
Uhm... how does someone dislike chocolate... they just do. I didn't realize the internet wasn't free anymore. Now we know?
I love this thread! Its nice to know that people are as jealous and over critical as i am. I don't have a good reason to not like these guitar players. Maybe there not my style or there smug attitudes or just there stupid faces. whatever flame on!!!
OK, 7 guys on the bottom of my list (no offense guys; just for the fun of it):

Michael Angelo Batio (so what if he can play 100 notes per second on 2 necks)
Kim Thayil (just cuz you play out in left field doesn't make it cool)
CC Deville (contributed to the cheesing of metal)
Bruce Kulick (he was more technical than Ace Frehley but Ace played with heart and hooks)
Izzy Stradlin (seemed like he was just kinda there while Slash did the heavy lifting)
Vinnie Vincent (I know, another Ace replacement. More ego than substance. I'll leave Tommy Thayer outta this)
Kid Rock (really he's a multi instrumentalist, I just couldn't think of anyone else and he annoys me)
OK How do you DISLIKE Eric Johnson? He plays anything and everything-Get real. Why would you dislike guitar players? I really am not real fond HM, death metal, etc, but I don't dislike ANY of the musicians involved. All the good ones are good players.

I don't get you people-or is it children?

Get real! Most here don't know any of the players. Its not about disliking the person or somebody thinking they have better skills. Its about preference. I think Clapton is a very skilled player. I think Satch is too. I don't really like them (as in a lot of their music) as it seems like the same thing over and over. I don't think Neil Young is an extremely skilled player but I love him (sorry quonsar) because I think he plays with heart and soul and changes it up often regardless of what may be popular at the time or what the execs wish.

If the public wasn't allowed to dislike players with superior skills then everyone would like everyone. How boring!
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It's interesting Ace Frehley did not come up. I thought about it but then realized he should probably be on my most liked list.

Anyway, thanks chef for this thread because without dislike there can be no like, no ying without yang, no love without hatred ... now (burp), if you'll all excuse me (fart), I'm going to have a wee strum, then retire for the evening.
Any guitarist that waves his hands around and wiggles his fingers over the fretboard, as if they were a magician conjuring music from the instrument (there are a couple that immediately come to mind).
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Lighten up!
Re-read the title and the OP - it's not about hate, it's not about "overrated" or anything like that.
It's actually quite simple: which guitar player do you dislike? And don't tell me there are none ;)

Hm, I probably can't name seven, because most players I dislike I don't memorize their names... ok:
- Mike Oldfield
- Eric Johnson
- Santana (nowadays; I dig the old stuff)
- Jeff Loomis :razz:
- Shawn Lane
- John Petrucci (nowadays; but a cool dude still)
- Steven Wilson

Ok, got to 7, but that took some time and there are plethora of guitarists out there I dislike more, I just don't know them by name ;)

On most counts, I could not possibly DISagree with this list more. :)
Now we're talking. It's not in the spirit of this thread to start "defending" the guitarists we like that others dislike. It's nothing more than taste, and that we don't like a guitarist.
We don't have to like everything famous you know? When I saw Shawn Lane on the list my heart was shattered. But I'm not allowed to feel this way no matter how "personal" I'm with music and stuff. It's all fun.

I think Swedish Chef enlightens a good point with this thread. As if we're not allowed to say "I don't like him" about x guitarist. people will start questioning you as if you're wrong, no wait. Not as if you're wrong. More as if you're not right yet. They just need to correct your little mistake of misunderstanding something subjective. lol.

Swedish Chef is a deep mind.. I like him. BORK BORK BORK! *throws some kitchen stuff up in the air.
Steven Wilson (he writes great music and I love PT, but that man should stay away from the guitar!)
Steve Vai (IMO the opposite of SW, generally speaking. He has a couple of lovely tunes. They should start a band!)
Kirk Hammett
Michael Angelo Batio
Jimmy Page (same deal as Steven Wilson, except for the stairway solo!!)
Angus Young
Rusty Cooley
I have THE one guy nobody will defend, it appears he is a guitarist because he owns a Dumble.

Henry Kaiser.

i even researched YouTube once to see if the thing I heard on his video was a fluke. I couldn't find anything I liked about anything he does with a guitar. His note choices, his tempo, his vibrato, the absence of melody, his sustain... His tone. All are the polar opposite of what I would consider pleasing.

john 5. Who ever combines country with metal? And will somebody buy the guy a mirror?
rusty Cooley. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt.

Although I will admit not to have researched them extensively and they have insane technique. Which is basically why I dislike them, the little I've heard doesn't show much more than that.
Oh, and both Rusty and Henry appear to be really nice guys, no harm intended.

John 5... Eh. I just don't know. Can't get past the facepainting. And who takes a number for a last name? And who would ever play with that Manson... thing?
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