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  • Users: 6L6C
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  1. 6L6C

    Peter Frampton farewell tour...

    Frampton has always struck me as really nice guy. But also a hard core dedicated guitarist. Although he has a heads up, and is recording like mad, I can't help but think as he see's ability leave him. Probably going to send him into a depression. I don't know whats worse, having a condition...
  2. 6L6C

    FC Controllers Now Shipping!

    UPS came a short time ago, I guess this weekend will be (changing of the guard)
  3. 6L6C

    Need to control my JP2C with my MFC!

    Agreed ! Like I said "with the MFC you might hit a few road blocks."
  4. 6L6C

    Need to control my JP2C with my MFC!

    Stick with preset numbers to control; the Mesa. In the Manual (JP2C) you will find a nice little graph on page 31 that gives you all different combinations. How it reads 1-15 gives you all the combinations then it just repeats 16-30: 31-45 and so on. If you have been storing changes on the Mesa...
  5. 6L6C

    British vs. Chinese Celestion Speakers

    Had a 2x12 Mesa Recto cab and replaced the Celestion Vintage 30's with the GWS Veteran 30's, was really happy with those speakers. I don't have that cab anymore, and now that I'm talking about it. Starting to miss it.
  6. 6L6C

    Apple you're losing me.....

    Best advice right up here ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ If your whole system is made up of Apple. Why rock your world with one device that wont play nice with the rest?? I think in the end you will get frustrated. Stick with the iPhone. This is coming from somebody who had 2 iPhones went to Samsung (and...
  7. 6L6C

    FC Controllers Now Shipping!

    Was your intention always to get the FC-6? Or are you just taking advantage of the surplus? John
  8. 6L6C

    FC Controllers Now Shipping!

    Hi Conley 5/17/18 at 10:11AM EST
  9. 6L6C

    FC Controllers Now Shipping!

    Same here and also waiting on a 12
  10. 6L6C

    FASLINK II ...lit up pedal boards...power?

    Maybe consider a battery box on or under the board and a small toggle either on the top or side of board.
  11. 6L6C

    Pete Thorn & Axe-Fx III

    Good idea!
  12. 6L6C

    I might go back to 9s on my guitars

    Yeah me too, and I think I talk myself out of it since I can imagine that 38 flapping away like a rubber band (at least with my hands) not to mention he was also a half step down. o_O
  13. 6L6C

    I might go back to 9s on my guitars

    Yeah in the end that is what it has turned into for me, all my Gibson's have 10's and all my Fenders have 9's. Like I said above the Ibanez's with the trem's, also 25.5 scale length, 9's 10's doesn't matter that much to me but had settled on 9's. Basically thinking to myself "if the different...
  14. 6L6C

    I might go back to 9s on my guitars

    If that's crazy, then I'm crazy too. Have been pretty much playing 10's since 1980, there has been the few times were I went to 9's or 11;s but always came home to 10's. BTW more of a Gibson guy, but do have some Ibanez's with the same scale length as Fender. But then I got my first Fender...
  15. 6L6C

    Suhr Pete Thorn IR Amp

    It's look's very cool! I like the idea allot. And it sounds great in the video But on the other hand, I own a Axe Fx III And that's not meant as a dis on the PT-15
  16. 6L6C

    FC Controllers Now Shipping!

    Perfect, thanks!! And yes: it's all I imagined! Ha ha
  17. 6L6C

    FC Controllers Now Shipping!

    Please make a video tonight of the FC-12 booting up with the Axe Fx III. Just 20 seconds. On this forum it will probably be better than any porn.
  18. 6L6C

    FC Controllers Now Shipping!

    Safe to say yes. Why would that change.
  19. 6L6C

    FC Controllers Now Shipping!

    ...see a few people getting theirs But lately I have had thoughts of getting the FC-6 as opposed to the -12. Would like to keep the size down a bit (and do I really need the -12 also?) But on the other hand might be going from two expression pedals down to one. Ah "F*** it!) I'm going for the...
  20. 6L6C

    Help! Axe-Fx Standard keeps wiping presets on power up

    No Backup then reload
  21. 6L6C

    Help! Axe-Fx Standard keeps wiping presets on power up

    Remove top cover you will see the battery on the board Watch the wire for the fan its attached to the cover
  22. 6L6C

    Help! Axe-Fx Standard keeps wiping presets on power up

    I agree, change the battery reload your presets you should be fine.
  23. 6L6C

    FC Controllers Now Shipping!

