Search results for query: freqout

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  1. yek

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 4 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta

    @RevDrucifer Love my FreqOut, how natural it sounds and fades in. One of the last remaining pedals in my possession.
  2. RevDrucifer

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 4 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta

    ...dead on with how I remember the original sounding/feeling. Here ya go Mud, enjoy. I even used a stock cab. (Edit- that's a Digitech Freqout doing the feedback notes. There's a loop for it built into the preset but won't affect anything else about the signal chain. Also, I'm using an...
  3. CodePoet

    Wish FREQOUT pedal

    ...block is a nice single-block solution IMO and definitely usable in a live scenario to give a feedback flavor. I don't really find the Freqout to be more "natural", but maybe a little different. If you need to save some CPU cycles and can add a pedal to your setup, go with the Freqout. I...
  4. simeon

    Wish FREQOUT pedal set up, but you only have to do it once. feedback is a very complex mechanical phenomenon and trying to reproduce it digitally is a fool's errand if you ask me. nothing beats the real real thing for visceral fun, so turn up loud, or fit a sustainiac, or make do with the freqout or a synth...
  5. sprint

    Wish FREQOUT pedal

    Same here - though some of the implementations here seem equal or better, there's a convenience factor with the pedal, + not something I care enough about to spend system resources on - the the Freqout, and Mimic stay as outboard items for me.
  6. fuzzyoctaves

    Wish FREQOUT pedal

    hmmm. This thread seems to have derailed in a few ways. I'll try to bring it back on point by including details on the specific Freqout functionality from the manual: The Harmonic Feedback Types: The first five Harmonic Feedback types let you get feedback at a predictable, repeatable frequency...
  7. jethro

    Looking for input on a Vai type delay with harmonizer I think

    I cant seem to import this syx file. It sounds amazing! Thanks for taking the time to make it!!!
  8. RevDrucifer

    Looking for input on a Vai type delay with harmonizer I think

    ...the board. You can hear it much better with headphones. You'll also need to select a new cab unless you have York's Friedman cab pack, which is what I used for it. Little preview. (Note, I have Out/In 3 for my FreQout pedal, which is how I'm getting those higher pitches/feedback kind of...
  9. JoKeR III

    Implemented A Klon-type Drive block

    Yeah, there's really nothing to discuss otherwise. :D
  10. D

    Implemented A Klon-type Drive block

    Honestly, I think maybe Cliff avoids both the Klon and the FreqOut, because forum traffic would drop by half if it weren't for the constant requests. :p Not that I don't want them, too. :cool:
  11. L

    eBow possible?

    There are the patches that attempt to emulate the FreqOut which are in the ballpark, but nothing can really do what an Ebow does as it’s physically vibrating the actual strings on the guitar for truly endless sustain
  12. unix-guy

    Wish FREQOUT pedal

    You can use the Send / Return blocks to make a real feedback loop... But be forewarned that this is really difficult to control and can easily result in you needing to change your undies... ;)
  13. sixtystring

    Wish FREQOUT pedal

    I'm guess I'm looking more for a "Real Feedback Simulator" not an emulation of the Freqout. I have a Freqout and was hoping it would "fill the gap" before someone came up with something great on the Axe-FX. Unfortunately, it's not that great. The “one pitch” issue is what makes it and all the...
  14. simeon

    Wish FREQOUT pedal

    ...think i just did to make that sound clip? yes, there are a couple of little tweaks but it's not rocket science and you'd want to tweak your "freqout block" anyway, so it's not like it's extra work. here's the block. attach it to the input of the amp in parallel to the main line. voice 1...
  15. simeon

    Wish FREQOUT pedal

    just using the synth block only set to +19 - sim.mp3?dl=0
  16. GlennO

    Wish FREQOUT pedal

    I have the same reaction to using the technique of using a synth block. A clever idea, but the result is not as good as a Freqout.
  17. sprint

    Wish FREQOUT pedal

    I've had Freqout for a while, in a loop that's attached to an expression pedal so that I can control how much I get added to my main signal, and more importantly, to be able to turn it off when it's sound starts to go sideways. With Freqout, if you bend the note even a little during it's...
  18. greiswig

