11 Rack... Is Cliff a law breaker?!?


So I was over at TGP and saw a thread related to 11 Rack and saw an interesting quote related to what I guess is a recent firmware revision. Here is the link: http://duc.digidesign.com/showthread.php?t=279497&page=2
And here is the quote:

One thing worth mentioning is that if we do any significant feature additions, we have to charge money for them...it's the law. So, we're picking our battles, and saving up the 'big stuff' for the huge release we HOPE to do...but I can't say anything about when that might be, exactly.

These guys are on 1.03... Cliff has taken us to 10.01 and hasn't charged us a dime. I hope nobody reports Cliff to the authorities. Maybe all of us should start to chip in for his legal defense fund. :lol:

Just another day... and another occurance... that re-affirms the Axe-FX is the best gear related purchase I've ever made.

...I feel like jamming on Priest's Breakin' the Law.
You have to give me a million dollars. It's the law.

What law?

I dunno.

My laws.

One thing worth mentioning is that if we do any significant feature additions, we have to charge money for them...it's the law. So, we're picking our battles, and saving up the 'big stuff' for the huge release we HOPE to do...but I can't say anything about when that might be, exactly.

I think there is a moral law which is: Don't lie to your customers to squeeze even more money out of them.

Just IMHO.
LOL, let's see what happens when Eleven customers then said kind of:
- Ok, , charge me money and I'll put the 11 rack into your ass rack.

It's the MARKET law
uhh...time to get a new person to respond....unless the responder really IS a monkey....


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How significant would a feature addition have to be ? Maybe Cliff's just weren't significant enough :lol: :shock: :lol:

As well as fractal, Line 6 has done a number of huge upgrades w/o charge. Eventide Eclipse has done a couple as well.
If that is the official line... wow. "It's the law..." as in... corporate law at Avid?

(Insert facepalm).
I'm sure they mean their own law.

However, this begs a question: if they do a major upgrade and charge money for it will the price of a new one increase accordingly? If no, then they're going to have a lot of angry customers.
They always use that as an excuse... also the excuse that they can't legally provide any information about upcoming features before the quarter they're released... they way they don't have to respond to any complaints about PT LE/MP being the ONLY daw's without ADC (even Garage Band and Fruity Loops have it!)

Of course, Apple and other public companies do all the time, so plainly Avid just doesn't like they're customers...

Either way, these supposed laws only apply to publicly traded companies, so until every AxeFX/MFC101 combo purchase includes 5 free shares of stock, nothing to see here...
Their accounting dept. needs to get with the program.

Changes to the GAAP rules now allow manufacturers that are delivering software updates to recognize more revenue sooner, even if they are offering those updates free of charge (otherwise bundled in the original price), and even if the contents of the software updates are unspecified at the time the original device is sold.

http://www.wirelessweek.com/Articles/20 ... -Services/

One of the most vocal advocates of this change has been Apple. The company provides free software updates to iPhone users. Because some of the value of the iPhone is delivered after the product's initial sale and because the software updates are not sold separately, the former GAAP rules forced Apple to bundle the value of the iPhone with the software updates and spread the revenue over the 24-month AT&T subscription term. Now Apple and other manufacturers will be able to separate the value of the device from any future software updates. The product's sales can be recognized in that quarter, while only the value of the device's future software updates will be deferred.

Only relevant for public companies.
FractalAudio said:
I'm sure they mean their own law.

However, this begs a question: if they do a major upgrade and charge money for it will the price of a new one increase accordingly? If no, then they're going to have a lot of angry customers.

Fortunatelly, you did not do that. Nowadays Axe Fx could cost kind of $200,000 :mrgreen:
porieux said:
Their accounting dept. needs to get with the program.

Changes to the GAAP rules now allow manufacturers that are delivering software updates to recognize more revenue sooner, even if they are offering those updates free of charge (otherwise bundled in the original price), and even if the contents of the software updates are unspecified at the time the original device is sold.

http://www.wirelessweek.com/Articles/20 ... -Services/

[quote:3j9a1huk]One of the most vocal advocates of this change has been Apple. The company provides free software updates to iPhone users. Because some of the value of the iPhone is delivered after the product's initial sale and because the software updates are not sold separately, the former GAAP rules forced Apple to bundle the value of the iPhone with the software updates and spread the revenue over the 24-month AT&T subscription term. Now Apple and other manufacturers will be able to separate the value of the device from any future software updates. The product's sales can be recognized in that quarter, while only the value of the device's future software updates will be deferred.

Only relevant for public companies.[/quote:3j9a1huk]

Wow. I'm impressed with your research/knowledge.
I seriously wish Cliff would give us a way to at least buy him a beer or something.

I would gladly flip in a few bucks for the Fractal company picnic or something like that, I mean Cliff has made me a very happy camper "tone wise" and I cant put a figure on that.

Let me buy him and his crew a beer or 2.

If someone knows how to set something like this up....JUST DO IT !
I'll be headed down to the Fractal Tone Factory once my MFC is ready (still patiently waiting my turn). I'd happily bring the crew some beer. Some one has to find out what they like though.

Scott Peterson said:
If that is the official line... wow. "It's the law..." as in... corporate law at Avid?
I am a fan of the 11R, but man did that quote on the DUC piss me off yesterday.
It is the law, actually. I don't know if it's a federal law or just in some states, for public companies. It certainly is a law in California. If you're a public company and you want to deliver improvements after you ship something, you have to defer the recognition of the revenue from the sales of the main product. Not the revenue itself, just the recognition of it in your financial statements. This is why iPod Touch users had to pay for their firmware updates—the revenue wasn't deferred. It doesn't have to be much, and bugfixes do not require the company to charge. Cliff could just call everything bugfixes and no one would object.

But really, would anyone object to paying, say, $9.95 for a significant firmware update from Avid? I don't think so.
Well I was naughty and bashed 11R a few times just because I knew that this would happen. I've been dealing with Avid since 1992 with their frickin editors.

Bottom line from my experience, law or now law, nothing comes out of that company for free. Period. And if that isn't enough all of their stuff is proprietary to the point that they even have conflicts between their own products. I just spent about a week messing with a frickin command prompt based frameserver that just doesn't work worth a crap and is basically a crude workaround for stupidity. On the other hand I own a framserver application at home that I bought for $20 about 7 years ago that works flawlessly. I don't even want to know what we ended up paying for Avid's version.

I think that the 11R is a fine idea and has potential, but they're just another big company that will lose interest and support once they focus on the next product.
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