    In the future they probably shouldn't say anything the same thing happens every time
  24. 6L6C

    Why Shop AX8 ??

    I have no problem with a fully baked unit. Since I got my ax8 a few years ago there's been upgrades add-ons minor bug fixes. It has more going now. Then when I paid for it a few years ago. All add-ons were free from Fractal, unlike pretty much every other company out there
  25. 6L6C

    Gig video: Ozzy’s 'Bark at the Moon' and 'Over the Mountain'

    Kick Ass ! AGAIN !! At this point have you incorporated your Axe Fx III into your rig, using a different midi controller or are you waiting for the FC? And using the AX8 till you get your hands on a FC.
  26. 6L6C

    AFIII Donna Lee - some jazz @ Henry's Place

    Everything sounds great!
  27. 6L6C

    AFIII ‘Ain't No Sunshine’ for Axe-Fx, JAZZ You Say?

    In a word -- Fantastic ! Really like your phrasing allot, beautiful guitar too.
  28. 6L6C

    How many Axe-Fx processors do you own?

    Currently: Axe Fx III, AX8, AxeFx II (with a MFC) The II & MFC will get sold sometime after the holidays.
  29. 6L6C

    One license how many machines?

    For the download, just login to Fractal and look at your download history and download again.
  30. 6L6C

    Don't understand

    Putting aside the Amp modeling (in my case I do hear and feel a difference). I think the thing is worth the price just on the effects alone. Funny part I don't run allot of effects when playing out, (but nice to know it's there if you need it). As for the modeling end after getting the III the...
  31. 6L6C

    Any Billy Squier Fans?

    I remember going to allot of party's back in the day (high school), and hearing Billy and liking it but never bought an album. That is until! Billy was head lining in either 82 or 83 and Def Leppard was the opening band, Pyromania just came out and I was there for Def Leppard. The boys didn't...
  32. 6L6C

    AxeLive Update

    Glad you got it !
  33. 6L6C

    AxeLive Update

    No, not at all when the program opens just select the midi ports. That's it !! Just to review: Open the compressed file you downloaded and copy the contents. Paste it to Programs (technically you can place it anywhere you want) And refer to my post above for the rest
  34. 6L6C

    AxeLive Update

    I assume you already copied the AxeLive folder to your programs folder. Go into that folder and go to the AxeLive application and create a shortcut to your desk top.
  35. 6L6C

    LA band with fake Facebook and YouTube followers does European tour no one shows up for

    Very sad and funny all at the same time
  36. 6L6C

    Case for DIY AX8 board

    photos not showing
  37. 6L6C

    Help me quit the band

    At this point it sounds pretty fragmentated anyway. Would it really surprise anyone ? I bet others have the same thing on there mind as you. Just need someone to take that step.
  38. 6L6C

    FX8 - MIDI with a Diezel Herbert

    Step1 First make sure the FX8 is transmitting on the same channel the Diezel is receiving on. Channel 1 is usually default for all gear. Also make sure "send program change" is on, as far as the FX8 Step2 Make a little spread sheet of all the different switching possibilities with the Diezel...
  39. 6L6C

    Gibson Announces New CEO and Other Executives

    You nailed it!
  40. 6L6C

    Gibson Announces New CEO and Other Executives

    Same here, I have four in all 1980 Les Paul Standard (proud to say I am the original owner) this is "the wife" even friends who don't like Les Paul's love this one. 2007 Les Paul Custom Just a exception feeling and sounding guitar. 1982 V "The V' great sounding guitar, but when I got it, was...
  41. 6L6C

    Gibson Announces New CEO and Other Executives

    Well this thread has been going for a few days now and looking at all the responces, nobody is expecting anything good (including myself) Another team coming in to change the company and make it work!! Yippi !! And yet how many times during the coarse of the year do you read about a CEO...
  42. 6L6C

    Gibson Announces New CEO and Other Executives

    We will see.
  43. 6L6C

    Changing string gauge on 8 string

    Probably need a little tweaking
  44. 6L6C

    Any plans for a small stomp AX4?

    I need 8 of these.
  45. 6L6C

    Dialling in the Marshalls

    Always enjoyed your video's. But dam! Your on fire since getting your Axe Fx III.
  46. 6L6C

    Anyone ever "satinize" their guitar's neck?

