6/16 - Refreshathon (availability update)

This seems to have proven to be a pretty useful thread in the end. Perhaps a mod could remove 6/16 from the title and we could keep it going?
Guys, here's what I did and it worked well:

I used Firefox (on a Mac, but I'm guessing this would work with a PC too) and installed the Add-on 'iMacro'.

That lets you record the actions you take on a web page and automates it. So, I installed the add-on and opened it up. There's a button for "record" which I clicked. I then surfed to the Fractal Store, clicked on Axe-FX2 and clicked on "Add to cart". When my cart showed up as empty, I clicked on the 'Stop' button. I then saved that macro as 'Axe1'.

Then I did the same thing, except for the MFC, which is available. I went through all the actions needed to fill in the fields: my name, my address, my credit card info, etc. Clicked through all the way to the point where I would click on "confirm" to actually buy the MFC, but didn't actually click on that button. Then I clicked the 'Stop' button and saved that macro as 'Axe2'.

Then I went back into the 'Axe1' macro and said "edit macro". I copied the first two or 3 lines, which tells the macro to go to the AxeII page, instead of the MFC page. Then I went into the 'Axe2' macro and and replaced those 2 or 3 lines. Then I saved it.

Now, I had to spend hours clicking on 'play' to play the macro. It would get to the empty cart and fail. So I'd have to click 'stop' and then I'd hit 'play' again. It was really tedious.

But when the Axe finally showed up in my cart, it filled in all the info, page after page, in like 2 seconds. I just had to hit confirm manually and I was in. There are surely better, more sophisticated ways of doing it, but this was all I could figure out quickly in a pinch. It sounds complicated, but it's not really, once you see it laid out in front of you.

Good luck to everyone for tomorrow or the next day or whatever! I hope this is helpful.

how do i save the macro?
6 a day, figure 1000 people want these asap, that is 166 days to complete 1000 orders====5.5 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That assumes production 7 days a week. :(
6 units? But there will be plenty for everyone ;)

I sure hope they can increase scale to meet demand or this is going to be a long year.

Now you are going to have to compete with scripts pounding the store and eBay resells at extreme amounts. There is now a serious market incentive to score one quick as the value will be way above retail.

Fortunately, if you kept your Ultra, I believe the value just increased.
Guys, here's what I did and it worked well:

I used Firefox (on a Mac, but I'm guessing this would work with a PC too) and installed the Add-on 'iMacro'.

That lets you record the actions you take on a web page and automates it. So, I installed the add-on and opened it up. There's a button for "record" which I clicked. I then surfed to the Fractal Store, clicked on Axe-FX2 and clicked on "Add to cart". When my cart showed up as empty, I clicked on the 'Stop' button. I then saved that macro as 'Axe1'.

Then I did the same thing, except for the MFC, which is available. I went through all the actions needed to fill in the fields: my name, my address, my credit card info, etc. Clicked through all the way to the point where I would click on "confirm" to actually buy the MFC, but didn't actually click on that button. Then I clicked the 'Stop' button and saved that macro as 'Axe2'.

Then I went back into the 'Axe1' macro and said "edit macro". I copied the first two or 3 lines, which tells the macro to go to the AxeII page, instead of the MFC page. Then I went into the 'Axe2' macro and and replaced those 2 or 3 lines. Then I saved it.

Now, I had to spend hours clicking on 'play' to play the macro. It would get to the empty cart and fail. So I'd have to click 'stop' and then I'd hit 'play' again. It was really tedious.

But when the Axe finally showed up in my cart, it filled in all the info, page after page, in like 2 seconds. I just had to hit confirm manually and I was in. There are surely better, more sophisticated ways of doing it, but this was all I could figure out quickly in a pinch. It sounds complicated, but it's not really, once you see it laid out in front of you.

Good luck to everyone for tomorrow or the next day or whatever! I hope this is helpful.

Great stuff.

I hope I didn't just order 10 MFC-101s fooling around with the script.

All it needs is a conditional loop to loop until there's something in the cart.

I can see where a couple thousand of these pounding on someone's web store could get to be annoying... :ugeek :geek :D
6 units, for two days' production, seems incredibly low. The Ultras came much quicker than that when parts were available. I'm wondering if something has a high failure rate on burn in. [/total speculation]
6 units, for two days' production, seems incredibly low. The Ultras came much quicker than that when parts were available. I'm wondering if something has a high failure rate on burn in. [/total speculation]

Could be spreading out the units across their website, tone merchants waiting list, and g66 waiting list.
6 units, for two days' production, seems incredibly low. The Ultras came much quicker than that when parts were available. I'm wondering if something has a high failure rate on burn in. [/total speculation]

I'd say it's much more likely that they're filling commitments to distributors, big name artists and perhaps folks like Mark Day. I highly doubt every unit that ships out has been processed through the yahoo store.
I guess I was one of the lucky six. It is also possible that more than six units are produced daily but a portion of those other units are allocated elsewhere (e.g. G66).
I guess I was one of the lucky six. It is also possible that more than six units are produced daily but a portion of those other units are allocated elsewhere (e.g. G66).

That's a great point.
I called ToneMerchants out of curiosity (before I realized you have to be local to Southern California to get on their waiting list) and was told they aren't taking any more orders until July because they have 2 full batches of people on the waiting list. That's another 50 that will be allocated in the US just for Cali over the next month.
With Cliff living in new england it's amazing that any got released after last nights Stanley Cup win by the Bruins. Wish I could have been back in Boston for this!
Good points. In some ways, that raises all sorts of other questions. Hopefully it gets smoothed out soon. It's tiring reading the general frustration here. :p
Congrats to all who got one today. We know you'll be smiling all day today, followed by night sweats for a couple days, then near psychosis as the tracking information reads, "Out for delivery" :mrgreen

or8ital, thanks for the stats; keep it up, mang. :ugeek
yep, another thanks to or8ital for the updates, really appreciated - probably saved a bunch of people time and stress. cheers.
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