About the Axe-Fx II XL

Like Rain said. I can't hear it unless I turn it off and notice that it was on. It's quieter than my Axe II/MkI(60mm fan stock), which I got used to.
Yeah, I was disappointed with that too; I intended to keep my Mark II as a backup/gigging unit and use the XL for recording. But this is going to make that problematic.
I'm in the same boat, as a result I sold my II that I inteded to keep as spare, kept the XL, and will probably buy a pair of CLR with the money...
It would have been too complicated to keep both II and XL constantly updated. The only solution I saw if I kept both Axes, was to work with the II and use the XL as a backup. But that's walking on the head!
Thanks again Cliff for the 2 extra Banks (768 Preset locations total)!!!

It would be very nice to also have a "Bank-Jump-Feature" for fast jump from Bank-A to Bank-F !!!

Can you please implant this Feature???

Many thanks in advance,
choose (or jump direct) to the bank you are interested in from the menu:

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Is it still looking to be mid Sep before they're available again? (Hello everyone, excited to make the switch to the Fractal family!)

I realize you likely get asked that often enough that it gets tiring and I DO apologize (and I DID put my name in the e-mail hat) but I made the decision to switch when they were available, parted out my FX rig and well...

Feel free to laugh at the doofus who's frantically trying to avoid gigging with a Zoom and doesn't want to put money in the scalper's pockets.

Thanks all and have a great, safe Labor Day weekend.
Is it still looking to be mid Sep before they're available again? (Hello everyone, excited to make the switch to the Fractal family!)

I realize you likely get asked that often enough that it gets tiring and I DO apologize (and I DID put my name in the e-mail hat) but I made the decision to switch when they were available, parted out my FX rig and well...

Feel free to laugh at the doofus who's frantically trying to avoid gigging with a Zoom and doesn't want to put money in the scalper's pockets.

Thanks all and have a great, safe Labor Day weekend.

More stock is expected middle of next week.

I just got a new XL. I decided to buy it mainly for the FAS-link, but another thing I considered as important was the "Double-capacity preset size" as the Fractal audio site announces. More presets (by number) is irrelevant for me, as I only use about 5. I wonder if there is something wrong with my unit, or did I misunderstand something, but it seems the preset size (as of available CPU) is just about the same as in my Axe II Mark I. I seem to run out of CPU just as soon. I tried to build a same kind of preset I used to have in my Mark I, but to my surprise, I could not add more effects to the chain. Is there something wrong with the unit?
No, your unit is ok. Same cpu, same grid size.
What has doubled is the memory used for storing a preset's settings.
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