6/16 - Refreshathon (availability update)

Guys, here's what I did and it worked well:

I used Firefox (on a Mac, but I'm guessing this would work with a PC too) and installed the Add-on 'iMacro'.

That lets you record the actions you take on a web page and automates it. So, I installed the add-on and opened it up. There's a button for "record" which I clicked. I then surfed to the Fractal Store, clicked on Axe-FX2 and clicked on "Add to cart". When my cart showed up as empty, I clicked on the 'Stop' button. I then saved that macro as 'Axe1'.

Then I did the same thing, except for the MFC, which is available. I went through all the actions needed to fill in the fields: my name, my address, my credit card info, etc. Clicked through all the way to the point where I would click on "confirm" to actually buy the MFC, but didn't actually click on that button. Then I clicked the 'Stop' button and saved that macro as 'Axe2'.

Then I went back into the 'Axe1' macro and said "edit macro". I copied the first two or 3 lines, which tells the macro to go to the AxeII page, instead of the MFC page. Then I went into the 'Axe2' macro and and replaced those 2 or 3 lines. Then I saved it.

Now, I had to spend hours clicking on 'play' to play the macro. It would get to the empty cart and fail. So I'd have to click 'stop' and then I'd hit 'play' again. It was really tedious.

But when the Axe finally showed up in my cart, it filled in all the info, page after page, in like 2 seconds. I just had to hit confirm manually and I was in. There are surely better, more sophisticated ways of doing it, but this was all I could figure out quickly in a pinch. It sounds complicated, but it's not really, once you see it laid out in front of you.

Good luck to everyone for tomorrow or the next day or whatever! I hope this is helpful.

There seems to be no imacro for safari. Sucks!
If someone lives close to Fractal, would you please drive by the place and see if the lights are still on. I want to know if there'll be a 3rd batch for the day. :) Better yet, would you go inside and help them with assembly?

wishful thinking,
i had auto fill, my credit card ready and must of completed in less than 10 seconds
and have nothing to show. I called fractal and they told me they only had 6 units today
doesn't seem that optimistic for landing these in the near future. I also asked at what time they put them in
and they said it varies day to day

How did you call them? I thought they did not have a listen #. Also I don't understand why they would tell you that they put out 6 units when cliff has refused to make any statements about quantity
Quick question - did any one notice when the Axe-Fx became available if the note on the main page changes
NOTE: The Axe-Fx II is currently not available. We expect units to be available for purchase around June 6th. Please refrain from contacting us before that time.
or stays the same. Just wondering if I still need to be clicking "add to cart" if it stills says unavailable or do I just have to refresh the main page?
Someone over at TGP was just saying they were there yesterday and there is stuff everywhere, I guess they are cranking them out as fast they can.

Post - The Gear Page - View Single Post - Step by Step... How to buy an AXE-FX 2....
Thread - Step by Step... How to buy an AXE-FX 2.... - The Gear Page

When I was there I saw the same thing he does have a lot of product like he said he would. Just have to give him and the crew time to assemble, program, test, and burn in for 24hrs before they can ship them out.
real nice of them! After the first batch and one ended up in my cart, i called fractal
and they told me that they released 6 and that would be all for today.
Guess that wasn't true? Fractal makes great equipment but they don't seem that great at running a business?
I discussed with them how I work all day and have very limited time to be on the computer. they basically said
"thats your problem" They really know how to make a customer real warm and fuzzy all over. I like the rest of you have bought many products in limited demand from boutique builders and almost always there is a waiting que. You pay and than wait your turn in line. Imagine how much less stressful this would be for all of us! I still sense a certain arrogance towards the customers anyone else? I can honestly say this is the worst experience i have had buying any musical equipment.
Could we please keep this one limited to updates on availability, this thread is providing some good concrete info and it would suck if it were to be closed
real nice of them! After the first batch and one ended up in my cart, i called fractal
and they told me that they released 6 and that would be all for today.
Guess that wasn't true? Fractal makes great equipment but they don't seem that great at running a business?
I discussed with them how I work all day and have very limited time to be on the computer. they basically said
"thats your problem" They really know how to make a customer real warm and fuzzy all over. I like the rest of you have bought many products in limited demand from boutique builders and almost always there is a waiting que. You pay and than wait your turn in line. Imagine how much less stressful this would be for all of us! I still sense a certain arrogance towards the customers anyone else? I can honestly say this is the worst experience i have had buying any musical equipment.

Wow. Even the lucky ones are upset.

What I sense is a certain arrogance of customers towards a manufacturer. So much I, I, I... me, me, me...

So I can't argue with you this probably was your worse experience buying musical equipment. But if you take a larger view it isn't the worst ever. There are plenty of people that tried to buy stuff and got ripped off, excessively delayed, or worst.

I wonder how you'll feel as a customer once those free firmware updates start rolling in.
This is only the first week of production. If you've never been
in manufacturing, whatever can go wrong will go wrong that first week.
All the bugs come out to play. Its not until the end of the 2nd week you are starting to roll.
It takes time to ramp up a production line and for everyone to get very efficient at his job.

Its only the first week, kids.

I do have one comforting thought. At least 50% of the true F5 Psycho brigade (me included)
are right here on this board. We will end up with the first units because we are the only people
nuts enough to use Autofill and refreshing Bots to buy a $2200 item.
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This is only the first week of production. If you've never been
in manufacturing, whatever can go wrong will go wrong that first week.
All the bugs come out to play. Its not until the end of the 2nd week you are starting to roll.
It takes time to ramp up a production line and for everyone to get very efficient at his job.

Its only the first week, kids.

I do have one comforting thought. At least 50% of the true F5 Pyscho brigade (me included)
are right here on this board. We will end up with the first units because we are the only people
nuts enough to use Autofill and refreshing Bots to buy a $2200 item.

Agreed, this is the only thing that keeps me sane after getting it in my cart and just missing it at the last second multiple times.
Quick question - did any one notice when the Axe-Fx became available if the note on the main page changes or stays the same. Just wondering if I still need to be clicking "add to cart" if it stills says unavailable or do I just have to refresh the main page?

it doesn't display.
I do have one comforting thought. At least 50% of the true F5 Pyscho brigade (me included) are right here on this board. We will end up with the first units because we are the only people nuts enough to use Autofill and refreshing Bots to buy a $2200 item.
And a few of us will get our orders in each day, decreasing the number of folks relentlessly banging on the Yahoo store.
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