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    switching between headphones and monitors?

    might be a beginners question.. but i'm recording in reaper with my axe fx ll.... i'd like to listen back to my recordings through headphones a lot louder than i do with monitors.. is there any way i can cut the monitors out when i playback through headphones and the other way around?
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    can i copy effects?

    was wondering how i'd go about copying an effects pedal? i love some of the reverbs on my line 6 verbzilla.. is it possible to get them on the axe fx?
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    assigning looper not working... (mfc 1.04) help appreciated!

    hey guys, im having alittle problem trying to get my mfc101 looper to work, and i was wondering if anyone could maybe instruct me where im going wrong. Looper is in the signal chain.. Last.. mix is at 50 ill just go through all of my options in the midi menu to see if something looks...
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    Guitarscaping/Space Organ

    sounds great!
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    mfc problems (inexperienced)

    got it! thanks i followed the necessary steps to get this looper going. when i hit reveal... preset 1 will turn the looper on or off.. but looper 2.. i assigned to record, ia01 c1 cc#0000 ia02 is assigned to 28 (looper record) ia03 is assigned to 29.. etc. When I try to record...
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    mfc problems (inexperienced)

    solved: mfc problems (inexperienced) So, i was trying to get my looper to work on the mfc101 today. I followed these steps, and after.. all i see is AXE FX NAME TIMEOUT! My Presets are all named things such as "X014" "X122" instead of the...
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    The Faceless' tone?

    any presets?
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    Ambient Pitch Looper

    im on 6.02 and i cant get sound out of this patch for the life of me :[ what should i edit?
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    Porcupine Tree tones

    just bumping if anyone else had any steven wilson tones?
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    could this work? (axe fx ll through a stereo?)

    no dice spdif out to any inputs on this unfortunately
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    Can anybody help me nail the Meshuggah Obzen tone?

    gonna be honest. the naushzen is the best meshuggah like tone going that i've heard. kudos.
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    Porcupine Tree tones

    sweet! jeez i need to get on learning the whole tone matching thing. ;p
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    Porcupine Tree tones

    and the mid section to "mellotron scratch" anyone try?
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    Porcupine Tree tones

    just curious. how's that possible without isolated guitar tracks ?
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    has anyone been able to achieve any mellotron sounds for the axe fx ll?
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    Porcupine Tree tones

    I've been trying to dial in a nice rhythm tone similar to steven wilson and maybe a lead. something similar to blind house, blackest eyes etc. anyone have any ideas of where to start?
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    using an mbox 2 pro

    okay, and recording won't be possible that way?
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    using an mbox 2 pro

    i see, so unbalanced output l r on my axe fx to the line in on the back of my mbox pro 2?
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    using an mbox 2 pro

    confused, i have it hooked up via s/pdif?
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    using an mbox 2 pro

    got my axe fx ll today and had no problem playing with it into my monitors with just the unit itself. when plugging in my two s/pdif cables from the axe fx to the mbox, and my monitors into the mbox i noticed that i couldn't play through the monitors like i was. is that normal? am i only going...
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    using an mbox 2 pro

    thanks for the insight guys. i went out and bought two spdif cables and am trying it out. sorry but im new with all of this. do the monitors still stay in the axe fx, or the interface? guitar in? just having problems getting sound now.
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    using an mbox 2 pro

    can someone shed some life on s/pidf? what is it? what kind of cable would i need for it?
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    using an mbox 2 pro

    hey guys, i just got my axe fx ll and have been playing around with it through my monitors, however i'm going to need to record in pro tools 8 and was wondering what the best way would be to hook through my mbox in order to do this?
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