
haha, bad eggs man.
don't dislike any of the renowned pros, as long as they remain humble. even though some of them may sound a bit dated nowadays, i think it's worth noting how influential some of them were.
big headedness and bad attitude is something i don't like.

dislike some of the arrogant ones on "youtube" who criticize the famous pros to try and make themselves look better, when their own playing is mediocre at best.
Two things strike me as funny here. 1: This group (or maybe guitarists in general) can't answer a simple question without arguing points and 2: Dayum! Some of you are stomp'n all over sacred ground! LOL I love it!

I'd tell you my list but I'd have to point out to many points.
As was mentioned, these guys are doing what I wish I was doing at least. BUT, lots of these names have been shoved down our ears for far too long and my brain goes 'TILT', when I hear a 5 second riff... as in overplayed.

Springstein(wait, he's a folk singer not a guitar player!)
Esteban(salesman, wanker)
3-chord George Thogogood
Steve Howe(never understood him either and I thought it was me all these years)
Santana(please stop with hat, the mojo, etc.)

Ooops that's nine... no takebacks... disqualification? I hope not.

Fun vent while waiting for 10.xxx
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I dont fake hate anybody. I work really, really, really hard at this guitar thing and have done so for many years. Anyone who's on anyone list here has probably worked even harder. No one needs to be hated or fake hated. This is hard stuff. These guys are the good guys. Being successful in this business is already like walking up hill carrying somebody on your back, in a storm, high winds and flood waters. On top of all that you've got snipers who say they love you and are your friends, but they rip off your music while stabbing you in the back. NO, I love guys who do this for a living. The good and the less than good. These guys are my heroes, one and all.
don't dislike any of the renowned pros, as long as they remain humble. even though some of them may sound a bit dated nowadays, i think it's worth noting how influential some of them were.

is there missing and "I" infront? or are you saying that I should not dislike any pros who's been very influential? Yes. Yes, I will :D I will dislike renowned pros who's been very influential. If I don't like them, I will do just that. Dislike them. I see of it as a part of not liking them :D You know what? Prince! There, I said it. Feed me to the lions :D I've seen him live and it was like maybe the best concert I've been to ever. But when he started playing guitar.. I had to start fumble on the floor looking for my ears as they fell of my head, in a bad way! :D I love this thread. I don't care about if a guitarist is a renowned influential professional. If I don't like it, I don't like it. And I love it! :D
uhh, no idea what you're talking about. carry on.

can't say i like yngwie malmsteen very much.
not because of the playing - but because he comes across as a smug git.

that's all.
Well, there ARE choices in this world(forum), you(you in general I mean) can stay out of the threads you don't like, or...
or... post the shit out of them! :D I think I've already done that for this one. I'm leaning back for a bit, to enjoy the show.
I have. I've only posted my opinions and have ONLY read follow ups. Otherwise I've stayed completely out of this thread. I have read no one other post than the first. It is my policy to stay out of threads where I don't belong, unless I feel my pov is necessary or valid in someone way. I'm gone. Carry on.
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