Any problem loading new firmware 11 with RME Fireface UFX?

I did see there are known issues with the Fireface 800 MIDI and Axe I safe with my UFX?

The Axe II looks sweet...a lot of connectivity I wish my Ultra had. I sure hope there's some kind of trade up option, had mine less than 5 months. That said it's still the best sounding rig I've ever owned and I love it. 8)
Bump...anybody...Cliff? I read that connecting the Axe to fireface 800 MIDI could render the Axe inoperable and I don't wanna do that. Just trying here before bugging a probably already swamped with questions Fractal support dept.
Just to check before I ruin my new Ultra connecting for the first time, are there known screwy issues with any other midi interfaces? In my case a Mackie Onyx 400f?
I just upgraded with a Fireface 400 and SysEx Librarian. Took hardly no time at all. Very easy, painless process.
Thanks for the advice. I will heed Your warning Cliff and use my MIDI Uno. Congrats on the Axe II...looks awesome. I'm guessing I'll give in to the new beast before too long. 8)
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