midi cc

  1. biofa

    New User - loop actions & scene change

    Hi everybody, I’ve had the FM3 for a week now and I’m very pleased with its sounds and flexibility. I wanted to control the Looper and change sounds at the same time, with one button press. For example, once I finish recording a loop, I want to start playing it and change sound from rhythm to...
  2. Saedelaere

    Wish Tuner - Trigger Tuner Source (Input) via MIDI CC

    I love my Axe FX and your awesome product care! That's why I'm daring to share a few ideas that some of you might also find helpful. I use an AXE FX III Mark 2 unit for two instruments (guitar & bass) and would find it helpful to be able to control the tuner's "source" (= Tuner Input) via MIDI...
  3. jason_parra

    MIDI/Remote: Scene Mode Selection

    Hello All, I'm working on programming my FM3 to be controlled by the secuences via MIDI, I can control how to change the bank and how to select the scene and so on, what I would like to do is to set the FM3 in "Scene Mode" for some patches and set the FM3 to "Effect Mode" in other patches but I...
  4. diezel013

    Voodoo Lab Ground Control Pro as Master Controller

    Hi! My name is Diego... I’m new to the Axe FXIII and could really use some help in setting up my GCP as a more traditional pedalboard. I’m hoping that I could ultimately engage/disengage effects within a preset via this MIDI controller, and possibly assign one switch as a master looper, and...
  5. M

    Need help controlling GCX switcher from Axe-Fx III

    Hello, I have figured how to setup a CC transmit to the GCX when a scene is entered, but do not know how to set one up when leaving a scene. Example: when I go to a preset using an external preamp, I use the MIDI block in the scene 1 for the preset to send the cc (channel 16, 80, 255) to turn...
  6. E

    Axe FX III Into Ableton MIDI Problem [scenes]

    Hi everyone! So, today I decided I was going to dig into creating an Ableton Live set with automations for my band. I've setup my Axe III in Ableton Live 10 on Windows. I want to control scene changes via a MIDI track. The MIDI setup itself is flawless I believe, I can set a preset change...
  7. Sergio C.

    Preset inc/dec

    Hello. I use a three buttons external controller (Digitech fs300). Two of this switches are currently assigned to vol inc/dec (midi cc 35/36). Can I assign now this two switches to "preset increment/decrement"? I did'nt find a useful CC. Is there another way? Thank you
  8. SHIFT838

    MFC24 USB MIDI Controller Built

    Since I have been using recording software on my PC I have always wanted to be able to control the software via a footswitch to be able to record, play, stop, remove item, arm track, etc. I literally hate using the mouse. I started pursuing a path to develop my own DIY USB MIDI Foot Controller...
  9. A

    FC units: General purpose midi.

    When the time comes, I’m looking to control external midi gear as well as the AFX3. On the FC unit, can some of the switches on the ‘layout’ or preset be configured as general purpose midi - with other switches on said layout communicating with the AFX3?
  10. P

    What features do people want in a MIDI controller?

    What do you want in a MIDI controller to have that existing controller don't? I'm making a controller that's recently gone up on kickstarter (Poly Expressive) and we've had a few questions from Axe Fx users so I'm keen to make sure it's good for them. If you want any more info about the...
  11. Kalen Austin

    Programmed Midi Scene switching issue... HELP

    I've currently got an AX8 and I'm setting it up to switch patches scenes from a midi output through Pro Tools. (Before anyone asks, I know it seems weird to have the AX8 and do midi switching, but the Axe Fx II XL is a little out of my budget for a little while, I will be getting one down the...
  12. S

    Effects on/off not working via MIDI

    Hi, I have a Qantum 8.0 on my Mark2 which I just get on ebay. I plug my MIDI controller(BJ Devices TB11P) and found that I only can switch between X/Y setting of my working effects within preset. I can't switch on any effect via MIDI. I also try to send MIDI CC messages from Logic, and get the...
  13. Roland

    Midi Implementation

    The manual says, in 17.3, that CCs are not passed forward via midi-thru. A quick check with midiOX shows that they are passed. Does anyone know anything about this?
  14. Blakemore Music

    New FX8 not registering certain midi CCs

    Hey guys, Im a very happy new FX8 MKii owner, but I have run into an interesting problem. I use the RJM Mastermind PBC to control my entire rig (FX8 included). With my workflow, I map PBC buttons to turn certain FX8 blocks on and off basically to have a quick recall button on the pbc but I...
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