using an mbox 2 pro


hey guys, i just got my axe fx ll and have been playing around with it through my monitors, however i'm going to need to record in pro tools 8 and was wondering what the best way would be to hook through my mbox in order to do this?
Some places call it Phono cable or RCA - you see it in Audio Visual shops a lot - twin cable usually a red and a white (or red and black) connector on each end

It's a digital connection method for short travel - whereas the normal audio outs (1/4 inch jacks or xlr) are analog and require an analog/digital converter before getting into the USB from the mbox. By using the s/pdif connection you keep the signal digital (and therefore cleaner).
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spdif looks like an RCA cable but its not and don't use an RCA cable

use a spdif coaxil cable- which looks like an RCA and probably is- but is made to handle super fast digital signals

above says TWIN CABLE etc...

obiously there's an in/out in the axe and the mbox but i think the out of the mbox going to the in of the axe fx is useless- so i wouldn't use 2 spdifs in this set up

i would just use the axe out into the mbox digital in

in my experience you may be better off with xlr cables- the shortest best quality matching ones you can find- in stereo (so two xlr L/R out)

i think i've been getting better results the last 2-3 yrs recording with various devices (high quality stuff not crap) using the regular outputs and not digital

i still record my keyboard digital (with a toslink fiberoptic spidf out) but i can only record at 48k

but it sounds great
thanks for the insight guys. i went out and bought two spdif cables and am trying it out. sorry but im new with all of this. do the monitors still stay in the axe fx, or the interface? guitar in? just having problems getting sound now.
I'd just use the 1/4" and control the Axe's monitor level with the Mbox. No latency, and independant of PT's buffer setting.

Else, use S/PDIF and set PT session to 48k and external sync (S/PDIF).
Jus follow the signal path: guitar to axe fx, axe fx to m audio, Maudio to speakers.
got my axe fx ll today and had no problem playing with it into my monitors with just the unit itself. when plugging in my two s/pdif cables from the axe fx to the mbox, and my monitors into the mbox i noticed that i couldn't play through the monitors like i was. is that normal? am i only going to hear sound when in record mode on pro tools? on the axe fx i have the main input source as analog. and i'm plugged into the front of it. i attached everything relevant in my pro tools that could pertain to why im not getting sound?

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Yes, with S/PDIF you need to monitor through your software. Use analog (1/4" jacks) to monitor the Axe directly from the Mbox. Use the Mbox's "Mix" control to balance levels from Axe/Pro Tools.
confused, i have it hooked up via s/pdif?

Then you have to monitor through a track in PT.

If you want to monitor directly, straight from the Mbox to your speakers, you need to use 1/4" jacks instead (line inputs).

You can of course use both. Record the S/PDIF signal and use the analog signal from the Axe just for monitoring.
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