Amp sim requests

Marshall Superbass : ... w_1992.pdf

I think the plexi 1 is the most close to a Marshall Superbass but when i try to replicate the sound of my plexi replica (normal channel is the superbass) i have to set the bass to the max. Perhaps it's a question of components.
My replica use Sozo standard which are a lot bassy(but less than vintage). Don't know what kind of model of caps (or frequence analysis) uses Cliff and if he has different models (he should to get closer). The caps in the signal path are a big part of the sound in an amp.

In the same time i would like to see some PA amps with master volume like these one. They all are beast and deliver wonderful sounds :
I don't understand but no new amp has been modelled yet for a long time.

Clearly everyone knows that we need The Engle Savage 120 because it's tone and high gain is a monster and not many amps can emulate the Savage 120 tone.

So first the Engle Savage 120 should be modelled.

It's the only amp suitable for Power Metal bands. Marshalls, Boogies etc are really good but not for Power Metal. In Power Metal no boosters or ODs are used at all. Engle Savage 120 delivers raging high gain without any need for OD in front.

This is a very important amp for Power Metal guys, gals.

Plus it does also cost money too as Cliff has to purchase the amp etc.

Maybe we could send a Engl Savage 120 head to Cliff Himself in that we contribute ourselves?
Anyone would like to volunteer?
Most amps are in the Axe-Fx. Only the monster Savage 120 is missing.

I list down why it's unique,

Raw tone,
Very versatile,
Requires no boost for gain as the gain is monster and it has boost switch built it,
Dark tone,

It has a rough/smooth switch for smooth lead playing,
It's overall unique and has it's own character.

Maybe Scarr could also contemplate on this idea.
Yes. Carvin Legacy is very good amplifier, very suited for proper solos.

My idea for the Engl Savage 120 will be always fun.
Maybe Cliff needs help with money, think we have recession so maybe their is financial situation with Cliff.

Can't we help guys? random question? Maybe we could help Cliff get hold off some of these amps such as Carvin legacy and Savage 120.

I guess we are all serious and trust-worthy? We would not eat anyones money. First we could tell Scarr as he seems to be in contact with Cliff and send money together to Scarr so Scarr and Cliff can sort out the rest. We should all help each-other plus i guess we are all civilised and good people here.
We should send money to Cliff's address directly.

Cliff will not bump anyway and we all love Cliff right?

So lets do it.

lets send 100 quid or dollars etc.
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