    Wish FREQOUT pedal

    OK, I just tried this preset, and it doesn't do anything usable for me even after mapping the Pitch block mix control to my pedal. I know the Freqout isn't perfect, but it's considerably better than this. My wish remains.
  19. sixtystring

    Wish FREQOUT pedal

    ...real feedback. For what it’s worth I’ve tried Simeon, mark day, Mokes, and probably every other one that has been posted. I don’t think the Freqout is that great either but it’s much better than what’s been posted on the forums. This may be in part because its easier to implement. Real...
  20. GlennO

    Wish FREQOUT pedal are right there is a tone generation capability in the synth block, but I mean something that generates a tone similar to the way the FreqOut works. That might be why the synth block method doesn't sound like a FreqOut. Edit: Here's a link to Simeon's preset...
  21. GlennO

    Wish FREQOUT pedal

    The feature the AxeFX III currently lacks to do a decent feedback emulation is the ability to generate a tone in quite the same way as the FreqOut. You can try to emulate this with delay hold or compression instead of a synth block, and there have been some impressive efforts. Mark Day did one...
  22. fuzzyoctaves

    Hooking a pedalboard up to Axe-Fx 3

    My signal chain has 4 separate insert points for different pedals: Mono Input: Guitar > FreqOut > Axe Front In1 Mono Loop: Axe Out3 L > HXFX loop1 > HXFX Loop2 L > A few Fuzz pedals > Axe In3 L Stereo Loop: Axe Out 4 L+R > HXFX in L+R > HXFX out L+R > Axe In4 L+R My presets are generally: In1...
  23. RevDrucifer

    Hooking a pedalboard up to Axe-Fx 3

    Yep, they definitely can. I put mine in loops so I could keep going straight into the Input. The Freqout is in loop 3 and resides in the rack while I engage it with a momentary switch on my pedalboard. The Talk Box just gets a send from Out 4 but doesn’t return, since a mic will be picking up...
  24. TG3K

    Hooking a pedalboard up to Axe-Fx 3

    Good point, but none of those are stereo, are they? Couldn't any of those go between the guitar and the Axe-Fx? (Honest question, since I don't use any pedals with my Axe-Fx.)
  25. RevDrucifer

    Hooking a pedalboard up to Axe-Fx 3

    I raise you a Talk Box and Freqout.
  26. D

    Possible Future Blocks

    ...the ability to invent our own custom block types in this way. Specifically: He would never again have to hear people asking for a Klon or a FreqOut or some other missing block type. He could just answer, "Hey, you have the custom-block designer tool. Go build it yourself and stop buggin' me."...
  27. RevDrucifer

    Why are we chasing the amp in the room sound?

    I got a Digitech FreQout in loop 3 that i turn on/off with a momentary switch on my board. I don't sit far from my monitors, so it doesn't take absurd volume levels to get real feedback, either.
  28. fuzzyoctaves

    Pedals in front of the Axe = lose the "secret sauce?"

    Didn't work well for me as the harmonic was too "pure" sounding without going through drive+amp blocks. It emphasized how unnatural the FreqOut can sound. I'll put it in front since I need to put my fuzz up front anyway.
  29. bradlake

    Pedals in front of the Axe = lose the "secret sauce?"

    It does not...and no, I accidentally underlined.....
  30. fuzzyoctaves

    Pedals in front of the Axe = lose the "secret sauce?"

    Did you miss posting a link there? I thought the FreqOut needed to be first in the chain.
  31. bradlake

    Pedals in front of the Axe = lose the "secret sauce?"

    you may want to try the Freqout in a post-amp loop....
  32. bradlake

    Pedals in front of the Axe = lose the "secret sauce?"

    Freqout and fuzz both work very fine in front of III, don’t worry about the sauce.
  33. fuzzyoctaves

    Pedals in front of the Axe = lose the "secret sauce?"

    ...Axe will not handle a loop in front of amp blocks without unworkable noise unless the amps are very low gain. So now I am looking at running FreqOut and some fuzz prior to going into Input1. I know that there is some "secret sauce" in the inputs - am I losing that by going through pedals...
  34. sprint

    How many expression pedals do you use?

