New Ultra Owner.

Hey guys, just wanted to introduce myself.
I got my Ultra about 2 weeks ago and love it, very good purchase! I'm still just scratching the surface but have already found some nice tones.
I was invited to a gear party some local friends put together last weekend which included an Engl Fireball. The owner ran into the Fireball and Ultra @ the same time via splitter and could not believe how perfectly the Axe nailed his amp. Pretty impressive since it was a patch I threw together in minutes on my own with no Engl in the room to compare it to! 8)
Hey man, congrats on your purchase. I recently bought an Axe FX ultra and could never be more happier. This thing just rocks!

I a/b'd by Mark IV and the AFUltra and was so impressed how similar the tone is.
Scratching has minor influence. It's the ones that arrive with warped faceplate that sound best! :mrgreen
Pen holders are on the back. The front is the pencil sharpener! Good luck with your writing :lol
Thanks for the warm welcome and all the information on here that helped get me up and running. I look forward to getting well versed enough to start giving back soon. This is already the best sounding rig I've owned, that's after owning a Mark IV, Dual Rectifier and Vetta HD.
Welcome to sure to download FX Edit for the PC. The interface is intuitive, and will help minimize the learning curve.
We all want to show off our new "toy"...dang, maybe FAS can throw some goodies our way when we close another sale for them! I love hearing about valve purist getting a dose of silicon blow.
You'll find a great "upline" in the forums....these guys are tremendous..SHOUTS boyz!
I bought a standard, and am very well pleased. Keep telling other players about it, lets help keep FAS in the black. As much as we crank on our toys, some will need service eventually.:geek
The guy with the Powerball actually had the Vetta HD before that so he was open minded. He went back to a tube amp/FX pedal rig because he wanted to be able to tweak on the fly with no menu layers to dig through...which I understand.
He was most impressed with the "feel" being so close to his Engl, which I felt the Vetta never quite attained. The Axe sells itself the way it is now! 8)
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