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  1. E

    Problems recording multiple layers using AXE-FX

    More than glad to help. 8)
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    Problems recording multiple layers using AXE-FX

    I think we need a clip and as many details about the way you're tracking, resolution, etc... as you can think of. I've used the S1 a lot, always with good results.
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    Problems recording multiple layers using AXE-FX

    I use the waves great and makes mixes sound nice and big (wide). I use it on gtrs, overheads and any backing or non main vox that aren't panned center. 8)
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    Problems recording multiple layers using AXE-FX

    I use pretty much the same formula with the exception that I apply compression on each track before the eq and before sending it to a group buss which usually has very light chorus and a stereo width plug. I just feel it better preserves the individual dynamics of each track, keeping more of the...
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    Problems recording multiple layers using AXE-FX

    ...also a thought. Are you by chance running both gtr tracks through a single compressor send? That can cause wierd stuff like that because the comp will be triggered by the more dominant track but affect (compress) both...which ends up sounding like what you are describing (wierd/phasey).
  6. E

    Problems recording multiple layers using AXE-FX

    I agree. I have really been steering clients with 2 guitarists away from doing more than one track (performance) each. What you gain in size just isn't usually worth what you lose in tightness and attitude of the performance. I do track with a sennheiser 609 on the cap and a rode K2 on the cap...
  7. E

    Problems recording multiple layers using AXE-FX

    You aren't mixing ownhammer IR's with stock or redwirez ones are you? I do remember reading on here that there was something with the way they made their IR's that would introduce a different amount of latency than other IR's...which would cause phase issues. Only if using 2 cabs @ once though...
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    Problems recording multiple layers using AXE-FX

    I was asking about the patch to determine if you were tracking in with any modulation FX from the AXE. I apply any mod FX in Nuendo to avoid such issues. Where are you panning the tracks? On a side note, I do get much better results recording direct if I do have a cab @ low volume in the control...
  9. E

    Problems recording multiple layers using AXE-FX

    Are you enabling direct monitoring or monitoring after your recording software does it's thing? It kinda sounds like this may be a result of something your recording software is doing to the signal after the fact.
  10. E

    Problems recording multiple layers using AXE-FX

    Yeah, more details and a link to the patch would tell alot. I was asking about FX because if it's being tracked with any type of modulation on it and then being double tracked there's a good chance the peaks and troughs of the mod on the 2 tracks will not line up and cause some phase issues...
  11. E

    Problems recording multiple layers using AXE-FX

    ...he's coming into a mono API pre so it's not going to be 2 channels coming into that.
  12. E

    Problems recording multiple layers using AXE-FX

    What is the patch like as far as amp type, any FX, cab sims, etc? If you put up a link to the patch you're using I or several other people on here could try tracking it in. The guitar, front end to your DAW, converters and any processing in your DAW will affect things as well (nice pre by the...
  13. E

    What can Standard and Ultra owner's expect in future fw updates?

    The one thing I would really like to see updated is the ability to make the % on the wah autoengage have a minimum value of 1%, vs the 5% minimum now. I'd just like to be able to match how my Bad Horsie kicks in as soon as you move the pedal. I'm using an Art X-15, and it is calibrated. Other...
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    This whole deal seems like a slippery slope from both sides of the coin. I just think some people say things out of frustration before thinking it through. You can't exactly keep something that big under wraps and tell someone not to buy the current model without deflating the deserved...
  15. E

    Any problem loading new firmware 11 with RME Fireface UFX?

    Thanks for the advice. I will heed Your warning Cliff and use my MIDI Uno. Congrats on the Axe II...looks awesome. I'm guessing I'll give in to the new beast before too long. 8)
  16. E

    Any problem loading new firmware 11 with RME Fireface UFX?

    Bump...anybody...Cliff? I read that connecting the Axe to fireface 800 MIDI could render the Axe inoperable and I don't wanna do that. Just trying here before bugging a probably already swamped with questions Fractal support dept. :|
  17. E

    Are the Standard and Ultra now discontinued?

    I don't think we're @ the end of the line quite yet, this is from the Axe II page. More to Come... Whereas the Axe-Fx Standard and Ultra are …almost… mature in terms of their capacity for further development, the Axe-Fx II is well equipped for a future of free upgrades and updates in the...
  18. E

    Any problem loading new firmware 11 with RME Fireface UFX?

    I did see there are known issues with the Fireface 800 MIDI and Axe I safe with my UFX? The Axe II looks sweet...a lot of connectivity I wish my Ultra had. I sure hope there's some kind of trade up option, had mine less than 5 months. That said it's still the best sounding rig I've...
  19. E

    Atomic jitters!

    I play in a rock/metal band myself and run my Axe through a Velocity 300 in stereo into a Mesa Recto cab (stereo cab) and it sounds awesome. It has no problem keeping up either, it is LOUD. 8) Setting up the gain staging properly is important for getting volume without clipping the amp and...
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    Two guitars at once (again)

    I keep seeing stuff about "special sauce" being something on the front input jack only. Is this software or hardware driven, and if it is software maybe it could be a global switchable parameter for all inputs?
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    Is it possible to figure out which IR you have in the user slots?

    If I send you $20 could you create an IR of that pen and paper that I could just import? :-P
  22. E

    Is it possible to figure out which IR you have in the user slots?

    Must be more work to do that than it seems, though I'm no programmer so what do I know. Time to fall back on some analog labeling...where's my pen and papar?:D
  23. E

    Is it possible to figure out which IR you have in the user slots?

    I was wondering about this myself. Is there some way that the user cab slots could be named the same way a patch name can be edited...or adopt the sysex name...Cliff?
  24. E

    Problem with Ownhammer IR's.

    I did turn off the mic sims but I guess I didn't expect that much of a difference to have to start from scratch. I will say that from what I've heard it's probably well worth the time spent in the long run though, the sample clips sound great. A big hat's off to you as well yek. Your how to's...
  25. E

    Problem with Ownhammer IR's.

    I recently purchased the Ownhammer Recto 1 and Scumback 75 IR's (sysex versions for Axe) after hearing great sounding clips using them From Clark Kent and on the Ownhammer site. After loading them vix Axe-edit it does show thme loading but they sound very thin and digital artifact like. The...
  26. E

    New Ultra Owner.

    The guy with the Powerball actually had the Vetta HD before that so he was open minded. He went back to a tube amp/FX pedal rig because he wanted to be able to tweak on the fly with no menu layers to dig through...which I understand. He was most impressed with the "feel" being so close to his...
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    New Ultra Owner.

    Thanks for the warm welcome and all the information on here that helped get me up and running. I look forward to getting well versed enough to start giving back soon. This is already the best sounding rig I've owned, that's after owning a Mark IV, Dual Rectifier and Vetta HD.
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    New Ultra Owner.

    Ah, it all makes sense now. I was wondering why there was a pen holder on the front. :lol
  29. E

    New Ultra Owner.

    ...impressive meaning the Axe, not my patch creation.
  30. E

    New Ultra Owner.

    Hey guys, just wanted to introduce myself. I got my Ultra about 2 weeks ago and love it, very good purchase! I'm still just scratching the surface but have already found some nice tones. I was invited to a gear party some local friends put together last weekend which included an Engl...
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