Amp sim requests

Re: 4 amp block type(s) proposal

Jase2677 said:
Rivera Knucklehead Reverb kr55 or kr100 (if possible, why not the KR7)

Framus Cobra

VHT CLX or UL (really doesn't matter because the preamp is supposedly the same in either and fractal could make the power amp differences anyway)

Koch Powertone II
Wish list bro. +1 on the Rivera KR but I think its been already requested.
hp/mp said:
Stratoblaster said:
I have an Orange Rocker 30 1x12 combo that I really like...I think that amp would be a great one to model. I particularly like how I can easily dial in the perfect 'just breaking up' crunch with any of my guitars with it and push it over the top with a drive pedal. The zone of crunch to high gain while tweaking the preamp volume is 'tuned' nicely I find. It is a fat, rich sounding amp with plenty of gain if you need it, even with a single coil. Through a 4x12 it really comes to life...
+2 for Orange :)

+3 For ORANGE!!! I love the AD Series!
Re: 4 amp block type(s) proposal

You can wish for all the amps you want, but reading this from the actual amps wish list thread would serve you well in case you actually want to do something to increase the chances of ever seeing those models in the Axe:

scarr said:
The key to having any chance at getting an amp request handled is two fold:

1) Have a schematic (an amp available to send to Cliff is a bonus, but not enough)
2) Give an explanation for why the amp you want is significantly different from the other amps in the Axe-Fx.

Many amps share very similar designs and the advanced parameters will let you tweak many of these differences out. You have to be able to convince Cliff that you're suggesting something the Axe-Fx plain can't do as it is now.

If you don't heed this, you're probably just wasting your time.
Orange amps!!+4

Their rocky dense tone is quite "exclusive" and also lots of metal bands are playing them, like Down, or Mastodon, wich both played with Orange amps last month in Hellfest.
A good model of the Groovetubes Trio preamp would be nice, the mean and scream channel and as a birthday present please include the clean channel :cool: as a poweramp for this one the groovetubes D75.
I would love to see the clean and drive channels of the Fender Supersonic, the drive of the Carvin Legacy, and a Carvin V3 gain channel, a Marshall Vintage Modern setting, and who knows what else.
larbear63 said:
onebaldbloke said:
larbear63 said:

Jeez it's nice to see some others who aren't obsessed with high gain!!
i'd love to see more clean amp examples for sure. :cool:

Boo hiss. High gain, all the way. \m/ :twisted: \m/

Just kidding. I love my metal, but to my less than critical ears on clean tones, you've heard one clean, you've heard them all.

I'm not sure whether this was requested already in this long thread...

Diezel Einstein, both channels and all three modes of channel one.
I happened to try one yesterday and I was really thrilled by it. Did everything I wanted effortlessly and without much tweaking.
Fantastic amp!
I havent't played a new amp in the last 5 years (maybe none at all) that sounded that good in all modes.

I'm getting close to that with the Axe, but I have to tweak a lot more...
onebaldbloke said:
Hi Jeff.
That's almost, but not exactly, how I feel about high-gain sounds!

One man's meat.....


LOL! No worries, Bob. That's why the Axe-FX is so great... it's many things to many people and it makes all of us happy! Good luck with your clean amp wishes.

brain21 said:
More Trainwrecks!!!!!

The current Trainwreck model is I believe a sim of the Trainwreck Express (2xEL34). The other 2 models are:

Trainwreck Liverpool 4xEL84
Trainwreck Rocket 4xEL84 + a tube rectifier (GZ34)

A Trainwreck Songwriter 30 would be cool, but AFAIK no schematics exist (Ken Fischer didn't create any, and I think that only 1 Songwriter 30 was ever built).

Concorde, Constellation, & 60 - slightly more modern takes on the classic Trainwreck circuits.

I know that there are schematics out there for the Liverpool (and I would assume the Rocket is just a variation), and there are schematics out there *somewhere* for at least one of the Komet models as there were Komet clone builders around.

Also, +1 on the Cornfords.

With a userbase as diverse as that of the Axe Fx very different wishes will be aired.
IMHO there are an abundance of high gain amps in the Axe and to make it "more" than it already is, Cliff should consider more vintage sounding and more "obscure" (for a lack of better word) amps + some other amptypes alltogether as in recording amps, and maybe power amp sims to use when recording with real world preamps - that is if Cliff does indeed plan on giving us more amp models, and cares what I think :lol: .

Anyway - From my point of view:

+1 on the
- Trainwrecks: Liverpool + Rocket
- Komets: Concorde and Komet 19 - but would be happy to get the Constellation and 60 as well.

I´d also really like to see some more vintage voiced amps:
- Marshall Super Bass
- Orange OR 120
- Fender Black Face Super Reverb
- Fender Tweed Deluxe
- Vox AC 50 - very different animal than the AC 15 and 30´s

and amps that are a little of the beaten track like :
- Lab Series L5 - blues and jazz players enjoy
- Swart Atomic Space Tone Pro - AWESOME amp
- Bruno Underground 30
- 65 amps London - both channels. I know it bears more than a faint similarity to Vox AC30 and Marshall 18 watts, but it still sounds different, and in most cases better to me

Recording amps:
- Neve
- Gyraf
- Manley
- Chandler
- UA
- Tube Tech
- Avalon

Guitar Poweramps:
- VHT / Fryette 2/50/2
_ VHT / Fryette 2/90/2
- Soldano SLO Power amp
- Marshall 50 or 100 watt amp
- Mesa 2:90
- Mesa 50/50
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