6/16 - Refreshathon (availability update)

6 units, for two days' production, seems incredibly low. The Ultras came much quicker than that when parts were available. I'm wondering if something has a high failure rate on burn in. [/total speculation]

As with any technical endeavor, "it's all in the technique." Once they get their groove on, they'll double-time it. And remember, Cliff promised that QC was #1, so they'll be very rightfully cautions and slow at first. If I was doing it, I would keep my assembly crew small at first to keep a close eye on everything. Then, once you know what you're doing, expand to more staff and quicker techniques. And then you can cut out areas of QC where there is never ever an issue.
all i can say is doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, and well lets see, 6 a day, figure 1000 people want these asap, that is 166 days to complete 1000 orders====5.5 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That assumes production 7 days a week. :(

That's also making an assumption that overall demand is fixed. As it penetrates the market, there will be follow on demand, e.g. People who didn't know they wanted an Axe-FX II until they were exposed to one. The trick is to find the dip where the initial demand drops off which may never happen, or it might happen right after the F5 brigade's demand gets filled. That why I'm watching this thread closely and not the store.;) I figure that number is about 270. 90 or so here, and the rest on other websites.;)
Sometimes you get the bear. Sometimes the bear gets you.

And comically, I got right up in the bears face twice only to take the mauling. :) But I live to fight another day so it's all good and I am happy for those who nabbed em. Exciting times for guitar players.
Am I the only loser to get one in their cart both releases? I'm too old for this! :)

If I lived in Huntington, I'd be having a beer down at Sharkeez on Main, sitting at the cliffs while the sets roll in or watching the girls walk by on the pier and not pressing F5 on a computer LOL. Believe me, you're way ahead of us without even trying! Keep your head up, you'll get one very soon!
Now more people will be stuck to their computers with the knowledge that more than one batch can potentially be dropped in a day. If I didn't know any better I'd say someone was a masochist...
This is the biggest farce I have ever seen.

I sold my ULTRA shortly after the announcement. I was lucky enough to get what I paid for it as the buyer was from overseas and he was grateful not to have to sit on a G66 waiting list. I planned on getting an AXE II, but gave up and went an entirely different route, as I decided that I liked my Fender HRD just fine and didn't need 54 other models to distract me. I invested in a couple of Eventide stomps and built myself a pedaltrain pro with several other stomps as well. After adding a 2nd HRD I can honestly say that I am in tonal heaven. I love having real knobs to adjust my tone on the fly, as opposed to menus and midi, etc.

The misadventure of Cliff's AXE FX II launch is a textbook case for the ages of how NOT to launch a new product. First off he screwed the late adopters, with an ill-conceived countdown to a product that was not available, and now, to suit his own convenience, he is screwing hundreds, if not thousands of potential customers with this ridiculous charade of random 1 minute availability.

Shame on Cliff and shame on all of you for enabling this shocking fiasco.

Good luck, good night, good riddance and good for me for having the good sense to bail when I did!
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I sold my ULTRA shortly after the announcement. I was lucky enough to get what I paid for it

Well at least you can focus on that aspect of the whole experience - the unit retained its value for you. That is at least one thing to be happy about :)
If I lived in Huntington, I'd be having a beer down at Sharkeez on Main, sitting at the cliffs while the sets roll in or watching the girls walk by on the pier and not pressing F5 on a computer LOL. Believe me, you're way ahead of us without even trying! Keep your head up, you'll get one very soon!

Who's to say I am not with the Ipad? *grin* I'm not stressed. All in the fun. All is good!
This is the biggest farce I have ever seen.

I sold my ULTRA shortly after the announcement. I was lucky enough to get what I paid for it as the buyer was from overseas and he was grateful not to have to sit on a G66 waiting list. I planned on getting an AXE II, but gave up and went an entirely different route, as I decided that I liked my Fender HRD just fine and didn't need 54 other models to distract me. I invested in a couple of Eventide stomps and built myself a pedaltrain pro with several other stomps as well. After adding a 2nd HRD I can honestly say that I am in tonal heaven. I love having real knobs to adjust my tone on the fly, as opposed to menus and midi, etc.

The misadventure of Cliff's AXE FX II launch is a textbook case for the ages of how NOT to launch a new product. First off he screwed the late adopters, with an ill-conceived countdown to a product that was not available, and now, to suit his own convenience, he is screwing hundreds, if not thousands of potential customers with this ridiculous charade of random 1 minute availability.

Shame on Cliff and shame on all of you for enabling this shocking fiasco.

Good luck, good night, good riddance and good for me for having the good sense to bail when I did!

Don't let the door hit your @$$ on the way out!
This is the biggest farce I have ever seen.

I sold my ULTRA shortly after the announcement. I was lucky enough to get what I paid for it as the buyer was from overseas and he was grateful not to have to sit on a G66 waiting list. I planned on getting an AXE II, but gave up and went an entirely different route, as I decided that I liked my Fender HRD just fine and didn't need 54 other models to distract me. I invested in a couple of Eventide stomps and built myself a pedaltrain pro with several other stomps as well. After adding a 2nd HRD I can honestly say that I am in tonal heaven. I love having real knobs to adjust my tone on the fly, as opposed to menus and midi, etc.

The misadventure of Cliff's AXE FX II launch is a textbook case for the ages of how NOT to launch a new product. First off he screwed the late adopters, with an ill-conceived countdown to a product that was not available, and now, to suit his own convenience, he is screwing hundreds, if not thousands of potential customers with this ridiculous charade of random 1 minute availability.

Shame on Cliff and shame on all of you for enabling this shocking fiasco.

Good luck, good night, good riddance and good for me for having the good sense to bail when I did!

This is exactly the type of post that pushed Cliff to his ill-conceived post and YOU are EXACTLY the kind of self-entitled little whiner he was referring to when he posted. I think it's highly likely that most of us are glad you bought other gear and won't need to hang here because you're clearly out of touch with the universe.
Do yourself a favor...get a fresh diaper on, go back down to your grandma's basement where you live and get lost in your new amp rig because that attitude will only bring you misery in the real world. -definitely NOT winning!

Lastly, while you're waiting for your amp to get back from the shop with new tubes, we'll be updating our firmware..........................................FOR FREE! :)

best wishes to you,
This is the biggest farce I have ever seen.

I sold my ULTRA shortly after the announcement. I was lucky enough to get what I paid for it as the buyer was from overseas and he was grateful not to have to sit on a G66 waiting list. I planned on getting an AXE II, but gave up and went an entirely different route, as I decided that I liked my Fender HRD just fine and didn't need 54 other models to distract me. I invested in a couple of Eventide stomps and built myself a pedaltrain pro with several other stomps as well. After adding a 2nd HRD I can honestly say that I am in tonal heaven. I love having real knobs to adjust my tone on the fly, as opposed to menus and midi, etc.

The misadventure of Cliff's AXE FX II launch is a textbook case for the ages of how NOT to launch a new product. First off he screwed the late adopters, with an ill-conceived countdown to a product that was not available, and now, to suit his own convenience, he is screwing hundreds, if not thousands of potential customers with this ridiculous charade of random 1 minute availability.

Shame on Cliff and shame on all of you for enabling this shocking fiasco.

Good luck, good night, good riddance and good for me for having the good sense to bail when I did!

...so...why are you here?
Let's calm this crap down. I don't want to see this thread get locked or deleted if it continues to morph into an FAS bashing thread. I know that there's some hard feelings out there that some can't keep from expressing, but this is really an intelligence collection thread. So, if someone else comes along and bashes FAS, let it be, and please don't pile on. We are just trying to share information, so we can sus out effective strategies for beating the system.
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