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This reminds me of the Seinfeld "anyone can take a reservation" bit.

What was the point of a waiting list if anyone can jump to the head of the line? Imagine if airlines could bump you from a flight because someone offered to pay a little more for your seat that you got for free by trading in your miles.

There was no discount code mentioned two years ago when I signed up for this thing. In any case, I'm not complaining and really don't care one way or the other. I waited two years, I can wait another two. Just glad Fractal actually built this floorboard.

Now about that Axe-PC. . . .
Just my .02.
I bought.
I was on the wait list but frankly $100 will not keep me waiting. Good Luck Cliff. I can't wait to start my tap dancing.

As a business owner I completely understand how this ended up the way it did. And I hope you enjoy the extra cash and it motivates you to research and develope more cool ideas!

Adinfinitum said:
This reminds me of the Seinfeld "anyone can take a reservation" bit.

What was the point of a waiting list if anyone can jump to the head of the line? Imagine if airlines could bump you from a flight because someone offered to pay a little more for your seat that you got for free by trading in your miles.

There was no discount code mentioned two years ago when I signed up for this thing. In any case, I'm not complaining and really don't care one way or the other. I waited two years, I can wait another two. Just glad Fractal actually built this floorboard.

Now about that Axe-PC. . . .

"No MFC for you!"
Just imagine, if they wanted to ship out MFC's to every one first in the waiting list...they'd have to email that person with a discount price, wait for that person to respond while hoping that person did not change their mind, take payment, and then ship it out. Some people dont respond to emails immediately. Then what? How long should Fractal wait for that person to respond before attempting to call the next person? Its a nightmare. And this is a small company right?

Besides, some of us who got on board the AXE train never knew of such a wait list. So, we're supposed to wait until all the waiting list people are served? Remember, some big time artists are already on-board. It would hurt Fractal's reputation if it asked JP to wait for a few months until he can get his MFC while Fractal serves bedroom rockers like myself just because I got on some waiting list. :lol:
Adinfinitum wrote:
This reminds me of the Seinfeld "anyone can take a reservation" bit.

What was the point of a waiting list if anyone can jump to the head of the line? Imagine if airlines could bump you from a flight because someone offered to pay a little more for your seat that you got for free by trading in your miles.

There was no discount code mentioned two years ago when I signed up for this thing. In any case, I'm not complaining and really don't care one way or the other. I waited two years, I can wait another two. Just glad Fractal actually built this floorboard.

Now about that Axe-PC. . . .

Airlines Do allow those who pay more to jump the queue, it's called Business class and first class - they don;t bump you form a flight but you have to wait longer to board, check in etc.
emperor_black said:
Just imagine, if they wanted to ship out MFC's to every one first in the waiting list...they'd have to email that person with a discount price, wait for that person to respond while hoping that person did not change their mind, take payment, and then ship it out. Some people dont respond to emails immediately. Then what? How long should Fractal wait for that person to respond before attempting to call the next person? Its a nightmare. And this is a small company right?

Besides, some of us who got on board the AXE train never knew of such a wait list. So, we're supposed to wait until all the waiting list people are served? Remember, some big time artists are already on-board. It would hurt Fractal's reputation if it asked JP to wait for a few months until he can get his MFC while Fractal serves bedroom rockers like myself just because I got on some waiting list. :lol:

They could have gone it how G66 are doing it. EMails went out to everyone on the list last week, that was a week before they received their shipment, asking if we still wanted one. If you answer yes you get another EMail when hey arrive and you pay the money. If you change your mind or dont have the cash you can say no and be taken off the list, or you can defer until a later shipment.

This way those who have waited and want one, get one in their turn and G66 arnt waiting for cash/orders when they arrive (theyve already done this step). We dont get a discount anyway so hey.

Which ever way you look at it, it could have been handled better on the US side so thoses who have waited got first pick, and cliff would slell the units at the same speed as he is doing now. He could have added on the initial "feeler" Email that if you get now its full price, or wait for the initial demand to go down and get $100 off for the wait.
SparkyG said:
Adinfinitum wrote:
This reminds me of the Seinfeld "anyone can take a reservation" bit.

What was the point of a waiting list if anyone can jump to the head of the line? Imagine if airlines could bump you from a flight because someone offered to pay a little more for your seat that you got for free by trading in your miles.

