Scene selection via midi?

So I set switch 1 to Scene 4. It still toggles between 1 and 8. So weird.
ok this is a huge clue. sorry i'm working on several FAS things right now, but i'll try to think about this.

is there a Setup or MIDI page for "per preset" IA settings and a different page for something like "global" settings? again i haven't had an MFC in a while, so i'm trying to remember. will check out the MFC manual later on, but if anyone knows....
Did you get it working?

It’s working it just defaults to Scene 8 first when I hit switch 1 and then toggles between Scene 1 and 8 when pressing switch 1 again. Matt was kind enough to call me Friday but I was walking out the door with my family to meet my parents and my sister’s family for dinner. We’ll touch base and try to get it resolved next week. But for now I just copied Scene 1 to Scene 8 as a work around.

I suspect your sending out a second set of instructions on that switch.

exit/save > midi > page right 8X
Move the cursor over to c1 and increase it to c2 if you see a cc# turn this off.
Save and exit, might not hurt to check the rest of the switches your using for scenes. (But make sure this works first)20180401_142113.jpg 20180401_142121.jpg
Also each preset can be set to default to a scene when it loads. Whatever scene you are on when you saved the preset last will be the default scene.
Well, I got it to work. I had to set the c2 values differently on switch 1 than all the other switches which have default settings on c2. I had to set switch 1’s c1 & c2 values to OFF000 ON000 whereas on switches 2 - 5 default settings of c2 OFF000 ON127 work fine for switches 2-5 but not on switch 1. You can see the pics below.

I don’t know if it’s right or wrong but it’s working as it should. I got the tuner button assigned and the tap tempo button assigned and the filter block button assigned so I can use it as a boost button within each preset. I’m good to go. Just gotta finish building about 24 more presets and I’ll be ready to gig! LOL! Hoping to be ready by our next House of Blues show which is June 23rd. I want to sincerely thank all you guys for chiming in to help me with it. This forum is the absolute best. You guys rock!
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That will work too but your basically sending (2) cc messages to one accomplish one thing.
Try what I posted above, turn off c2, it will work! And if for some reason you need to send a second message on that button, its available for future use.

That will work too but your basically sending (2) cc messages to one accomplish one thing.
Try what I posted above, turn off c2, it will work! And if for some reason you need to send a second message on that button, its available for future use.

Got it! Thanks!
The instructions above are slightly incorrect.

You don't want Off:000 On:00x
You want Off:OFF On:00x

The switches should not select scene 1 when turned off by another switch... they should do nothing.
What I noticed is the factory defaults for c2 are OFF000 ON127. Switches 2-5 worked fine with those c2 default values. But for some reason switch 1 did not like the default c2 values. Anyway, I went ahead and put in the Off:OFF On:00x values that Matt mentioned above and all is well and still working fine.
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I have everything working perfect from MFC to axe III. If I just use one cable to connect out of axe III to in of the MFC I can change presets from the axe dial and have the MFC follow the preset changes. Now to figure out how to not create a death loop with both cables connected. I have a hunch and have ordered some hardware that will be in Wednesday so we will see if I can get bidirectional to work.
Thanks for all the help in this thread. i have the MFC changing patches and scenes. i even set another IA switch for drive block. Others later now that I'm no longer afraid to push buttons, :grinning:
Finally got a MIDI cable to try my MFC with the III last night. I was able to get scene selection, preset selection, and an expression pedal through the MFC working again.

Special thanks to everyone on this thread and some of the other threads that made this set up pretty painless for me. I had to watch the on/off values on the switches, as well as set up some switches as momentary like tap tempo, and set up switch links to help me determine which scene was in use. With your help I was able to get scenes working BEFORE I even got to figuring out how to change presets, found that on another thread. Just had to enable program change under midi setup on the III.

Again, thanks everyone for sharing your troubleshooting steps to help us MIDI-challenged people out.

Next I am gonna using my last row of IA's to use the looper functions :)
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