Two guitars at once (again)


sorry, i know this has been asked before but i do not find a an instruction that really helps me. its pretty urgent because this evening some guys come over to record some guitar tracks and i hop you can help me. this is what i want to do and have already done:

- i created a patch with two independent rows - each with an amp and cab.

- as usual, my axe is connected to my interface via the unbalanced line output 1 (L+R).

- what i want to do, is to seperate each row (amp+cab), one to L one to R (both mono)

- so than i have one mono track for each guitar in my DAW

here are the things i am unsure about:

- where to connect both guitars?

- which settings for the I/O menu?

- do i have to pan (balance) each row in axe edit hard right and one hard left (every amp and cab)?

thank you so much for help
I keep seeing stuff about "special sauce" being something on the front input jack only. Is this software or hardware driven, and if it is software maybe it could be a global switchable parameter for all inputs?
As I understand, you want to use 2 guitars in parallel. A good idea would be to use a stereo preamplifier (with guitar inputs) and use the back input 1and2 of the AxeFX. I would recommend DBX386
I keep seeing stuff about "special sauce" being something on the front input jack only. Is this software or hardware driven, and if it is software maybe it could be a global switchable parameter for all inputs?
The "special sauce" is an analog treble boost at the input, followed by a digital treble cut after the A/D converter. It serves to reduce high-frequency noise coming in from the guitar and its cable.

If your guitar is reasonably quiet to begin with, or if it can be made so with the Axe-FX's noise gate, the rear inputs will work fine.
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