There was no discount code mentioned two years ago when I signed up for this thing. In any case, I'm not complaining and really don't care one way or the other. I waited two years, I can wait another two. Just glad Fractal actually built this floorboard.

Now about that Axe-PC. . . .

Airlines Do allow those who pay more to jump the queue, it's called Business class and first class - they don;t bump you form a flight but you have to wait longer to board, check in etc.

Not the same. The same would be, booking a flight a year in advance only to find someone gets your seat to Oz when you turn up at the checkout cos they have more cash - without the airline asking you first if you want to upgrade :)
Cliff, sometimes you just can't win!!??!

Some complain that there are no updates and then when you do post some kind of update you get complaints that the update was not enough. Now you know why my manufacturing product development policy is "mums the word".

All you NON-complainers, good for you.

I am sure that Fractal is doing everything it can to distribute orders as fast as the product comes in the door. The key phrase here is "as fast as the product comes in the door". Complaining about communication and/or delivery is not only useless but is truly annoying. Your complaining squeaky wheels are not going to speed anything up; or maybe you would like everyone at Fractal to spend all their time oiling the forum squeaky wheels and not spend that same time taking care of business and getting the products out the door.

Spoons said:
Cliff, sometimes you just can't win!!??!

Some complain that there are no updates and then when you do post some kind of update you get complaints that the update was not enough. Now you know why my manufacturing product development policy is "mums the word".

All you NON-complainers, good for you.

I am sure that Fractal is doing everything it can to distribute orders as fast as the product comes in the door. The key phrase here is "as fast as the product comes in the door". Complaining about communication and/or delivery is not only useless but is truly annoying. Your complaining squeaky wheels are not going to speed anything up; or maybe you would like everyone at Fractal to spend all their time oiling the forum squeaky wheels and not spend that same time taking care of business and getting the products out the door.


count_chocolat said:
Spoons said:
Cliff, sometimes you just can't win!!??!

Some complain that there are no updates and then when you do post some kind of update you get complaints that the update was not enough. Now you know why my manufacturing product development policy is "mums the word".

All you NON-complainers, good for you.

I am sure that Fractal is doing everything it can to distribute orders as fast as the product comes in the door. The key phrase here is "as fast as the product comes in the door". Complaining about communication and/or delivery is not only useless but is truly annoying. Your complaining squeaky wheels are not going to speed anything up; or maybe you would like everyone at Fractal to spend all their time oiling the forum squeaky wheels and not spend that same time taking care of business and getting the products out the door.



Definitely. Get some perspective, people, and stop acting like spoiled children.

"I'm entitled to this. Cliff owes me that." Cliff doesn't owe you a thing. Maybe some on this forum have developed this 'entitlement mentality' because we get all these free firmware upgrades, etc, that Cliff (and no one else in this business) does. But come on - don't take the guy for granted!

Man up and wait. Or don't wait, and pay another $100. Either way, as our friend Jack said, "I don't give a dam* what you think you are entitled to!"
FWIW, being #1 on the list and a Fractal Audio user since 2007, Cliff's approach doesn't bother me one bit. What is the old adage?

Good things ($100) come to those who wait.

Although, I'm sure this thread isn't motivating him to address the list any sooner. In life's priorities is this really that important? Why don't we lock this thread, wait to get our MFCs and then we can get on to complaining about what new features we need ;)

Seriously, think about how much Cliff has given us over the years.
Wow, I don't think I've ever seen you post, you must be one of the first if not THE first! I feel like I'm meeting George Washington or something! :D

BTW, I mean that with all due respect!
ipressthebutton said:
FWIW, being #1 on the list and a Fractal Audio user since 2007, Cliff's approach doesn't bother me one bit. What is the old adage?

Good things ($100) come to those who wait.

Although, I'm sure this thread isn't motivating him to address the list any sooner. In life's priorities is this really that important? Why don't we lock this thread, wait to get our MFCs and then we can get on to complaining about what new features we need ;)

Seriously, think about how much Cliff has given us over the years.
I've had my Ultra with firmware 6.0, now we are at 10.02, nobody asked us a cent, and many, many things have been added!
If Cliff would sell 200 MFC with +100$ he would have 20K excluding taxes. Wow, he could get ONE Billy Gibbons Pearly Gates Les Paul Standard! (if he really wants it)
I think that if Cliff would add a "Please donate 20$" most of the owners would be pleased to do it. I would.
terry64 said:
ipressthebutton said:
FWIW, being #1 on the list and a Fractal Audio user since 2007, Cliff's approach doesn't bother me one bit. What is the old adage?