    What I have been using is Music Nomad "Guitar Polish" not be be confused with "One" or "Guitar Detailer". I have had one of my Les Paul's since 1981 and around the late 80's started getting the sticky...
  47. 6L6C

    Bought a Boss EV-5 - but it only turns down the volume?!

    Is the minimal volume setting on the side of the EV-5 turned all the way down? If not do that then re-calibrate the pedal
  48. 6L6C

    Kemper vs. AX8. I don't get it.

    Funny you bring that up, out of all the people I know with a Kemper. Two of them a have a decent amp collection and for some reason neither one have interest in profiling their amp's. As I have said to both of them at different times, this is what this thing excels in!! You got a few nice amps...
  49. 6L6C

    Will the Axe FX II XL+ have updates now?

    1% aaahhhhhhh NO. There is no reason to list all the features of the AF III, I have also seen your post's for a while now. Seem like a intelligent enough person, to me. (and enjoy some of your post's BTW). So I'm sure you are up to speed on the AF III. And I can see were you have been...
  50. 6L6C

    Will the Axe FX II XL+ have updates now?

    Yeah that made me laugh too. Think of it like this, this thing is fully baked. Even at firmware 1.xx when it first came out, the AF II set the standard for others to follow. I got my hands on one the first few weeks it came out. I had NO problem handing over $2200 for this what I though of at...
  51. 6L6C

    What's your FC pedal waitlist signup date/time?

    May 17th 10:11 AM EST
  52. 6L6C

    Ticketmaster facing class action lawsuits over ticket resales

    Once upon a time it was like that in the US also. But of coarse greed wins!! over here. Flying the flag while while the general public is stabbed in the back
  53. 6L6C

    Ticketmaster facing class action lawsuits over ticket resales

    Might enjoy this version of the news
  54. 6L6C

    Help - Atomic Reactor 50 Sounds Bassy and Not Clear

    why ???? Make sure that tweeter/horn is working in the reactor, play either guitar or send through some mp3's (whatever) and rock that tweeter control back and forth. You better be hearing some pretty big differences. If not that tweeter is not functioning. I bring this up because I had two of...
  55. 6L6C

    DAW Opinion

    I would go for Reaper will do all you want and much more. Try a fully working version and if you like it a license is only $60
  56. 6L6C

    Any guys here mess with a Helix?

    I guess you are not alone;), I was in my local Guitar Center on Friday. went by a few cases were they keep used pedals, stuff of that nature. Had seen one Headrush board and four or five Helix unit's.
  57. 6L6C

    Bank Question

    No problem! There is allot, but just stick with what works for you, and when you get comfortable explore other aspects. You might find a better workflow
  58. 6L6C

    Bank Question

    Check the switch assignments, do it through the editor . Open AX8 edit go to foot switch button under the grid. Go to function under that, you will see the F switch assignments. Change (F1 tap) and (F1hold) to "Sticky Preset/Bank" There are more choices, but this is default setting and will do...
  59. 6L6C

    Help me decide: Axe-Fx III or AX8

    If you want the latest and greatest or feel you might be missing, the III for is for you. It is a F***ing monster for sure. And keep in mind it is still a young device and will continue to get better with more features and so on. As for the AX8 as far as updates probably at the end of the...
  60. 6L6C

    Line6 POD Anniversary

    I have many fond memories of my pod which I also got in 1998, it was the first device where I felt modeling was starting to go in the right direction. The problem for me the devices that follow didn't measure up to the first pod IMO. As for quality of the pods I think the devices that followed...
  61. 6L6C

    3 Guitars one AX8?

    That would work and if you switching guitars in the middle of a song it would also be very handy, since midi would take care of the switching. But why not something a little more simple and allot cheaper, especially if you dont have to swap guitars in the middle of a somg...
  62. 6L6C

    AFIII Eleanor Rigby & Cliff's "Amp In The Room" Preset

    Love the arrangement!
  63. 6L6C

    AFIII "Breakin' the Law" - Axe-Fx III Style

    Some how this one slipped by (when I looked at the date) Sounds great !
  64. 6L6C

    Need help with expression pedal choice.

    Yes In the case of the Ernie Ball you need a cable TRS on one end and the other end (two) TS connectors The TRS for the AX8 and the two TS connectors for the in/out on the volume pedal Like this
  65. 6L6C

    Need help with expression pedal choice.

