Search results for query: Global blocks

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  1. Ant Music

    Global Blocks WTF?

    I've been trying to load some of my Global Blocks into other patches and none of my external controller assignments are carrying over, even when I use the front panel. Am I doing something wrong? Is this being addressed in the new FW and Axe edit?
  2. JoseleteRamonete

    It can rename the global blocks for an easy identification ?

    No more to write. Thanks in advance
  3. N

    "Uses Global Blocks" Crash

    For some reason on a random different preset I load up, I'll have no sound and there will be a message that says "Uses Global Blocks - Press Enter to Unlink." If I press enter to unlink the preset...the axe freezes every time. This just started happening...and no, I don't use axe edit except...
  4. N

    Saving a bunch of effects as a single global block??

    I am starting to create a certain set of presets. I always use say three effects as standard...for arguments sake comp, reverb and delay. I have these effects lets say dialled in somehwat and I dont want to mess with them initially at least. Can I save all three effects as a single global or...
  5. rudomat

    Bug? 8.01a: pressing fx byp button leads to "save/load global block"-window

    ...only sometimes, mostly it´s working... also, i´ve noticed i´ve worked on a presets´ booster (esoteric rc) and after storing the preset, powering down and 2 hours later powering up again, the drive-setting was totally different.... are these bugs...?
  6. greiswig

    Global blocks, blocks library, saving, naming...confused.

    I guess I'm still not understanding the overall concept of how global blocks, the blocks library, and linking work. 1. At one point trying to play with the feature in AxeEdit, I saw a list that showed that I have managed to create 4 apparently identical "Reverb1" items in the block library...
  7. Anand Mahangoe

    How to take away message : `Uses Global Blocks etc.....`

    Hello, Maybe it has been mentioned before but can somebody tell me if it is possible to take away that message from the screen.....kind of disturbing,.....I would rather see only which amp I am using....:) Thanks, A+
  8. Stratman68

    erase\clear global block

    I searched and searched. So how do I clear\erase a global block. Ex: global block #1 is vol\pan. How do I remove\erase\delete it from the list so all global blocks are empty-nada. the last 9 are empty-how do I make them all empry? Thanks
  9. saroehr

    How to enable Volume block with Expression Pedal within Preset rather than globally

    So I have the FV500H attached and calibrated via the pedal jack on the back of the Axe-Fx. If I go to the Controllers page, if I assign "Pedal" to Input 1 Volume things seem to work fine. However, is there a way to attach control of what the pedal is per preset? I am pretty sure there is but...
  10. dsl

    Global Blocks Bypass Question

    I have a number of effects stored & linked as Global Blocks across a number of presets. One of the "effects" linked is an Effects Loop. If I bypass the Effects Loop & hit save in one of the presets, all of the linked presets will bypass the Effects Loop as well. However, if I...
  11. G

    Wish Modifiers not stored in global blocks

    Hi! I noticed something. When using global blocks, the modifier info is not stored properly. In fact, it's not stored at all. I assume this is a bug, because otherwise, it would defeat the entire purpose of having global blocks. Regards Niklas
  12. greiswig

    Global Blocks 101 request

    Hi, all, I am either misunderstanding something about global blocks, or I have bugs that are making it so it doesn't work right, and I'm not sure which. Here is what I expect to happen: I find a reverb I like and want to apply across all my patches I save it as a block, giving it a...
  13. funny_polymath

    Storing, retrieving, using global blocks in Axe Edit

    I tried in the Axer Edit forum but no one answered, so pardon me, one more time: I have got all my main presets pretty much done, but am now tweaking amps, delays etc. and I'd like to make these global and use them in the presets. I see a save/retrieve block option, but the Axe Edit notes...
  14. CodePoet

    6.01 - Thumbs up on global blocks now using Axe-Edit?

