Amp sim requests

+1 on Marshall Jubilee. I've been able to cop a wayne krantz tone pretty well with a Trainwreck, but a Jubilee would be fantastic.
Ampeg V4 or V9.

* The sound of the "Exile", "Sticky Fingers" & all the late 60's & early 70's live Stones, The Faces, Bad Company, Edgar Winter etc etc
* IMO, the sweetest midrange of any commercially available amp.
* Schematics are easy to come by.
* Baxadall EQ
* Neither "British" nor "U.S" tone.

Voodoo Amps Platinum Modded 2-Channel Dual Rectifier!!! C'mon! If we are going to make sims lets make them beasts lol :mrgreen:

* Includes Upgraded Mercury Magnetics VA-REC120-2CHP Voodoo-Designed™ Power Transformer
* Includes Upgraded Mercury Magnetics VA-REC-C Voodoo-Designed™ Choke
* Restructured gain - remove the fizzy/fuzzy/buzzy qualities & increase the gain/distortion
* Breath taking for leads or single note passages
* Faster attack - tracks every note you play immediately
* Improved note articulation - more articulate/defined/clear
* Harmonics will leap off from the fretboard with ease
* When you turn the gain control to 10 - it's all useable
* Improved clean tones - more airy/chimey/open sounding & lush (more Vox or Fender like)
* Lows, mids to highs are much more balanced across the frequency spectrum
* Dramatically improved bottom end - no more loose/mushy bottom
* Cranked tones at lower volumes
* EQ section is much more active and responsive allowing for unlimited tonal possibilities
* Will cut through & sit in the mix much better live as well as in the recording studio
* Vastly increased sustain - leads are much more liquid like & fluid
* Effortless Pinch / artificial harmonics
* Greatly improved articulation & definition
* Increased / richer bass response
* Increased even-order harmonics (IE: sounds much more musical)
* Massive rhythm tones - when you hit a chord it's there immediately
* Increased headroom (cleans stay cleaner & louder at gigging/stage volumes)
* Improved power regulation
* Reduced noise and hum
* Improved feel & tone - Smoother feel & easier to play
rsf1977 said:
Voodoo Amps Platinum Modded 2-Channel Dual Rectifier!!! C'mon! If we are going to make sims lets make them beasts lol :mrgreen:

* Includes Upgraded Mercury Magnetics VA-REC120-2CHP Voodoo-Designed™ Power Transformer
* Includes Upgraded Mercury Magnetics VA-REC-C Voodoo-Designed™ Choke
* Restructured gain - remove the fizzy/fuzzy/buzzy qualities & increase the gain/distortion
* Breath taking for leads or single note passages
* Faster attack - tracks every note you play immediately
* Improved note articulation - more articulate/defined/clear
* Harmonics will leap off from the fretboard with ease
* When you turn the gain control to 10 - it's all useable
* Improved clean tones - more airy/chimey/open sounding & lush (more Vox or Fender like)
* Lows, mids to highs are much more balanced across the frequency spectrum
* Dramatically improved bottom end - no more loose/mushy bottom
* Cranked tones at lower volumes
* EQ section is much more active and responsive allowing for unlimited tonal possibilities
* Will cut through & sit in the mix much better live as well as in the recording studio
* Vastly increased sustain - leads are much more liquid like & fluid
* Effortless Pinch / artificial harmonics
* Greatly improved articulation & definition
* Increased / richer bass response
* Increased even-order harmonics (IE: sounds much more musical)
* Massive rhythm tones - when you hit a chord it's there immediately
* Increased headroom (cleans stay cleaner & louder at gigging/stage volumes)
* Improved power regulation
* Reduced noise and hum
* Improved feel & tone - Smoother feel & easier to play
Sounds intriguing! +1!!!
mortega76 said:
rsf1977 said:
Voodoo Amps Platinum Modded 2-Channel Dual Rectifier!!! C'mon! If we are going to make sims lets make them beasts lol :mrgreen:

* Includes Upgraded Mercury Magnetics VA-REC120-2CHP Voodoo-Designed™ Power Transformer
* Includes Upgraded Mercury Magnetics VA-REC-C Voodoo-Designed™ Choke
* Restructured gain - remove the fizzy/fuzzy/buzzy qualities & increase the gain/distortion
* Breath taking for leads or single note passages
* Faster attack - tracks every note you play immediately
* Improved note articulation - more articulate/defined/clear
* Harmonics will leap off from the fretboard with ease
* When you turn the gain control to 10 - it's all useable
* Improved clean tones - more airy/chimey/open sounding & lush (more Vox or Fender like)
* Lows, mids to highs are much more balanced across the frequency spectrum
* Dramatically improved bottom end - no more loose/mushy bottom
* Cranked tones at lower volumes
* EQ section is much more active and responsive allowing for unlimited tonal possibilities
* Will cut through & sit in the mix much better live as well as in the recording studio
* Vastly increased sustain - leads are much more liquid like & fluid
* Effortless Pinch / artificial harmonics
* Greatly improved articulation & definition
* Increased / richer bass response
* Increased even-order harmonics (IE: sounds much more musical)
* Massive rhythm tones - when you hit a chord it's there immediately
* Increased headroom (cleans stay cleaner & louder at gigging/stage volumes)
* Improved power regulation
* Reduced noise and hum
* Improved feel & tone - Smoother feel & easier to play
Sounds intriguing! +1!!!

