6/16 - Refreshathon (availability update)

Yep - even better, I'm using an auto-form filler, so it's almost instant. But the window was very, very short...

Well, that's what you gotta do, make technology work for you.;) My calculations show that based on estimated demand, it's going to be about 5 weeks to 5 months before enough demand vanishes before you could actually might have the time to type it in. Not enough data to refine the model further.
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Guys, here's what I did and it worked well:

I used Firefox (on a Mac, but I'm guessing this would work with a PC too) and installed the Add-on 'iMacro'.

That lets you record the actions you take on a web page and automates it. So, I installed the add-on and opened it up. There's a button for "record" which I clicked. I then surfed to the Fractal Store, clicked on Axe-FX2 and clicked on "Add to cart". When my cart showed up as empty, I clicked on the 'Stop' button. I then saved that macro as 'Axe1'.

Then I did the same thing, except for the MFC, which is available. I went through all the actions needed to fill in the fields: my name, my address, my credit card info, etc. Clicked through all the way to the point where I would click on "confirm" to actually buy the MFC, but didn't actually click on that button. Then I clicked the 'Stop' button and saved that macro as 'Axe2'.

Then I went back into the 'Axe1' macro and said "edit macro". I copied the first two or 3 lines, which tells the macro to go to the AxeII page, instead of the MFC page. Then I went into the 'Axe2' macro and and replaced those 2 or 3 lines. Then I saved it.

Now, I had to spend hours clicking on 'play' to play the macro. It would get to the empty cart and fail. So I'd have to click 'stop' and then I'd hit 'play' again. It was really tedious.

But when the Axe finally showed up in my cart, it filled in all the info, page after page, in like 2 seconds. I just had to hit confirm manually and I was in. There are surely better, more sophisticated ways of doing it, but this was all I could figure out quickly in a pinch. It sounds complicated, but it's not really, once you see it laid out in front of you.

Good luck to everyone for tomorrow or the next day or whatever! I hope this is helpful.
It really is luck of the draw. We could all know the exact time it is released, have our auto-forms all set, and literally all submit at the same time and still miss out. Anyone else have a huge rush of adrenaline as they saw it appear in their cart?? I was literally hovering! LOL and THEN I felt a wave of "Oh no" like when Ralphie (from Christmas Story) realized his glasses were broken.. I kept thinking "What did I do wrong?? Where did I make my mistake??!" Oh well.. At least I can lead a normal life for the next 23hrs and 28min. :)
My calculations show the based on estimated demand, it's going to be about 5 weeks to 5 months before enough demand vanishes before you could actually might have the time to type it in. Not enough data to refine the model further.

I'd like to see those calculations ;) How do you know how many units are being sold and what demand is being met over the last 2 days that sales were offered?
I thought of using some type of auto giller or marco but if I can't get to the order form so I can see the format I can't use an autofiller of macro. how the heck did you guys do it?
The MFC has been availabe off and on last couple days you can test with it just cancel out on the last step.
Congrats to you lucky bastards that got one! I've been refreshing all day and didn't even get one in my cart. Although that has to be even more deflating to actually see it in your cart and have it disappear before you can finish typing.
if you thought you had a chance before, you don't now that the cyberdweebs have shared the sniping secrets with the forum
I just had a freaking HEART ATTACK...I forgot the remove the MFC from my cart earlier and when I tried to add the AFXII I thought I had a glimpse of heaven. I really just had a good laugh with this one. Funny...but oh so sad :(
See my post above.

Gratz bro! u should of hooked me up too i'm born and raised in the bronx hehe. Now i have to spend my cash on an mmogold site so they can make me a bot to buy this thing lol. I feel like i'm playing world of warcraft or ffxi waiting on a pop. I quit those games cause of just that lol.

Congrats to all that were quick enough, or lucky enough i get confused which of the two it is anymore lol.
i had auto fill, my credit card ready and must of completed in less than 10 seconds
and have nothing to show. I called fractal and they told me they only had 6 units today
doesn't seem that optimistic for landing these in the near future. I also asked at what time they put them in
and they said it varies day to day
I wonder how many guys will mess up their orders using macros or auto-fill? Automation is great but won't do much good for you if they charge your card and then ship it to the wrong name or address because your software borked up your form. Hmmm...
i had auto fill, my credit card ready and must of completed in less than 10 seconds
and have nothing to show. I called fractal and they told me they only had 6 units today
doesn't seem that optimistic for landing these in the near future. I also asked at what time they put them in
and they said it varies day to day

All I had to do was paste the CC# and 3 digit code. Was 5 seconds max. Am I the only loser to get one in their cart both releases? I'm too old for this! :)
all i can say is doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, and well lets see, 6 a day, figure 1000 people want these asap, that is 166 days to complete 1000 orders====5.5 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i had auto fill, my credit card ready and must of completed in less than 10 seconds
and have nothing to show. I called fractal and they told me they only had 6 units today
doesn't seem that optimistic for landing these in the near future. I also asked at what time they put them in
and they said it varies day to day

Thanks for sharing that.

My congrats to todays winners! How I hate you all :)
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