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  • Users: 6L6C
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  1. 6L6C

    Switching from AX8 to Axe-Fx III

    Oh - - the AX8 is not getting the love. I got a III, does it sound better, well yeah! I hope so! Does it feel better yeah, to me there is a huge difference in the feel. Still love my AX8 still has great sounds especially in the context of a mix were the differences are not noticed as much...
  2. 6L6C

    Want to buy an AX8... should I wait?

    Hard decision and allot of it depends on what you want and expect out of the unit. Is it as powerful as its big brother the Axe Fx II, no As @jzucker said there are compromises as he listed in the post above. But in other ways it's way more convenient! and matching block for block on the Axe Fx...
  3. 6L6C

    Gig video: Ozzy’s Crazy Train

    Sound great as always! I did notice in this video the location of the toggle switch on that guitar. Dam ! That must take a bit to get use to.
  4. 6L6C

    FC-12 plus some Expression pedals - What board will you mount to?

    Yep ! Having that though also, current board has the MFC and 2 EV-1's. And the FC-12 will be pushing a EV-1 off my current board. In my case I like leaving one of the expression pedals as a dedicated wah, just to tap into my inner Michael Schenker on demand. But - - don't use the wah all that...
  5. 6L6C

    Mastermind LT Phantom Power via Axefx 2

    The cable is not all that bulky, and rather to much than not enough (as far as data) audio that's different. I think some of your choices might be: Order the cable and live with it a few weeks and if you find it to long take it to a local tech to shorten it. A local guy can probably just build...
  6. 6L6C

    Mastermind LT Phantom Power via Axefx 2

    Totally agree!
  7. 6L6C

    Mastermind LT Phantom Power via Axefx 2

    I just looked up out of my own curiosity, according to the Axe Fx 2 manual: WARNING! Do not connect an AC adapter with a rating higher than 1A to the Phantom Power jack. Doing so will damage your Axe-Fx II. And according to the specs on the Mastermind LT, not to be confused with the Mastermind...
  8. 6L6C

    Mastermind LT Phantom Power via Axefx 2

    Easier and cheaper Rocktron 5-Pin To 7-Pin RDMH MIDI Cable
  9. 6L6C


    Both, but favor right
  10. 6L6C

    Treble bleeds...

    In most cases I have 50's wiring and don't care for the treble bleed circuit. But I also have guitars were I do have it. Its pretty much a case to case thing with me. In my collection the ones they do have it are are the ones with slightly hotter pickups. This is not by design but have noticed...
  11. 6L6C

    New computer suggestions?

    Yeah I've done it with no problems but keep in mind it's not my normal workflow. I have gotten up to 12 to 16 tracks having no issues I never went beyond this. Due to what the project called for no other reason. But other side notes. This was done on a laptop also the external drive was a solid...
  12. 6L6C

    New computer suggestions?

    Every time I see a thread with a subject of computer suggestions or mac vs pc, makes me cringe but at the same time I read every word. This time I'll add! Built a new machine last year cost around $1300, heart of the machine is two SSD's, one spinner, Ryzen 1700 (8 core) 16 gigs of ram, Asus...
  13. 6L6C

    New computer suggestions?

    At the very least maybe upgrade your ram the current machine, cheap enough these days give you a little extra out of your current machine. 4 gig's is pretty low, Windows 7 is minimal 1 gig for 32 bit and 2 for 64 bit then you put Ableton into the mix which I believe is 4 gigs, your page file...
  14. 6L6C

    Wish USB Driver that is stable

    Yeah I hate to pile on. But I use a 12' No problems at all. Have you tried your 15' usb, with other devices? On the same computer of coarse.
  15. 6L6C

    Crappy cell phone gig video. Ozzy’s See You On The Other Side

    Crappie cell video yes but still good enough to convey what was going on. Sounds really good. But you guys always sound good every time I see a video.
  16. 6L6C

    "Strat's" Master tone or not

    @Sonofiam @Stratman68 @favance It seems I have elements from all three of you guys:) thanks for the responses BTW Same here! I do this to all of my Gibson's and Fender's (50's wiring) and like this method as opposed to a treble bleed circuit. I'll use the tone control a bit at times but, I...
  17. 6L6C

    "Strat's" Master tone or not

    Strat players, looking for some views. I got a Strat about 6 years ago, as far as the controls your standard 1 volume 2 tones. The tone control for the bridge had (still has) a no-load pot. Personally not crazy about this, especially on the bridge position the brightest part of the guitar for...
  18. 6L6C

    AX8 on stage for my band promo video (TOTO tribute)

    Oh Man! -- You guys sound awesome!
  19. 6L6C

    If you're not already watching Leon Todd...

