Amp sim requests

Joker said:
Mojave Ampworks came up with a new amp model... the DIRTY BOY! I guess it's a Blues Saraceno Custom Amp...

Take a look at it: BOY WHITE.jpg

A Variac right on the front grill! I'll guess that it's the ultimate brown sound... There are many cool brown sound amps out there, the blankenship variplex, voodoo plexis, Metroamp plexis etc. but the dirty boy should top them all! For me, the clips found on this page:,0,0,1,0,0#peacemaker

are the closest ones to the original brown sound, they even sound better...
I've seen that before. Love how they put the variac right in the middle of the amp !

Would be a cool idea to have a variac in the advanced pages of all the amp models ;)
I have an Orange Rocker 30 1x12 combo that I really like...I think that amp would be a great one to model. I particularly like how I can easily dial in the perfect 'just breaking up' crunch with any of my guitars with it and push it over the top with a drive pedal. The zone of crunch to high gain while tweaking the preamp volume is 'tuned' nicely I find. It is a fat, rich sounding amp with plenty of gain if you need it, even with a single coil. Through a 4x12 it really comes to life...
Stratoblaster said:
I have an Orange Rocker 30 1x12 combo that I really like...I think that amp would be a great one to model. I particularly like how I can easily dial in the perfect 'just breaking up' crunch with any of my guitars with it and push it over the top with a drive pedal. The zone of crunch to high gain while tweaking the preamp volume is 'tuned' nicely I find. It is a fat, rich sounding amp with plenty of gain if you need it, even with a single coil. Through a 4x12 it really comes to life...

+1 to this. I'd like to see this amp. Or my personal preference, the Orange AD series.
Stratoblaster said:
I have an Orange Rocker 30 1x12 combo that I really like...I think that amp would be a great one to model. I particularly like how I can easily dial in the perfect 'just breaking up' crunch with any of my guitars with it and push it over the top with a drive pedal. The zone of crunch to high gain while tweaking the preamp volume is 'tuned' nicely I find. It is a fat, rich sounding amp with plenty of gain if you need it, even with a single coil. Through a 4x12 it really comes to life...
+2 for Orange :)
I'm going to post again although I think I might be on my own with this one :D

Marshall 2555 Jubilee. These are awesome amps with a different type of distortion to the JCM800. They are used by some of the greats inc Slash, John Frusciante and Joe Bonamassa, all of which IMHO have great tone. Here is a pretty nice schematic.


Sorry to the powers that be, couldn't work out how to resize the img, feel free to edit ;)
Fuchs Audio Technology - The Viper. Pretty sure no one has requested that one yet.

Those are the amps that killswitch engage claim to use in their latest album. The album has an insane heavy tone, if you have not listened to it yet. I got pretty close to dialing in the tone on as daylight dies.
The Red Channel on a Fryette Pittbull Ultra-Lead, with the 'edge' and 'shift' functions engaged. One of the most distinct sounding amps in existence, not merely a modded this or that like 90% of boutique amps.

/my 2 cents
I would have to echo a couple previous sentiments:
The ENGL Savage is the only Engl worth modeling to me. It is far far better than the Powerball.
It's the only amp I would want a model of that you haven't already included. Thank you so much for the Diezel, the Cornford, VHT, and the Bogner models. All are spectacular.
I would kill for an ENGL Fireball sim in my opinion the Fireball had a much more natural organic feel then it's big brother the Powerball
It's funny how people want all these modern Engls. Has anyone of you ever played a vintage Engl Straight ? The first amp Engl did. That was a monster !
I'd like a Hughes&Kettner Access, mainly the second channel.
It has some of the best crunch sounds for Strat I ever played.
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