Scene selection via midi?

That's the next step... He needs to get his IA switches set to properly control his scenes first.
Oh crap. More steps? LOL! My Friedman ASC-12’s from Sweetwater were delivered to my office today so on my way back home from picking them up. Almost there so gonna try to finish setting up the MFC here in a few.
Oops I’m off on the numbers
AI1 0
AI2 1
AI3 2
AI4 3
AI5 4
Both On and Off set to the same scene number. Not sure if this is the correct way but it’s working for me.
I’ve been doing most of the setup in the pedal and used MFC edit to set the names for each preset. I ordered a midi merger and hook that up at the mfc along with a Yamaha Bluetooth adapter and use SetlistMaker on my iPhone to select the preset. This way I don’t need bidirectional communication to have the MFC10 and III be on the same preset. Well that and I can just select the song when the singer doesn’t want to follow the set list. Less tap dancing.
Got it working expect for Scene 1. It keeps defaulting to Scene 8. If I press it again it goes to Scene 1 and when I press it again back to Scene 8 and so on. Scenes 2-5 work fine.
I’ve got IA01 c1 Off000 On000
What did I miss?
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I’m checking but everything looks set the same on all the switches besides of course the 000, 002, 003 etc. for the scenes. So weird.
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