    Agree with everyone else, great videos!
  20. 6L6C

    Problems with EtherCON cable

    Firmware upgrades MUST be done through the midi port, can not be done though the other ports.
  21. 6L6C

    Low Output Pickups

    Yeah! I'm also a low output fan. Had a recent experience (within the past year): I have had this Gibson V since 1986 great sounding guitar! But decided to do something different with it since my taste have also changed over the years, its the one guitar of mine never did anything to it. Ended up...
  22. 6L6C

    Any FC release time info ?

    Yeah that was me too! :p Got it hooked it ran some presets for a hour or so, then broke out the MFC. And for the next weak or so never had a guitar hooked up to it. Getting familiar with midi again, deciding what controller numbers to assign to what on the Axe Fx III and so on. John
  23. 6L6C

    Any FC release time info ?

    The MFC is doing everything I need scenes, channels, and a few IA's, so I'm good. I don't feel like I'm missing anything. (except for ease of programming) But make no mistake I will get a FC when they become available. John
  24. 6L6C

    my III arrived today

    Enjoy !! You are going to love exploring this thing.;) John
  25. 6L6C

    Anybody using EV2 for Wah?

    I have some EV-1's and can't justify selling them to get the 2's. And I love the 1's! But if I had to start over I also believe that I would get all 2's John
  26. 6L6C

    So far I'm not entirely sold on the Axe Fx 3.... in's and out's I could say, What drew me to the Axe Fx II! was the improved modeling. (also channels) And on some level I would be full of S***. I'm 54 going on 9 and just wanted the latest and greatest. Want to explore something new but familiar at the same time. The Axe Fx II and the...
  27. 6L6C

    Scene selection via midi?

    That will work too but your basically sending (2) cc messages to one accomplish one thing. Try what I posted above, turn off c2, it will work! And if for some reason you need to send a second message on that button, its available for future use. John
  28. 6L6C

    Scene selection via midi?

    @bishop5150 I suspect your sending out a second set of instructions on that switch. exit/save > midi > page right 8X Move the cursor over to c1 and increase it to c2 if you see a cc# turn this off. Save and exit, might not hurt to check the rest of the switches your using for scenes. (But...
  29. 6L6C

    FRFR: I Admit I Prefer It

    I hear you! In the past on varies cabinets, have used "Beam Blockers" on the speakers, and they work very well but can cause other problems (nothing major). But still ...... Something else to compensate for. The speaker of choice at the time was V30's. In the end I went to Guitar Warehouse...
  30. 6L6C

    Ax8 edit will no longer connect

    I just tried my AX8 with Fractal-bot and AX8-edit, everything is working fine. I haven't used the AX-8 since I got the Axe Fx III (I know shocking!). Just tried having the Axe Fx III and the AX8 hooked up at the same time in Fractal-Bot could select either device and AX8 was working just fine...
  31. 6L6C

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 1.04

    Thinking the same thing last night
  32. 6L6C

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    You can always try mine.:D And yes they are mine, I started using them a few years ago. Mostly when soldering but have found other uses for them. ;)
  33. 6L6C

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    Just a shadow from the flash. Just quick shoot with the phone, didn't break out the DSLR. :p
  34. 6L6C

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    Just to re-cap: wait list request @1/29 9:28AM invitation @3/22 4:28PM Got here about today 5:20PM
  35. 6L6C

    Ozzy’s Over the Mountain live at the Aztec Theatre

    There are many reasons I would like to visit Texas. But I think seeing you guys perform is top of that list! That venue looks killer, for the performer and for the audience . John
  36. 6L6C

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    Sounds reasonable to me!
  37. 6L6C

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    wait list request @1/29 9:28AM invitation @3/22 4:28PM
  38. 6L6C

    Today is the 36th anniversary of Randy Rhoads death

    Yeah I was thinking about that today, I did get to see Randy with the Blizzard of Oz tour. And had tickets for Diary of a Madman tour at Madison Square Garden. When Randy died the show I was scheduled for a show only a few weeks away (April 5 1982), though for sure that show would have been...
  39. 6L6C

    Some Monday Fun!