    Thanks for 6.01 - sounds great and I see that the global block issue is resolved. Are we all clear to go back to saving with Axe Edit now for this and any other issues that were seen or should we wait on the next release? Thanks again for the update!
  15. T

    Unlink your global blocks in 6.0!!! from support stating that the unit is fine however there is a known bug in 6.0 causing corruption issues with the II's SRAM when global blocks are used. Not out here to flame anyone or cause a problem just want to send out a caution to other users. I'm sure some of the minor bugs will...
  16. M.Gilbert

    Global blocks question

    ...this summer and will be using 1 Axe-fx 2 for both guitars. I've got my presets pretty much planned out but I have a question regarding global blocks. In the presets I will be building, I'm goin to have 2 instances of certain blocks such as amp 1/amp 2, reverb 1/2, etc. I understand that...
  17. Anand Mahangoe

    Global blocks On / Off state ...........!!??!!

    Hello, Before V6.0 , the On / Off state of the global blocks was not possible to save per preset............BUT since V6.0 I accidentally found out that it IS possible to save it but did not find anywhere in the manual that this was changed.....??? Anyhow, saves me a lots of...
  18. trancegodz

    Deleting global blocks amps

    How do you delete amps 1-10 from global blocks in Axe Edit, or from the front panel of the Axe II?
  19. S

    Global Block Problem All Settings Zero Out

    I am struggling with creating global blocks. I am starting by trying to do a global block for an amplifier but every time i try to save and link with global all the setting go to zero on my amp and i get no sound. Why does it keep defaulting to everything at zero? I thought making global blocks...
  20. AdmiralB

    Delete/Initialize Global Blocks?

    Is it possible?
  21. yek

    WICKED WIKI 14: Global Blocks

    ...preset, 10 stored versions of a Compressor etc. And that’s per block/instance, so you have another 10 for Phaser 2, Compressor 2 etc. Global blocks allow shared sound settings across multiple presets. Advantages: You can easily recall those favorite settings in other presets, which goes...
  22. kgofswg

    Global Blocks..either always ON or always OFF in a preset.

    So from reading the forum, I realized that using Axe-Edit is useless when trying to create/store global blocks. I've been doing it with great success on the FXII and I've made one for a volume block (for solo level boost). All of my solo presets have the VOL block ON and all my non solo presets...
  23. A

    Overwriting a global AMP block with a different amp model and setting

    This is both on the front panel of the unit and also in Axe-Edit. Somehow I managed to edit my global block 1 on AMP 1 to something else, and I can't change it back. I highlight the AMP to pull it's settings up. I load the setting I want from the blocks library, save the patch first...
  24. A

    Global BLock Unlinking Does Not Work

    I have an Amp that I must've synced with global block 1. Now I am trying to unlink it. I go into the editor on the AxeFxII (not Axe edit software) and then I hit 'unlink'. I'm prompted to save the preset which I do. Then I go back and check and it's still linked to Global Block 1. I am...
  25. A

    How to save global blocks in Axe FX II editor

    We're trying to do this to no avail. We cannot seem to set a master block. Can this only be done from the unit itself?
  26. G

    Global Blocks not saving Modifier/Controller Assignments

    I know the feature does not do this currently but I really do believe it needs to be. Is there some reason it has not been implemented this way? If it was because of time, then that's fine, but I really believe to call this feature complete, everything should be saved when saving a Global...
  27. gdgross

    Global Blocks in axe-edit

    maybe this is a stupid question - is there a way to access/save/recall/use the global block feature in axe-edit? It'd really save me some editing time! Also, it there a way to copy your settings from, say, Delay 1 over to Delay 2? Thanks!
  28. W

    Global Blocks?

    ...and cabs and gates to cut down on the hiss. There are other presets (amp and cab combinations) that I'd love to "cut and paste" into my setup while leaving the pedalboard, gates and wah wah intact. Is there an easy way to do this (Axe edit? Global blocks?) Love to know best way? Thanks...
  29. O

    Global Blocks Saving ByPass

    Am I doing something wrong or do the Global blocks store the bypass. I have a delay I saved to Global Block 1. On this patch it is bypassed by default. I have another patch that has this same delay linked(read only) to the Global Block 1. When I make it active and save it, when I recall...
  30. K

    Global Block Parameter Modifiers (bug?)