    8 Expression Pedals with Axe3: 4 into MFC Controller Gain, Wah, Whammy, Post Volume 2 Into Axe3 Pedal jacks: Input Block 1 Volume, Loop3 Input Level to control Freqout pedal. 2 from Pod HD (used as an additional foot controller): Modulation Fx Control, Delay Mix
  35. yek

    Closed Improved Virtual Capo & FreqOut-similar feature
  36. sprint

    How many external pedals/switches max with Axe-Fx 3 and FC-12?

    I have 8 - lol! Volume, Wah, Whammy, Gain, Input Boost level, Freqout Feedback Pedal Level, Delay Parameters (ie - swells), Mod Parameters (ie - rotery speed). As I've mentioned to my spouse - all are essential.
  37. sprint

    Line 6 Helix 3.0 released

  38. Matt_B_77

    Let's see those FM3 rigs!

    ...pedal were attached to the board with screws but this time around I opted for dual lock and Velcro. I need to sort out power for the Freqout but with the courtesy AC outlet on the panel, I can tap off of that or just "convert" it. I am still play around with running the Freqout inline or in...
  39. bradlake

    Line 6 Helix 3.0 released

    Haven’t figured it out yet....
  40. D

    Line 6 Helix 3.0 released

    How about the sustainer thing? Comparable to a FreqOut at all?
  41. PBGas

    Axe-Fx III block to simulate FreqOut?

    With the Axe III, I was able to use my Drop pedal somewhere else. I have a Freqout on my board and it works great! I re-purposed the Drop pedal to my incoming FM3 board to save some memory use on the unit so that I use a few more FX on it instead.
  42. GlennO

    Axe-Fx III block to simulate FreqOut?

    For me, it's Drop, Freqout, and Mimiq. With this preset, I no longer need the Mimiq: The pitch block in the AxeFX III is every bit as good as the Drop pedal, but if I'm using a preset that doesn't have the virtual capo, or can't...
  43. fuzzyoctaves

    Axe-Fx III block to simulate FreqOut?

    ...chord it should pitch up, even when using an octave. It will start with the low note and then glitch into a higher one. Since I am using the FreqOut in manual, I have been playing with using the Pitch Detector to trigger post FreqOut effects (compression and tremolo), but using the FO...
  44. FiddlerTheDrum

    Axe-Fx III block to simulate FreqOut?

    ...may be user issues because I'm trying to fade a pitch/feedback and using a wah at same time. Going to keep messing with this. Back to the FreqOut, I tried moving it out front this morning. The issue I am going to have is my current setup (still building). I have my pedals rack mounted, chain...
  45. J

    Axe-Fx III block to simulate FreqOut?

    The only way I've found to avoid the chirp is to use it manually in momentary mode, and even then I get glitches sometimes if I'm not off the switch fast enough before I release the note. Sometimes it seems to hold a bit beyond when the switch is released.
  46. MicroMort

    Axe-Fx III block to simulate FreqOut?

    I had 3 pedals stopping me from going all axeIII (drop and freqout and a stutter) - with the pitch improvements this year I was able to drop the drop. Hoping this will be next someday!
  47. RevDrucifer

    Axe-Fx III block to simulate FreqOut?

    Maybe the compressor is giving it too much juice? Is the compressor before or after the pedal? I have mine as the first thing after the Input, nothing else in line with it and use a momentary switch to control it. I had to tweak the pedal itself, the offset and the gain, to get it to work as...
  48. simeon

    Axe-Fx III block to simulate FreqOut?

    yeah, the freqout needs to go before the amp @Nuclearfishin you should probably check out this thread. i made a feedback simulator for the II a few years ago and it's now been updated and improved for the III
  49. luckymethod

    Axe-Fx III block to simulate FreqOut?

    Could you post a quick clip of how you use it? I'm curious to hear the results of that setup. Bonus points for posting the patch :)
  50. FiddlerTheDrum

    Axe-Fx III block to simulate FreqOut?

    Bumping this to see if anyone has further settings or success with the FreqOut. I’m running it through Output 3 loop with compressor and momentary switch mentioned by AutomaticEight. I used CS1 mapped to a FC12 switch to control the bypass on Output 3, attack and release set to be basically...
  51. 6

    Anyone sell all their tube amps?

