Amp sim requests

hunter said:
Bogner XTC Classic

Is it that different from the XTC that's already inside the Axe?

Cornford Mk50 would be nice, I really love G. Govan's tone.
Unfortunately his tone probably is at least 90% in his fingers, not in his amp or guitar... :|
A better SLO sim !

Indeed SLO sim is often the best sim (v-amp, Pod), and I really love its tone. But in the Axe-Fx I think the SLO sim is not really bad, but not really good.

Could someone send a SLO head to Cliff please :lol:
Mesaholic said:
I would love to have an Ampeg B-15 for 60's bass sounds.

i'd also like to see a couple more bass sims eventually. things like the mesa boogie bass 400+ and maybe some eden rig.
These new amp sims really round out the collection of amp models I think. With a little tweaking, there's hardly any tones you can't get.

But after all, this is a wish list thread... so I guess I'll mention the ENGL Savage 120, particularly channel 4. Amazing amp. Extremely tight, yet full sounding gain. Sounds equally great for both chords and single note runs. Also, it has a unique enough sound and voicing to warrant its own model without being redundant in the Axe. :)
jimiyves said:
A better SLO sim !

Indeed SLO sim is often the best sim (v-amp, Pod), and I really love its tone. But in the Axe-Fx I think the SLO sim is not really bad, but not really good.

Could someone send a SLO head to Cliff please :lol:
The Axe's SLO sim sounds a lot closer to the real deal than the Pod's etc. I was in a band for some time which back then had a Soldano deal. We had tons of them in the studio and I was using one that actually belonged to Vivian Campbell ( a custom build rack one) and like I said, the Axe's is not too far off. The Pod's just sounds very processed...
I'm just curious... For those of you who are saying things about amp sims not sounding like their real life counterparts (not specifically about the SLO, but just all the similar claims I've seen in general), what are you running the Axe-FX through? It would make sense to me that unless you're running the Axe's amp sim through a flat response power amp and the same cab as the real amp in question, there are a lot of other factors in play that would make things sound different.
These new amp sims really round out the collection of amp models I think. With a little tweaking, there's hardly any tones you can't get.
I guess that's because we've had about every combination of pre-amp and power-amp tubes there are.
Except for an amp with the KT-88's.
Marshall Major
Ampeg VL501
ENGL Savage
MisterE said:
These new amp sims really round out the collection of amp models I think. With a little tweaking, there's hardly any tones you can't get.
I guess that's because we've had about every combination of pre-amp and power-amp tubes there are.
Except for an amp with the KT-88's.
Marshall Major
Ampeg VL501
ENGL Savage
The Deliverance 60 uses KT-88's.

If I'm not mistaken, the Axe still doesn't have any single ended amps (like the Fender Champ or the Univalve). I know Cliff originally had a Champ back in 1.x, but he didn't like it and replaced it with the Deluxe. You could try setting bias to 1.00, I guess, but I don't know how close that would get you.

Are all solid-state amps basically the same, aside from the distortion circuit and the EQ, or are there some interesting variations not possible with the Jazz Chorus and a drive?
Haven't brought this up in some time...

Would be awesome to have an Orange Amp in the arsenal! Maybe an OR series or AD series.

The Rockerverbs are nice too. I had a nice HiWatt patch that was pretty close to the RV series. Ever since 6.x the HiWatts are different and don't come close to the Orange tone anymore. Guess it was the way Cliff designed them in the beginning (with wrong values) that leant them more to the Orange sound.

orangenoise said:
Haven't brought this up in some time...

Would be awesome to have an Orange Amp in the arsenal! Maybe an OR series or AD series.

The Rockerverbs are nice too. I had a nice HiWatt patch that was pretty close to the RV series. Ever since 6.x the HiWatts are different and don't come close to the Orange tone anymore. Guess it was the way Cliff designed them in the beginning (with wrong values) that leant them more to the Orange sound.

Coming from anyone else, I'd be quick to dismiss it as probably already possible. Nice to see you popping in here again, orangenoise!
So consider this an uninformed, but trusting +1 from me.
How about a Badcat Hotcat 30R?

Great cleans and a distinct overdrive that I haven't been able to nail with the Matchless sim (or any others for that matter).
godprobe said:
Coming from anyone else, I'd be quick to dismiss it as probably already possible. Nice to see you popping in here again, orangenoise!
So consider this an uninformed, but trusting +1 from me.

Thanks! Yeah, Orange amps have a real cool signature sound to 'em. Not high-gain; but aggressive still. I miss that sound right now.

Now that Cliff has done not 1 but 3 Soldano X-99 sims, wouldn't all 3 channels of the Bogner Fish pre be nice? In my opinion the Fish is considered a MUCH bigger deal in the guitar "gear" world then the X-99. Certainly not complaining about having the X-99! Just more suprised. I guess I don't remember seeing a lot of requests for the X-99. Maybe Cliff just stumbled on a schematic for it so he included it.
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