Good things ($100) come to those who wait.

Although, I'm sure this thread isn't motivating him to address the list any sooner. In life's priorities is this really that important? Why don't we lock this thread, wait to get our MFCs and then we can get on to complaining about what new features we need ;)

Seriously, think about how much Cliff has given us over the years.
I've had my Ultra with firmware 6.0, now we are at 10.02, nobody asked us a cent, and many, many things have been added!
If Cliff would sell 200 MFC with +100$ he would have 20K excluding taxes. Wow, he could get ONE Billy Gibbons Pearly Gates Les Paul Standard! (if he really wants it)
I think that if Cliff would add a "Please donate 20$" most of the owners would be pleased to do it. I would.

wezx said:
Wow, I don't think I've ever seen you post, you must be one of the first if not THE first! I feel like I'm meeting George Washington or something! :D

Ha...far from it, I think when I got my AXE FX it had firmware 3.08. There was no Ultra at that time. Back in the beginning Cliff put the original AXE FX on sale for $999 and I missed getting one by a day or two. Right after that it really started taking off.

I don't post much because since I've got it I play more guitar than I post on the internet. I can honestly say it is one of the best music related items that I have ever bought.
Spoons said:
Cliff, sometimes you just can't win!!??!

Some complain that there are no updates and then when you do post some kind of update you get complaints that the update was not enough. Now you know why my manufacturing product development policy is "mums the word".

All you NON-complainers, good for you.

I am sure that Fractal is doing everything it can to distribute orders as fast as the product comes in the door. The key phrase here is "as fast as the product comes in the door". Complaining about communication and/or delivery is not only useless but is truly annoying. Your complaining squeaky wheels are not going to speed anything up; or maybe you would like everyone at Fractal to spend all their time oiling the forum squeaky wheels and not spend that same time taking care of business and getting the products out the door.


This post bothers me for one reason. Most members have posted here about how they felt about the handling of the waiting list etc. Some think it was handled unfairly and some have no problem with it. Your post, however, is spent attacking those who don't see it your way and justifying your attack. The "complainers" could just as easily title you a "brown noser" or "ass kisser", but that probably wouldn't be reasonable...right? You just feel that the waiting list handling was fine. So lay off the attacks. No one was attacking you for your opinion.
I'm in the middle of a big home improvement project and if I got an MFC today, it'd probably sit in the box for at least a few days before messing with it so I'm not dying to get it. I just read this post and it kind of pissed me off. Ahhh, I feel better. Now where's my paint brush. ;)
I may be in the minority, but from the beginning (2008 for me) I have felt Fractal has under-priced their products. The Ultra has replaced over $10,000 of my own equipment and easily has much more value when you consider what it can do. If it was priced at $3000, the value would be a steal. Remember, an Eventide Eclipse without any amp models is $2000.

I would also support subscriptions for firmware updates, especially since most updates actually add new features and not just fixing bugs. $100 per year of updates would be more than fair.

That being said, I had no problem paying full price to get my MFC even though I was on the waiting list since late 2009. The amount of time I will save with a fully integrated unit is well worth the money.

Cliff - don't underestimate what people will pay for your work.
I posted a few days ago commenting about how many of you sound like whiney little #@#!@$% and was called a "nob" for doing so. The posts were deleted.

I find it quite hypocritical how some say to lay off the personal attacks and they are only complaining how the waiting list was handled and yet their posts reek of the very same tone towards Cliff and how he chooses to run his buisness.

I literally have seen less complaining by those on waiting lists for life threatening organ transplants. It's a friggen midi controller guys. I have to agree with Spoons.... GET A GRIP

Go play your guitars and just be happy it's finally about to happen.
I guess we should just agree that this is how it goes. Let's be appreciative of the good things that come with owning Fractal products. Sure, there is always room for improvement in how things are handled, etc., but let's not forget that this is one of few companies where consumers have a lot of input in the products (what amps/effects we'd like in future free updates). It's tough to not have a lot to say about products were eager and passionate about, but let's not have our GAS overshadow everything the sweet deal us FAS product owners have (shan't we forget how many people would kill to own an Axe-FX in the first place, or be able to afford an MFC in the first place!
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