    That's funny !! A company with a sence of humor
  40. 6L6C

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    Yeah a friend if mine got his yesterday (Sunday) also. I was pretty surprised too
  41. 6L6C

    VOX AC 30 Story

    Loved it ! thanks for sharing.
  42. 6L6C

    Axe-Fx III - PDF Manual!

    I did say "skimmed" the manual. However I did find all the information I was looking for, at least for myself. Find the manual comprehensive but not boring. Try reading a Roland manual from the 80s and you'll see why I give this manual high praises
  43. 6L6C

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    Ben If you get one and I don't. I will be so ticked-off I clocked in at 9:38. Only kidding of coarse good luck John
  44. 6L6C

    Axe-Fx III - PDF Manual!

    I only skimmed the manual, and like all there manuals, well written. But this one seems to be a step above
  45. 6L6C

    Has the Ax lll shipped yet?

    I wont be pacing either, but at the same time there is a fair amount of anticipation, because on some level I feel I "might " have got in early enough on the list. I think when the emails start to flow, whether I get one or not I will calm down a bit. It's just a bit of anxiety, not knowing were...
  46. 6L6C

    Has the Ax lll shipped yet?

    Keep in mind my opinion and gut feeling mean nothing but __ I came in at 1/29, 9:28 AM (EST) and I'm concerned about being in on the fist batch of Axe Fx 3's.
  47. 6L6C

    Goodbye family, girlfriend, social life...

    Oh ! When I read the title I though it was some sort of bad news. And it turns out to be a celebration! Welcome aboard.
  48. 6L6C

    What do you use for backup if AX8 dies at gig?

    Fly Rig 5 and I'm good to go
  49. 6L6C

    Eric Johnson - Cliffs of Dover cover

    You nailed it again! I would like to hear some of your own material in the future. John
  50. 6L6C

    Talk to me about pickups

    I do disagree with you but not going to bash you. :D Just a side-note. I got my first electric guitar in 1981 and pretty much started swapping pickups right away as time went on got more guitars and pickups. Anyway: when I look at my collection as a whole it seems my guitars with the heavy woods...
  51. 6L6C

    Get The Funk Out Solo Cover

    Really? I though they were pretty dam awesome!! and spot on. Every note had definition. But there again you will always be your worse critic. Only way to progress forward on any instrument
  52. 6L6C

    III vs XL+: Please give me your advice.

    Well I will be ditching the II for the III. However !! Will be keeping the AX8 which is basically the same tech as the XL+ Sound wise I am very happy with my AF II (in my case Mark I). Hell! Even the Axe Fx Standard had way more flexibility and power compared to a 16sp rack full of gear, I had...
  53. 6L6C

    Get The Funk Out Solo Cover

    I think you nailed it!
  54. 6L6C

    Famous Fractal users AND FOR WHAT

    You forget Dweezil too
  55. 6L6C

    Famous Fractal users AND FOR WHAT

    I think its ease of use, more than anything else. (the work is pretty much done for you) The Kemper is basically a snapshot (it's done it's canned) you can tweak a bit. Buts its pretty much a done deal. You like the tone or not. The Fractal you can edit to your hearts delight however you need to...
  56. 6L6C

    Most excited about????

    Just getting the dam thing in my hands !! Hope I am early enough on the list to be included in the first batcg
  57. 6L6C

    Later man

    Give "what" one more shot?? This forum? Your FX8 or AX8? I missed something and am curious. John
  58. 6L6C

    My AxeFX II XL Still Amazes Me

    Amazed by the Axe Fx II yeah sure ! But I'm still amazed by the standard, which I have not owned for 4 years or so. I guess you can say the modeling started with the Rockman X-100 (or at least for me) big problem solver sounded pretty good but also limiting. Next step forward the Line 6 Pod...
  59. 6L6C

    Treble bleed caps - arghhh!

    50's wiring for me, but I do have a few guitars that I use a treble bleed.
  60. 6L6C

    Approximate release date.

