Windows 10 deactivates after July 29, 2016 warranty motherboard change

It's like the Harry Mudd episode of Star Trek where Kirk and Spock talk to the android women. "If I am your creator and therefore perfect, then everything I say is a lie!" "Does not compute! SHUTDOWN."

I think you're combining quotes from "I, Mudd" and "The Changeling". Still, M$ can suck my balls.
I know this is off topic, but any software company that makes me opt in to downloading and installing the updates is insane (I believe this is true of all versions of 10, even the highest end, although I think they give you a few months to recant and accept). MY music study has hundreds of VSTs and not all of them will continue to work with updates, so why should I be expected to just roll the dice every week or two? Of course, everyone else is the one made to look insane. Agreeing to happily work within the M$/Monopolo-santo universe is projected out into the environment as if it is the norm, BUT IT IS NOT THE NORM.
I know this is off topic, but any software company that makes me opt in to downloading and installing the updates is insane (I believe this is true of all versions of 10, even the highest end, although I think they give you a few months to recant and accept). MY music study has hundreds of VSTs and not all of them will continue to work with updates, so why should I be expected to just roll the dice every week or two? Of course, everyone else is the one made to look insane. Agreeing to happily work within the M$/Monopolo-santo universe is projected out into the environment as if it is the norm, BUT IT IS NOT THE NORM.

Well, you could do what a some professionals do. Disconnect your workstation from the internet and get a separate system for administration/email/etc... If you are spilling out the cash for and 100's VTS, editing software and hardware then play it safe. That way you don't have to roll with the risk of getting Trojans/Viruses and everything stays stable. But, even that is risky because eventually, you have to connect something in order to get the information off of it or put something on this isolated machine.

Or, opt out and roll the dice. It's not like companies do it to intentionally screw you over. Protecting people from malicious attacks is hard shit when you have millions upon millions of lines of code. It doesn't matter how hard people test software, people will get through your protection. I don't care if you are Mac, Windows, Linux. Anyone who says that they are impervious to attacks are 100% full of shit. I know that in our own corporate network, if you opt out of security updates from Apple or Microsoft, you network ports get shut down.

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