Announcing the New FM3 Mk II TURBO!

Since the FC Mk IIs announced, we've said that we want to bring the new displays to the whole family. But in the current manufacturing world of shortages and setbacks, quite a few new gray hairs were earned in getting to this new version. Any chance of an FM9 Mk II is still quite farther out.
I will be on the list when it happens!
Are the lights dimmable now? Am I the only one that uses this on a laptop stand and wants to dim the lights? They are blinding.

Also, I trust the issue of the popping noise when turning on the unit with headphones plugged in is solved?

Can we get a full changelog between the FM3 and this FM3 Mk II Turbo?
Backups are faster...

I don't think the current preset matters at all when loading Firmware as the preset is no longer running once you start the update.

Firmware updates are not impacted by being on an empty preset. Backups, because they’re a totally different mechanism, are faster.
Great news for new buyers. Was expecting this since FM9 turbo came out. If I understand well the turbo runs on the same software is that right?
There were some reports of FM3 units with USB connection issues (requiring service). Just guessing, but perhaps the service involved re-soldering the contacts. It's probably not caused by a faulty USB connector (beyond FAS's control)-- might be caused by how it is mounted on the circuit board (probably also beyond their control). Though I'll note that some of my USB cables require much more physical force to insert than others.

There are also some reports that the FM3's MIDI OUT lacks a proper current-limiting resistor-- causing some connected devices that draw power to overheat. I wonder if they revised their circuit to include this resistor? The thread on this topic showed some crafty users making little bespoke MIDI cables with the proper 220 ohm resistor inserted. Probably few users will connect a device that draws power from the MIDI OUT port, but it could cause damage.

I had suggested FAS release a custom MIDI cable for the units in question and call it the "Fire Extinguisher". That idea never got legs. Would be cool if FAS could (carefully) hint at whether they resolved this for the MkII
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Somehow I missed this post. I caught the @Cooper Carter video the second it was posted and didn’t look here.

So anyway, thanks and congrats to FAS for keeping the FM3 moving forward. At first I didn’t think I would bother with upgrading to the MK II Turbo, but the more I think about it I may sell mine and go for this. My FM3 is in perfect condition. Need to go see what they’re selling for presently.👍
Well damn, I bought a used FM3 a few months ago, and l figured this would happen. But at the same time, I saved about $300.00, have two Eventide H9's, an Eventide H3500, and Lexicon between the FM3 and the desk, so not so bad, as I am lucky to ever push the FM3 beyond 80% CPU.

I know it's blasphemy, but I use a Kemper stage into hi-power stereo FrFr for gigs. Fractal does what it does well, and Kemper too. I like to spread the money around :) Nothing is going to kick booty like AXE-III horsepower, but I am trying to actually spend some of my time, writing and recording music, and not playing with the toys, by God.
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