    I sold all my amps after I got a Helix. My main draw to Fractal was to lose the rest of my pedals. I still had a sizeable board with a Drop, Freqout, and BigSky. Now I just have the Freqout tucked in my rack in loop 3. The bonus was the better modeling across the board.
  52. N

    Closed Improved Virtual Capo & FreqOut-similar feature

    Would love to ditch my digitech drop tune and use the built in virtual capo for downtuning 2 whole steps or more As well as something similar to the freqout - feedback on demand I'm a dreamer :)
  53. N

    Let's see those FM3 rigs!

    My current setup. Home made pedal board, from a leftover ikea shelf, stained, power brick held down with bicycle chain links, the drop and freqout with 3m dual lock. Just got the airstep, waiting for a midi cable should be in by tomorrow or so. I like that the board is seperate from the FM3...
  54. 6

    Line 6 vs Helix Floor vs Fractal Axe FX III

    ...57 and 121 IRs, and there it was, pretty much nailed my old tube rig. It's that last 5-10%, that the audience never hears, but is super important to me, that is what the Fractal gave me. And now no BigSky or Drop necessary. I do still have my FreqOut tucked in my rack case wired in a loop...
  55. T

    Wish New effect block: Digitech FreqOut emulation

    I think an emulation/concoction of something along the lines of the Digitech Freqout/Fernandes sustainer effect would be absolutely incredible with the parameters like the Freqout to change feedback style etc. This would be extremely useful for guys who do straight up in ear gigs but want to...
  56. Freds55

    AFIII NE Iowa COVID Jam Band #3 - Boston - Foreplay/Longtime

    Man that sounded great you guys nailed it :D
  57. rushfan

    AFIII NE Iowa COVID Jam Band #3 - Boston - Foreplay/Longtime

    ...Using my AXE III, @Moke's Foreplay/Longtime preset for the electric guitar parts, Digitech Freqout, and my EVH Wolfgang Standard. My Taylor T5 for acoustic parts using the stock acoustic preset. Friends/musicians recording/filming parts and sending them to the drummer to mix and make...
  58. F

    FM3 Internal/Passthrough Latency Measurements - Surprising Results?

    ...measurements down to -2 semitones before the RTL Utility stopped recognizing the signal. I was also surprised to find out that the Digitech Freqout has a +6.4ms latency when set to Momentary Mode (Dry = On). vs. Baseline (ms) Pitch Block measurements: Virtual Capo (no shift...
  59. M

    External pedals controlled with MFC-101 (mk2)?

    ...M5) is there a way i can connect the M13 up to the AXE via midi and recall the preset via the MFC101 using the FX loop? I also use a Digitech Freqout and whilst this isn't midi is there any way i can use this via the MFC101? Not the end of the world as it is a tiny pedal and can still sit on...
  60. Xenoprimate

    Which hardware pedal did you keep since getting your Axe-Fx III and why?

    ...but instead I opted to buy their W3T VST and add it on in production. Sounds just as good, and has more tweakable parameters! 👌 As for me I've kept only the FreqOut. Was tempted to keep my Drolo Twin Peaks (harmonoc tremolo), but I made a comparable preset on the AxeFX using a crossover block.
  61. zappafranco

    Still trying for that Frank Zappa “Black Napkins” tone

    ...because you have a so called "Bottom" Controll, but still I would love to be able to replicate those sounds without any external pedal. The only exception being the Digitech Freqout. So did you find settings that work for those Zappa Cocked Wah Sounds and would you like to share those as a...
  62. GlennO

    Feedback Simulator

    Realistically, the sustain issue is the deal breaker. The signal generator in the freqout is tough to emulate on the AxeFX with a compressor. For that matter. the freqout has its own limitations that make me use my sustainiac instead of the freqout. That doesn't change the fact that Mark's...
  63. Jirai

    Feedback Simulator

    The Digitech Freqout has for sure more options, but for my needs Mark's preset is sufficient. And since my playground is very small, I avoid to buy stuff which is not really essential.
  64. B

    Feedback Simulator

    The FreqOut's "5th" (2oct+maj3) interval can be done on the Axe-FX with any intelligent harmony type, whole tone scale, harmony value +15. That's the quick and easy way to get that interval. If you define a custom scale with few enough notes (say 5, like C D E G Bb) and force "learn" on with a...
  65. GlennO