    Should be the first week of March, but there is a wait list. If you are not on this list already hard to say.
  61. 6L6C

    Fractal Facebook page

    Years ago friends convinced me to join FB, in the long run I found it annoying (but it did have a few good things also: very few). So I ditched it, I never even signed up for twitter or anything like that. A friend of mine was telling me the other day the AF III has some sort of defect its all...
  62. 6L6C

    Third bar on “Axe-FX III” blue light logo dimmer?

    I do believe you guys have brought up some legitimate concerns and encourage you to hold off on purchasing a unit. Especially if you are ahead of me on the wait list ! :rolleyes::rolleyes:
  63. 6L6C

    Axe-Fx III won't make me sell MY AX8 !

    I got my AX8 a little under a year ago and was king of apprehensive to some degree, mainly worried about cpu and also latency. Finally said F*** it and went for it. It has been my go to unit ever since, its always there and ready just (grab and go). Once I wrapped my head around the board that...
  64. 6L6C

    I'm worried about the Ax8 future...

    I wouldn't worry. I like you have a AX8 I WILL get a III and plan to pretty much use it for recording but still use the AX8 for live use. Its still a great sounding unit (that wont change). "will the AX8 go beyond Quantum Modeling?" Probably not, and that's a guess on my part. There again its...
  65. 6L6C

    Haven’t upgraded my firmware since 2.9...what to expect?

    Close your eyes and will probably think you have a different unit all together ;)
  66. 6L6C

    Celestion F12-X200 - new coaxial speaker for modelers

    Happy with my current setup. But always curios what the other guys up to. :)
  67. 6L6C

    Crybaby Rack Controller and the AX8

    That will not work as is, (I own one) there are some electronics under the hood just for the rack wah and it also takes a battery. To do what you want the pedal would have to be gutted, I'm not sure what pot is in it I can take a look at mine if you like for the toe switch you would have to...
  68. 6L6C

    Axe-Fx 4CM vs FX8

    I think something that has not been mentioned is the routing of effects.Yeah the FX8 can run effects serial or parallel. But the AxeFx can run all sorts of crazy route's. So if you have some crazy chains and get a FX8 you might find it a little frustrating. Myself IF I was still running tube...
  69. 6L6C

    Oh man, why?

    I only skimmed through the video but if that video is supposed to promote this device it's failing miserably in my book
  70. 6L6C

    Gibby blows off NAMM.

    I found out about Fractal on the Line 6 forum. Thank you Line 6 :)
  71. 6L6C

    Gibby blows off NAMM.

    Unfortunately you are correct. :(:(
  72. 6L6C

    Gibby blows off NAMM.

    Its not caring, just more curiosity.
  73. 6L6C

    Backup gear for AX8

    FlyRig 5 works for me.
  74. 6L6C

    Gibby blows off NAMM.

    Though you guys would get a kick out of this Gibson Skipping NAMM is Genius
  75. 6L6C

    Thoughts on Fishman Fluence pickups?

    @bradlake It was the Greg Koch set that first got my attention, as far as the Fluence pickups. I seem to have more interest in the singles, and less interest in the humbucker versions. And don’t get me wrong every video I see with them out there (that is done well) they sound great! I think my...
  76. 6L6C

    Thoughts on Fishman Fluence pickups?

    I am very tempted to get a set for my Strat. The guitar is only 5-6 years old the pickups that came with it were Fender Custom shop and they did sound good but noisy as hell at times. Then went to DiMarzio Area 61 & two 58's, noise was gone, but found these a bit harsh on the top end. Tried...
  77. 6L6C

    Xmas greetings from Denmark

    Merry Christmas from Long Island , New York Yes we do know that song very well over here, song sounded great. But more importantly ! really - Really - REALLY : took a liken to that guitar. Wished I lived closer. You would let me try it, right? :):) John
  78. 6L6C

    Recommend me a home studio recording/mixing PC

    I went the same route also with the Fractal R5, and for a while before ordering parts, flipped flopped between Fan or water cool. Ended up with the MasterAir Pro 4 (Coolmaster) very happy, temps are not even a consideration even while stress testing this thing and dead quiet.
  79. 6L6C

    9.03 Twin Reverb and a Strat with an laid back vintage tone

    So how are you liken the Cobalt's? I tried them a few times but never really bonded with them. (but that was a while ago, when they first came out) The song sounds great as does your playing! John
  80. 6L6C

    Recommendations: Case Humidifier for Hollowbody Guitar

    Another Oasis fan here: All of my cases has one. During the summer months I really don't have to use them, but as it gets colder the acoustics first and as it gets even colder and dryer the electrics follow. Reusable: so in the long run cheap, never had a problem with one. That and a gallon of...
  81. 6L6C

    Scammer alert

    Sorry to hear that.
  82. 6L6C

    Which expression pedal for closest feel of Ernie Ball VP Jr?