    Have had Boss Ernie Ball Mission Ended up getting a Fractal EV-1 for pretty much what you just mentioned, in the end now have 4 EV-1's two for my AX8 and two for MFC. Hands down my favorite. The Fractal pedals have a nice wide sweep (pedal travel) thanks to the planetary gearing they use...
  66. 6L6C

    FX8 and MIDI CC channel switching

    What amp are using? Reason I ask, find it a bit easier using preset changes Example : I have done this before for a few people (both had FX8's) one using a Mesa JP-2C and the other using a Dual Rec using a Voodoo Labs to do the switching.
  67. 6L6C

    Three Amp Blocks?

    At first I voted "No", but was only thinking of combining amp/blocks, until I read this ^^^^ so I changed my vote to yes. Would be pretty cool!
  68. 6L6C

    John Petrucci shows amp settings

    Even in text the sarcasm is just screaming from this statement. Love it!
  69. 6L6C

    Repairing a Broken Headstock

    Too bad it wasn't a Les Paul. They're noted for staying in tune better after a headstock repair. But I've never had the desire to snap them off my Les Paul's and find out if that's true.
  70. 6L6C

    AX-8 10.00 Release Candidate #2

    This new firmware has got me re-thinking my workflow. In the past have kind of stayed clear of using X/Y (mostly amp blocks), instead went for scene controllers. Between scene controllers and drive blocks I basically got what I want. But since this firmware the X/Y switching is so much better I...
  71. 6L6C

    High Quality Cable vs Economy Cable, The SRV Story

    I just make my own, although I have tried other cables through the years I stick with the industry standards Canare GS-6 or Mogami 2425. I usually put some sort of Neutrik jack on the cables (good jacks for sure but I pretty much do it for looks) want to go cheaper Switchcraft ends may not be as...
  72. 6L6C

    Maybe I am understanding Scenes wrong?

    Glad you got it sorted! Good luck tonight. John
  73. 6L6C

    Maybe I am understanding Scenes wrong?

    No you cant run 2 amps within the same scene with the AX8 (you can with the Axe Fx II & III) Think of a scene as a preset within a preset, although it goes a little deeper what you are basically doing is turning blocks on and off. Instead of selecting another preset or doing some tap dancing...
  74. 6L6C

    NGD Number 3 !!!

    No! I leave that to the people who have the practice and skill and will gladly part with my money for that skill. I can make all the adjustments, truss rod, intonation things like that and all the electronics and even drill out a hole for a pot or toggle switch. But the nut, frets things like...
  75. 6L6C

    NGD Number 3 !!!

    Yes it is a Gibson 1982 "The V" it was called. Notice the tail piece is different from a traditional "V". For a while it was a bit of a tuning nightmare had things worked out through the years, by the way I have owned the guitar since 1986 sounds great though! I really do love it and the feel...
  76. 6L6C

    NGD Number 3 !!!

    That is a Oasis case humidifier, have one for every case. With the electrics I only really use them maybe a few months during the winter, when it gets real dry. The acoustics's allot more. Nice V BTW, keep on top of that gold hardware. Gold looks great but can be a bitch to maintain. John
  77. 6L6C

    NGD Number 3 !!!

    Yep I have a attachment to that style of V
  78. 6L6C

    NGD Number 3 !!!

    Being a V owner myself I really like that allot! Although I appreciate the work that's put into a guitar with a "theme" to it (in this case a military type vibe) Usually not that into them, this one's different! And your choice of knobs is perfect, just rounds out the look. John
  79. 6L6C

    Officially old!

    Oh BTW I'm 25, But on my last birthday I celebrated the 29th anniversary of my 25th birthday :rolleyes: John
  80. 6L6C

    Officially old!

    Screw YOU !! :D Only kidding of coarse. Happy Birthday!!!! John
  81. 6L6C

    Cab management in Axe-Edit

    Same here for pretty much the same reasons and also the factory cabs are pretty dam good, and a nice verity. I love the unit but find the half baked editor a little frustrating, and don't get me wrong I'm glad to have it, as opposed to waiting for a fully functional version. And if they need...
  82. 6L6C

    Multi-FX Pedal/Modeler without breaking the bank?

