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Ventanaman said:
I may be in the minority, but from the beginning (2008 for me) I have felt Fractal has under-priced their products. The Ultra has replaced over $10,000 of my own equipment and easily has much more value when you consider what it can do. If it was priced at $3000, the value would be a steal. Remember, an Eventide Eclipse without any amp models is $2000.

I would also support subscriptions for firmware updates, especially since most updates actually add new features and not just fixing bugs. $100 per year of updates would be more than fair.

That being said, I had no problem paying full price to get my MFC even though I was on the waiting list since late 2009. The amount of time I will save with a fully integrated unit is well worth the money.

Cliff - don't underestimate what people will pay for your work.

hey, dont give him ideas! :lol: Axe is selling at the 'wholesale' price...a whole lot of effects and such for less. ;)
Ventanaman said:
I may be in the minority, but from the beginning (2008 for me) I have felt Fractal has under-priced their products. The Ultra has replaced over $10,000 of my own equipment and easily has much more value when you consider what it can do. If it was priced at $3000, the value would be a steal. Remember, an Eventide Eclipse without any amp models is $2000.

I would also support subscriptions for firmware updates, especially since most updates actually add new features and not just fixing bugs. $100 per year of updates would be more than fair.

That being said, I had no problem paying full price to get my MFC even though I was on the waiting list since late 2009. The amount of time I will save with a fully integrated unit is well worth the money.

Cliff - don't underestimate what people will pay for your work.

:shock: :shock:

Dude, sucking up CAN get out of hand.

When you're extremely satisfied with your dishwasher, do you go online and advice the manufacturer to raise its prices? :cool:
guittarzzan said:
I just read this post and it kind of pissed me off.
I completely understand and I have no problem being challenged about my posts. I do try to respect opinions of others when voicing my opinion; I'm not always successful, but I do try.

guittarzzan said:
This post bothers me for one reason. Most members have posted here about how they felt about the handling of the waiting list etc. Some think it was handled unfairly and some have no problem with it. Your post, however, is spent attacking those who don't see it your way and justifying your attack.
Sorry you feel the way you do, but it doesn't change the facts.

The fact is that there have been people complaining for a long, long time in other threads that there was not enough communication about the development, delivery and basic information of the product. Now there is complaining about the fact that there was some communication and it wasn't enough. A lot of complaints have been worded in such a way as to imply that they "deserve" to know the inside information on the development and delivery of the product before the product is actually available to the world for purchasing; this is an unrealistic expectation.

Knowing any information about a product being developed is definitely not anything a customer should ever feel they "deserve", insider information is a privilege NOT a right.

guittarzzan said:
The "complainers" could just as easily title you a "brown noser" or "ass kisser", but that probably wouldn't be reasonable...right?
If anyone thinks that my post has anything at all to do with "brown-nosing" or "ass-kissing"; they are completely misinterpreting the post or not reading it entirely. In fact my statement, "Now you know why my manufacturing product development policy is 'mums the word' " is in direct conflict with that interruption because I obviously disagree with ANY communication on new products. I am an Engineer in a manufacturing plant, "mums the word" is actually my policy, and I'm sticking with it.

guittarzzan said:
You just feel that the waiting list handling was fine.
I actually didn't say that; but, Fractal chose to let customers in on the fact that they were developing a new product, I don't have a problem with them making that choice or how they handle it - it's their company and their choice.

guittarzzan said:
So lay off the attacks.
My opinion is, "Lack of patience and complaining is annoying"; so if anyone thinks that is a personal attack on their opinion, there is nothing I can do about that.
cobbler said:
I posted a few days ago commenting about how many of you sound like whiney little #@#!@$% and was called a "nob" for doing so. The posts were deleted.


What I meant to type was Mr. Cobbler....I forgot ........your first name is Nob....sorry for the confusion.

gittarzann said:
cobbler said:
I posted a few days ago commenting about how many of you sound like whiney little #@#!@$% and was called a "nob" for doing so. The posts were deleted.


What I meant to type was Mr. Cobbler....I forgot ........your first name is Nob....sorry for the confusion.


Classy guy you are I see. Maybe you should invest in a dictionary and look up "cobbler" when your not spending your time whining and complaining. All is good though. Your reply just shows you for who you and the thoughts that go through your head. While you're using that dictionary, take a hop over to the H's and look up "hypocrite" as well. :eek:
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