    Ernie Ball Jr BOSS FV-500 Spring loaded Mission Ended up getting two EV-1s for my MFC And two more for the AX8 later on. With the exception of the Mission, the Boss, Ernie Ball, and EV-1 are pretty smooth.
  83. 6L6C

    Which expression pedal for closest feel of Ernie Ball VP Jr?

    Different feel but just as smooth. Can't speak for everybody but out of all I tried my EV1s are my favorite
  84. 6L6C

    Output Comp: the AX8's secret weapon for clean tones

    Been doing this myself and like it allot! It just makes the cleans of the Fender models sing.
  85. 6L6C

    New Tune after a week from Hell

    Great tone! Great song! Great playing! John
  86. 6L6C

    Fractal Expression Pedal Tale of the Taper

    Have a Mission, liked it just fine but I would only use it as a wah. The main reason I got it I was using Dunlop wah's for over 30 years (so seemed like the thing to do) However since the travel is short to use it to say--: adjust the level of a delay and park it I don't care for it for this...
  87. 6L6C

    Buying a laptop for tracking only?

    @unix-guy Thanks good reads! John
  88. 6L6C

    Buying a laptop for tracking only?

    @Jeries I could be wrong, but isn't that advice pretty much based on dollar per gig value? And maybe factor in you should not fill a SSD (which I am sure is ignored all the time) The estimates from what I have read is, don't fill a SSD beyond 75% it slows down the SSD and stresses it a bit. And...
  89. 6L6C

    Velcro Problem (looking for suggestions)

    Yeah I really don't have to do a prep with the dual lock either, just a case of my compulsive side coming out. :) Totally agree for a swapper Velcro is best. But as far as the dual lock patches, they do come off and they come off clean. John
  90. 6L6C

    Velcro Problem (looking for suggestions)

    You can go a few routes, dual-lock which is my favorite for most situations, I use its 1 inch wide for boards like the MFC and AX8, for pedals 1/2 inch would be more than strong enough. A little goes a long way! In the photo these pieces are about 1x1 squares more than strong enough for the...
  91. 6L6C

    How are the Celestion IR's?

    It does make sense, if you sample any of the speaker's Go to the closed back 1x12 closed back, 2x12 closed back, & 4x12 closed back the difference is marginal. That being said, I do like them allot. They also mix well with other IR's John
  92. 6L6C

    Pete Thorn

    Another reason (at least for me) is the board itself, once you wrap your head/workflow around it. Those foot switches can be anything you want per preset. Less switches than a MFC but way more powerful, at least for what I do.
  93. 6L6C

    Pete Thorn

    I think he might: I follow Pete's YouTube channel, like allot of you. The past 5 weeks he has started doing YouTube live broadcast on Sunday afternoons (which is pretty cool BTW) as people are commenting during the broadcast the AX8 is constantly coming up as a point of interest. And it seems...
  94. 6L6C

    X is back.....& loving the V9 update!!!

    The beauty of the Fractal units are the firmware updates, some address bugs, some improve a already existing firmware that runs great (but Fractal loves to tweak). Then there's certain firmware's that make you feel like you just got a brand new unit/next generation unit but in the same housing...
  95. 6L6C

    Gibson Brands announced the end of Cakewalk

    Agreed ! Sidenote: The last time I checked "software" is a consumer product. What a statement! Same boat here guys, last version of Sonar I used was X1 and just never got around to upgrading to X2 or X3 I have had Reaper for a little under a year and still learning myself. Its been a...
  96. 6L6C

    Dio - Rainbow In The Dark (full band cover)

    Really liked it! Brings me back too, since I had seen those tours when Dio went solo after Sabbath, (seen him with Sabbath too) John
  97. 6L6C

    Tone is in your fingers debate

    Great way of putting it!
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