    Might want to watch some videos for the "Bass FlyRig" it might fill the bill and go from $2-300
  83. 6L6C

    Expression pedal

    Had a spring loaded Mission EP-1, for wah its great feels just like a Dunlop. Was in love with for a while, mostly because of the auto engage part. But something missed was being able to cock the wah and take my foot off the pedal. Easy enough fix: remove the spring. But around the same time...
  84. 6L6C

    On the wall, or in the case?

    More or less keep two out, something with single coils and something with humbuckers and rotate them about every two weeks. I also like keeping a acoustic out but only do so during the summer months, in the winter its dry so the acoustics's sit in there cases with a humidifier and hydro meter.
  85. 6L6C

    Which real Wah pedal would you suggest/buy?

    Suggestion: First find out what is wrong with either your Axe Fx or expression pedal and have a 100% functioning system. Because wah aside, the expression pedal can be used for a hell of allot more than just a wah. Next: Still want to use a real/hardware based wah, no problem. But why not sample...
  86. 6L6C

    Legend vs Custom...

    Both really nice looking guitars, yeah that input jack location would not be my first choice. On the bright side being a V owner myself (Gibson) in a sitting position it will force you to improve your posture (good for the back ;)) But as far as the green V, I really don't like the location of...
  87. 6L6C

    Just in case you needed a reason to pull your hair out...

    I'm just impressed 13 min video and Eddie never mentioned Kiss once. :rolleyes:
  88. 6L6C

    Any FC release time info ?

    I kept my MFC so technically I'm in no hurry. And like you I got on the list on the 17th. But I would even be happy seeing a video of a beta tester demonstrating the unit, at least it would be a little light at the end of the tunnel. We're seeing really nothing to speak of. Might be a while
  89. 6L6C

    Any FC release time info ?

    I totally get this ^^^ Unlike you I did keep my MFC-101 and at first programming was a bit of a pain but as general midi started coming back to me, got much easier. So the new list was started for the FC controllers and I was lucky enough to get on within the first hour and a half, but I have...
  90. 6L6C

    Pete Thorn II album

    Just got it from Amazon and on the first track as I'm writing this, sounds great! I have Pete's first album "Guitar Nerd" and really like that album allot also. But this album: if the first track is any indication what is to come, DAM! Liking the song, and the production is not up a level or two...
  91. 6L6C

    Switching from AX8 to Axe-Fx III

    Same !! And neither is my AX8, or at least till there is a AX8 II
  92. 6L6C

    Best Small Battery-Powered Practice Amp

    Johan Allard is the 4th poster down on this thread. According to the site the Katana Air is battery powered if you choose, I'm not in a hurry but do have interst in it. For one thing is does have some nice sounding effects, but so does the Yamaha THR10 but unlike the Yamaha editing can be done...
  93. 6L6C

    Best Small Battery-Powered Practice Amp

    I have both the Yamaha THR10 Classic, and the Boss Katana mini, like them both but my go-to seems to be Katana. The THR10 has some nice effects and the Katana Mini only has a delay, like @Johan Allard the Katana Air has peaked my interest. Sidenote: while away last year I sat in with a band...
  94. 6L6C

    AX8 into Mesa Mark V routing options

    Complicated answer: Trade offs basically. Also any answer can be debatable. The AX8 sounds just as good (identical really) as its big brother, but it is a device of less power. If I got this correct basically what you want to do is have two separate effect runs. One for the magnetic and the...
  95. 6L6C

    AX8 into Mesa Mark V routing options

    Correct Did this a year ago with a FX8 and a Mesa Recto for a friend. The amp gizmo was left in the rack so setup was just one midi cable, very easy. I would also suggest making a spreadsheet of all the differenet switching combintions you want out of your Mark V. Example...
  96. 6L6C

    AX8 into Mesa Mark V routing options

    Check out the manual I think pages 17 & 18 will pretty much answer your questions but also look at page 5 (humbuster cables) The short answer to all of you questions is "yes"
  97. 6L6C

    Anyone have a side by side photo of a RJM GT and an MFC?

    @yek I love switches 2 - 5. DIRTY - ROCK - HARD - SOLO
  98. 6L6C

    Reaper as DAW replacement?

    I am a little confused??? Did you mean when they closed the doors. Or did you mean when they aquired Cakewalk :rolleyes:
  99. 6L6C

    Reaper as DAW replacement?

    @GotMetalBoy Thanks ! I have been screwing with Reaper for the past year when I have time and although I am comfortable with it (to some extent) this is all great info. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Came from Cakewalk/Sonar which I liked allot...
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