This sounds cool!

I think it would be cool to have a couple more bass amps to choose from too. Maybe an SWR SM-900, G-K, or an Eden would be cool too!
Hello everybody!!! I hope Cliff will hear all of us!! At least 1 or 2 amps per version. jijiji

The amp i´m going to propose here have an unique sound, actually no other amp reproduces that sound, and when i say no other i mean no other, since there´s actually only one. I´m talking about the DEACY amp of Brian May build up for him by the bassist John Deacon. There are replicas but none even come close. You can hear this amp in the song "Killer queen" of the band QUEEN. That is the woodier sound i´ve ever heard.

Please include this model.
dpeterson said:
rsf1977 said:
Voodoo Amps Platinum Modded 2-Channel Dual Rectifier!!! C'mon! If we are going to make sims lets make them beasts lol :mrgreen:

couldnt this be done with a recto and a ts808 :)

bite your tongue! lol :lol: or maybe you just need a "Valnott Pedal!!!" now that's real tone doods! hahaha
Been thinking about this since I received my thoroughly enjoyable Ultra two weeks ago.
If I had the choice I'd like more low to medium gain amps, as I think the high-gain stuff is very well (and overly, for my tastes, anyway) represented.

Some examples:
Ampeg (as notes previously)
Supro - single & twin speaker models
Single ended Gretsches etc
Vox AC4
Vox AC50

Of course, this list could be endless.........

Hello all;

We have been receiving email requests regarding this and we are open to working out a deal for sounds of our products (IE: amp/cabs) that we manufacture as well as Modifications, presuming that the terms are fair/agreeable for both companies.

Perhaps someone from Fractal Audio can contact us to discuss terms and what is needed from our end? Tel (607) 256-0465 Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM EST (NY)

Many thanks and have a great day!
Trace Davis - founder/president
Wow! It's great to hear that you'd be willing to working with Cliff on this endeavor Trace... I think the best "terms (that) are fair/agreeable for both companies" would be the great cross promotion/marketing for each unit and the word of mouth that would be generated by this colaboration. In other words... once someone hears a "VoodooRecto" Axe-fx amp sim model, they'll say to themselves... "Damn, that sounds freakin' amazing! I can't get my Recto to sound half as good as that... what is it?" Then the Axe-fx owner would enthusiastically say... "It's a model of a Voodoo modified Rectifier!" Then they would potentially want that awesome Voodoo mod! Win/Win if you ask me! (This of course is only my opinion)... either way thanks for chiming in!
mortega76 said:
Wow! It's great to hear that you'd be willing to working with Cliff on this endeavor Trace... I think the best "terms (that) are fair/agreeable for both companies" would be the great cross promotion/marketing for each unit and the word of mouth that would be generated by this colaboration. In other words... once someone hears a "VoodooRecto" Axe-fx amp sim model, they'll say to themselves... "Damn, that sounds freakin' amazing! I can't get my Recto to sound half as good as that... what is it?" Then the Axe-fx owner would enthusiastically say... "It's a model of a Voodoo modified Rectifier!" Then they would potentially want that awesome Voodoo mod! Win/Win if you ask me! (This of course is only my opinion)... either way thanks for chiming in!

Right, I learned about Bogner's through line 6 stuff. Now I own a Shiva and an Ecstasy 101B. On a similar note the Eggie amp model on the Axe-fx has me wanting to check out the real thing.
Voodoo Amps said:
Hello all;

We have been receiving email requests regarding this and we are open to working out a deal for sounds of our products (IE: amp/cabs) that we manufacture as well as Modifications, presuming that the terms are fair/agreeable for both companies.

Perhaps someone from Fractal Audio can contact us to discuss terms and what is needed from our end? Tel (607) 256-0465 Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM EST (NY)

Many thanks and have a great day!
Trace Davis - founder/president

SUP!!!??? TRACE!!!
javajunkie said:
mortega76 said:
Right, I learned about Bogner's through line 6 stuff. Now I own a Shiva and an Ecstasy 101B. On a similar note the Eggie amp model on the Axe-fx has me wanting to check out the real thing.
And that's exactly how people in the states discovered Cornford amps. Back then it was suggested by us to model it (I used to play a lot of clinics for L6), they did it and the rest is history. I once spoke to Cornford a few years later and he even said that without the L6 model probably a lot less people would know about it...
Ok, I am confused here ... the Axe-Fx can model any tube amp ... it can model more tube amps than you can possibly own at any one time ... and yet, some of you Axe-Fx owners still own expensive tube amps?

BMH said:
Ok, I am confused here ... the Axe-Fx can model any tube amp ... it can model more tube amps than you can possibly own at any one time ... and yet, some of you Axe-Fx owners still own expensive tube amps?


1. G.A.S
2.Sentimental Value
3. Impress the neighbors!
4.Part of another set up
5.Nostalgia :D
6. Just plain rocks
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