The Faceless' tone?


The Faceless - Autotheism (FULL ALBUM) - YouTube

Metal guitarists - how do you get this kind of a tone? The string definition is pretty high, but it's still reasonably gainy, yet warm. I don't know how to explain it, but if you scroll up to around 1 minute, you'll know what I mean. When I try and dial in a tone which makes individual strings sound like that, it doesnt sound very great on chugs or held chords. Is it achieved by running a compressor in front? What kind of settings would you recommend?

I'll share a few patches when I get home tonight where I was going after that sound and could use feedback on how I did. I do know that he used a software modeler that he's also using live apparently. The other guitarist (not on the record) is using Axe FX...
yeah that's true, have seen the faceless now 4 times, everytime with the pod.

From what I've read, Michael Keene uses a laptop running GTR VST plugins, and Wes Hauch uses the Axe FX. If someone comes up with a nice patch, I would love to hear it.

PS: WTF am I doing? I'm on my honeymoon...I should be far away from the forum!
Their former guitarist used the Axe Fx live with an ENGL head as a power amp. I'm thinking they got some Axe in the album before he got replaced by Wes who also happens to use the Axe. In my opinion though, I wasn't too fond of the rhythm tones for Autotheism. I'd say aim for Planetary Duality's tone :)

Ps. Enjoy the honeymoon! :D
no help here?
So if you listen to the new record you can clearly hear some eq changes between lead lines and the rythm. The rythmguitars sound thinner when a solo is played, afterwards the rythm guitars get more punch again...
I like the new album too, but WAAAAYYY too much clean mid-range singing. Too much of an Opeth/Devin Townsend vibe. But I really like the guitars.
Hey dudes,

It is true that Keene used GTR to record the record, I used the AXE 2 for my 2 solos on the record though. The patch I use live is 2 amps (Corncob and Brit Super) 2 Cabs (German Boutique) and I use the Fat Rat in front of both amps. The patch is pretty low gain and dark compared to a patch I might use to record with, but it works well with our FOH mix and our sound guy likes it a lot.
Hey dudes,

It is true that Keene used GTR to record the record, I used the AXE 2 for my 2 solos on the record though. The patch I use live is 2 amps (Corncob and Brit Super) 2 Cabs (German Boutique) and I use the Fat Rat in front of both amps. The patch is pretty low gain and dark compared to a patch I might use to record with, but it works well with our FOH mix and our sound guy likes it a lot.

Aha...from the man himself...thanks dude! :)
Corncob and Brit Super..... I would have never guessed haha. Makes me wonder what other combos out there are worth trying for a heavy sound.
At the axe-fest video of Wes he said the patches would be shared but I've never seen them on axe-change.
Have I missed it or has no-one taken care of this?
Wes is on tour right now so he's probably not keeping an eye on this thread. I'll drop him a line and see if he can get us those presets. We might have to wait till he's back home in LA though.
View attachment CornBrit Gbou Rect OH.syx

View attachment CornBrit Gbou OH Beta.syx

View attachment Corn Brit GBou M75.syx

Try these out. Once I heard Wes was using the CornCob and Brit Super I started experimenting. With my equipment, they sound somewhat Faceless-esque. Who knows, on your equipment they may sound like poo. That's usually how it works for me when I download others' presets. Maybe with a little tweaking, somebody else could get some use out of these.

Note that I play primarily through headphones so the room level in the cab is pretty high. I also set up my presets to mimic a double-tracked guitar sound ala the "Petrucci Rhythm" preset. If you don't like that just delete the vol and delay blocks and put a shunt there.

The second one uses an OH Beta Cab (SM57 W-7).
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