    ...change these min/max parameters in one preset, they are not updated in the other linked Global 1 Delay blocks. Haven't tried any other Global Blocks yet. It says in the manual that parameter modifiers are saved with Global blocks. Either a bug or parameter modifiers such as min/max are...
  31. Chewie5150

    I/O global bypass of cabs for output 2 w/o needing the FX loop block

    I'll first preface with: apologize if this is already a possibility, if so, it's my current lack of understanding of the Axe and have not seen this as a thread anywhere yet. I am fully aware of the simple method of inserting fx loop block before cabs; however, I would love not needing to use...
  32. wesardis

    'Global' Option for All FX Blocks

    I love the 'Global Amps' functionality. I use the heck out of it. Wouldn't it be cool if we had that option for all the different effects? It'd be like having your ten favorite amps, overdrives, delays, etc. at the twist of a knob, and being able to constantly tweak them onward toward perfection!
  33. yek

    Here's how to turn the "Blocking PEQ" into a global control

    A lot of FR-users use the "blocking PEQ" trick to fight too much bass/treble at loud volume. Works well in a band mix but not needed / undesirable for playing at home. It's a real drag to have to keep activating/disabling the PEQ blocks all the time; the Axe-Fx doesn't have a global control for...
  34. C

    Global Amp+Cab Bypass/ Amp+Cab block bypass tone coloring???

    Hey Guys, ok the issue i'm having is ... i've created a Preset and i wanted to use the same Preset with and without Amp/Cab simulation. The thing is even when i turn global amp/cab sims off the effect blocks are still coloring the tone noticeably. When i have global amp/cab sims off in global...
  35. S

    Turn PEQ on/off with Global Cab (old: PEQ in Cab block)

    I'd like to suggest adding a PEQ to the Cab block. The PEQ will be used for tone shaping when using FRFR, and will be turned on and off globally together with the Cab blocks on all presets. The idea is that when using the Axe with a guitar cab, this FRFR-specific PEQ will be turned off together...
  36. nota

    Low Cut Filter - Amp, Block, Global, and Usage

    Hi, I've owned the Axe for a while now and know how to use it pretty well. I also have a FRFR PA speaker I use for amplification that is fairly flat (it better be for $750), so no problems there. My question is about low cut filters. For a while I've noticed a bit too much bass coming out of...
  37. j8stringer

    How to activate Global Bypass in an efx block??

    I am trying to activate Global Bypass in a Drive or Efx block so I can use a momentary pedal to switch blocks on and off in a preset. I have my pedal set to Pedal 1 input and then Pedal 1 to Global Bypass, but how do you set the blocks to receive on and off GB commands?? :? I am using my...
  38. J

    Vol Block bypass in Global Menu

    I've got a Vol Block in all my working presets. It's controlled by a MIDI CC pedal hooked up to my footcontroller. When my footcontroller isn't plugged in, the Vol of the Vol Block(s) defaults to 0. So if I'm working on the AFX w/o my footcontroller plugged in (like when I'm using SysEx...
  39. J

    Amp block bypass state not saved when using global Amp.

    I've got an Ultra w/ version 6.04 firmware. If I use a Global Amp in the amp block but save the preset with the amp block bypassed, when I recall the preset the amp block reverts to being active. Can someone else please confirm this and confirm that it is a bug? Thanks.
  40. gittarzann

    Global Bypass...assignable per preset.....per effect block

    I love the ability to use 1 IA switch to toggle several FX blocks in and out, but the implementation could be better IMO. First.....If we could choose Global bypass to be global or per preset. If global is would be the same as it is right now. If preset is chosen then this is my...
  41. solo-act

    Global option for PEQ blocks?

    Need notch a frequency on your all your acoustic patches with out effecting your electric patches? Does that feedback frequency on the acoustic change depending on the venue/PA? Did you change to a different guitar and now all your electric patches are too "barky" at 650hz? Got a certain...
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