axe and cant wait 2,3, or 6 months. if cliff sends me an email tomorrow then i bet wrong. whoop-tee-doo, an extra $100 for cliff.

i've read a zillion posts where people say the axe-fx is worth way more than than it's selling price. a lot of posts are not talking about the cost of the LCD screen, encoder, or fancy LED's. i believe they're talking about the intangibles, like, free firmware updates, quality, customer service, and how about standing behind the products. i too like to save money, but

$900-liquid foot pro, $1K-big little giant, $400-ground control, or $750-MFC, and tuning at my feet.

Fractal said:
1. I'm running a business.

yes you are. and you owe me nothing!!!
you offered a product and i ordered it. i paid for product and you shipped it. with the promise, if the product blows up within one year, you'll fix/replace it. sounds fair to me.
Thanks Cliff. You seem genuine guessing it's only a matter of days to start working through the list. Since I suspect my name is closer to the top than the bottom (June '08) I'll hang in there. Cheers!
Thanks for the honesty Cliff. I think where most of us had an issue with the situation is that if you had told us that from the beginning we would have had the option to cut in line. We were expecting the emails would be sent before any went on sale publicly. None of us wanted to cut in line and lose $100 if we were going to be getting an email any minute. Then by the time we do decide to cut in line the inventory is sold out. That part is frustrating.

I would have been fine with not getting a discount and just knowing that my "reservation" meant I would get mine as soon as they were available. Once you mentioned the $100 then of course it makes sense to try to save $100 if I can.

It's water under the bridge and I'm just excited to (hopefully) soon receive my email.

John Watkins said:
With all respect Cliff, if you had just said this any time in the last six months, there wouldn't be any complaints from anyone now.

Cliff said this a couple of years ago when the Ultra wait list began. You just weren't around to hear (read) it.
John Watkins said:
With all respect Cliff, if you had just said this any time in the last six months, there wouldn't be any complaints from anyone now.
I've read pretty much most threads on this forum since (and lots before) I purchased my Ultra. I was totally unaware of the "process" of making the MFC available until Cliff clarified some pages back. I have no issues with how it its being managed and the explanation makes perfect sense. However, I have to admit my assumption was - as was many others - that the waiting list would be processed first. Period. Once those on the list had their product, it would then be made available to the public and whatever price that would be. Why else would I be on the list ??? If I wanted one that badly, knew the "rules", and was willing to pay the "full price" I'd have been sitting on the "buy now" link hitting the Enter key 7x24 until I got one. Instead, I've been waiting for an email telling me it was "my turn".

Given Cliffs' explanation, that all seems kind of moot now... and I completely understand how some folks feel, and understand some of their reaction. You live and learn I guess. Like quoted above, would have been nice to know!
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