    Feedback Simulator

    I wouldn't abandon the freqout just yet. The AxeFX pitch shifter needs another octave of range before Mark’s preset could replace a freqout.
  66. M

    FM3 or Line 6 HX Stomp as multi FX

    ...of the fractal with the Dry Bell vibe and an EHX attack decay for backward guitar FX in that loop plus outside the loop I need a Digitech FreQout in the front for feedback and Ebow like sustain FX. Then in the back end loops for additional stereo FX I want a Meris Hedra and the Ventilator...
  67. Jirai

    Feedback Simulator

    I just found this thread and I'm absolutely excited. I was thinking for a long, long time to buy the Digitech Freqout, but this is now obsolete. I tried the preset tonight and it works perfectly for my purpose. Thank you.
  68. ZenRigs Man

    Post Your FC-12 and FC-6 Pedalboards Here

    ...version of my board, which is super simple. Spring loaded Mission EP for Wah and Fractal EV-2 for everything else. Using an old Boss footswitch (covered in vinyl wrap) to switch a Digitech FreQout on and off, which is in my rack, and 2 old Mission rotary controllers to set flange and phaser mix.
  69. M

    How to add feedback to a patch?

    If you want to go this route, I have a like new (used twice) FreqOut that I'm willing part ways with.
  70. flcmcya

    How to add feedback to a patch?

    Check out Yek's Link..... that's how I dialed it in. Freqout is back in the box.
  71. RevDrucifer

    How to add feedback to a patch?

    Or get a Digitech FreQout. Several of us have them in our AxeFX rigs. It's literally the only thing I use from my old amp rig.
  72. MicroMort

    Which hardware pedal did you keep since getting your Axe-Fx III and why?

    freqout fabrikat zoia some glitch pedals that I can probably sell now but just haven't yet drop was sold after the update
  73. flcmcya

    Which hardware pedal did you keep since getting your Axe-Fx III and why?

    Had a Freqout in the loop ......til I got it dialed in on the Fractal.... Don't need it! Set up a performance dial to change pitch...... ditched the Drop! Have a few fuzzes to keep around.
  74. sprint

    Kemper in the Axe-Fx III loop with spdif?

    ...see why this type of routing could not work with Axe3/Kemper also. Below is the grid pix (fyi - Axe3 loop3 is used to bring in Digitech Freqout feedback pedal but with an Axe3 pedal controller around it to control the Freqout's often unnatural decay). There are some vol/pan/filter blocks...
  75. rmg471

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.08 Public Beta 3

    I’m not “that guy” but this would be very fun.
  76. grandinq

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.08 Public Beta 3

    When I saw feedback compressor, I wasn’t sure what that was, so for half a second I was looking at the word “feedback” and thought this was going to be a freqout block. Looking forward to the pitch block!
  77. Pinkycramps

    What's connected in front of your Axe-Fx III?

    ...roam. On the XL, I had my wireless routed to the front, but on the III I now have it wired to the rear so my setup is ultimately clean. The FreqOut is now the only thing I might ever want to put in a loop, but I have found a couple of virtual feedback generators for the AXE that do a pretty...
  78. 6

    What's connected in front of your Axe-Fx III?

    I have a FreqOut in a loop, but in front is just my wireless into the rear input.
  79. flcmcya

    12.08 Pitch shifter latency - tremendous improvement

    Only thing I need now is another pitch block! Running pitch 1 for my freqout tone with an FC6 footswitch..... dialed in the VC for Pitch 2 on a program switch..... but can't use the whammy with my third footswitch. :( Couldn't get a block change that would work without messing up one of the others.
  80. D

    Firmware 12.08 beta2 great Pitch Block Improvements

    So we're agreed then, next killer feature is to clone either the FreqOut or the Mosaic? ;) or not...
  81. flash6

    Wish DigiTech Mosaic Polyphonic 12-String Effect Pedal

    I've tried presets on Axe Exchange. No offense to those posters, but they're not as convincing as the Mosaic. The mosaic gets the 12 string jangle. And I've fooled around with it myself. My efforts fall waaaay short. Boom The new pitch shifter is what inspired me to post today. If...
  82. GlennO

    Wish DigiTech Mosaic Polyphonic 12-String Effect Pedal

    “Unique” is an overused word these days, but between the Drop, Freqout, and Mosaic, Digitech put out some unique pedals before they folded. I’ve tried reproducing all 3 on the AxrFX III, but haven’t quite been able to match the Digitech version of the latter two. The difficult part of emulating...
  83. MicroMort

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.08 Public Beta Part Deux

    I’ve requested something to replace my drop back when I had an ax8 and this is IT. The real deal. Only a few pedals left (cough freqout) and it’ll be 100% fractal. Great work Cliff and team!
  84. D

    Feedback Sumulator

    Is there a feedback simulator block (similar to the Digitech Freqout) in the future?
  85. B

    OMG 9 without FC-6: How to use the 3 switches by themselves well. I think the FM3 and FC-6 is a killer combination, but I want to have my unit mounted along with my GLXD6 wireless and my DigiTech FreqOut (potentially an expression pedal, too, although I've been getting by just fine without one on my AX8 board) and that's just too much real estate...
  86. yek

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.08 Public Beta

    Seems like you're discussing feedback. Thought we were discussing virtual tuning up and down.
  87. R

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.08 Public Beta

    its kind of like a sustainer you can simulate it with something like freqout or compression but the actual pickup that does it is physically causing the string to vibrate it not a software but a real world interaction from the magnets
  88. flcmcya

    Peculiar Expression Pedal setups?

    Good thread as I just added a third EV-2....... Could easily use the dedicated volume and one other for various functions based on preset. I use dedicated volume as you described and dedicated wah.... got one more for adding a Freqout effect but have it dialed in with a switch so need some ideas!
  89. D

    Wish EHX Superego-like freeze/hold drone block

    I'm aware, just thought it could be used for that purpose too. Haven't tried it though.
  90. Deadpool_25

    Wish EHX Superego-like freeze/hold drone block

    That thread is emulating the freqout pedal (for feedback) as opposed to the feeeze pedal (for easy pads).
  91. RevDrucifer

    Which hardware pedal did you keep since getting your Axe-Fx III and why?

    ...every sale I've made and in every case have found myself saying "Shit, I could really use ____ right now". The only thing I still use is my FreQout, which I've also got in a loop. It's parallel right now but I'm going to try playing around with it in series, which is how I used it in my...
  92. 6

    Which hardware pedal did you keep since getting your Axe-Fx III and why?

    I have it in series, I'll have to experiment with that.
  93. J

    Which hardware pedal did you keep since getting your Axe-Fx III and why?

    Since the FreqOut is on a parallel path, I tried putting a heavy compressor in front of it (someone posted in another thread that they were doing that). It helps stop those squeaky note releases that it does sometimes.
  94. 6

    Which hardware pedal did you keep since getting your Axe-Fx III and why?

    I use mine the same way. I primarily use it to add a background high tone floating over heavy reverb, single note swell lines.
  95. J

    Which hardware pedal did you keep since getting your Axe-Fx III and why?

    I just put my FreqOut on my III yesterday. I put it in a loop so I could blend and bypass it easily. PSA. Before you spend half an hour trying to figure out why the loop isn’t working, check to make sure the output level on the front panel is turned up.
  96. RevDrucifer

    Post Your FC-12 and FC-6 Pedalboards Here

    ...of my life) Momentary switches are for Preset Up/Down and Tuner/Tap. The single momentary switch turns on the effects loop with a Digitech Freqout in it, the only pedal I still use from my old rig. The board you can barely see above it used to weigh a ton with all the pedals on it and...
  97. Moke

    Help With Cab Block to Reduce CPU

    There are many "mistakes" (IMHO) in this preset. Here are the biggest ones..... Your 'Output' block is changing channels a lot? All with very different settings? There are separate per-scene faders already ('Scene Levels' tab), so you don't need to change channels to have access to different...
  98. Moke

    Help With Cab Block to Reduce CPU

    I will check this out when I get a chance. But I was asking @Alex Kerezy to post the preset that this thread is about.
  99. flcmcya

    Help With Cab Block to Reduce CPU

    ...This was morphed from Rocco's Wicked Sensation Patch...... added a channel with the Skullcrusher amp and added a circuit to simulate the Freqout pedal by foot switch. Thanks I cleaned her up tried some stuff from this thread and it is definitely helped me balance some levels on my...
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