Why No Authentic Tab For Effects Types??

But isn't the point of modeling to model something?
Yup. But as stated in the manual of standard/ultra "it's not a modeler in strict sense". And that old approach was just right (for me at least). Just my unpopular point.
In the end I can ignore advanced parameters if I want))

I have "modeler in strict sense" that "exactly recreates control layout and behavior" of real effects. Is it any good? Yes, it's good enough. Is it easier to dial in? Not at all. I'm missing these extra parameters.
Yup. But as stated in the manual of standard/ultra "it's not a modeler in strict sense". And that old approach was just right (for me at least). Just my unpopular point.
In the end I can ignore advanced parameters if I want))

I have "modeler in strict sense" that "exactly recreates control layout and behavior" of real effects. Is it any good? Yes, it's good enough. Is it easier to dial in? Not at all. I'm missing these extra parameters.
an authentic tab would take away nothing for you though, it just offers another way of working.

The extra features can be very handy, but (arguably more?) often they are not needed.
an authentic tab would take away nothing for you though, it just offers another way of working.

The extra features can be very handy, but (arguably more?) often they are not needed.
Yeah, I understand this and can understand people who are overwhelmed with all this confusing parameters (I was in same situation). But since I found out how to use them and looked on device from the other perspective, everything fell into place. So if I can skip all the advanced stuff, why I need the separate tab with limited set of parameters that already there on other tabs? Just saying.

Maybe I don't understand the concept))
Every subalgorithm of every effect block should has its own dedicated tab with complement set of parameters? And their behavior should be exactly the same as a real thing (attack knob on precision drive for example)? I think this can be a little time consuming... I want see more sufficient improvements (as FAS do right now) rather than that. More FAS amps for that matter, more powerful tools, etc.

And, again just my opinion, I think such approach leads away from the course setted from the very beginning (effect block = generalized algorithm with set of parameters that user can tweak as he want).

Everything above was said from the point of an individual user based on subjective experience.
Yeah, I understand this and can understand people who are overwhelmed with all this confusing parameters (I was in same situation). But since I found out how to use them and looked on device from the other perspective, everything fell into place. So if I can skip all the advanced stuff, why I need the separate tab with limited set of parameters that already there on other tabs? Just saying.

Maybe I don't understand the concept))
Every subalgorithm of every effect block should has its own dedicated tab with complement set of parameters? And their behavior should be exactly the same as a real thing (attack knob on precision drive for example)? I think this can be a little time consuming... I want see more sufficient improvements (as FAS do right now) rather than that. More FAS amps for that matter, more powerful tools, etc.

And, again just my opinion, I think such approach leads away from the course setted from the very beginning (effect block = generalized algorithm with set of parameters that user can tweak as he want).

Everything above was said from the point of an individual user based on subjective experience.
It’s absolutely not about being overwhelmed or lack of understanding.

The design of the original equipment has already made a decision on what range of controls, tapers, interactions etc make sense for what they are creating. Omitting options isn’t because they weren’t able to include them - what they omit is as much part of the design as what they include.

There is a time and place for both approaches - I’m not advocating for purely 1:1 simplified controls, in the same way that I wouldn’t push for the most fully expanded limitless approach. The controls exposed to the user COMPLETELY inform how the effect should be expected to work. If all parameters are available, with no visual bias or visual direction on how to use it, the user is getting a different experience to what was designed. It might lead to better results, it might lead to worse. But you are getting a different experience, even if some sounds happen to overlap.

The design of the effect is more than just the sound you end up with - how you get there is as much a part of the design as the sound it produces.
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I understand now how such a thing can be useful. Just more convenient way to recreate behavior of specific effect. Am I right?

The design of the effect is more than just the sound you end up with - how you get there is as much a part of the design as the sound it produces.
But in the end my goal is... The sound)
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I understand now how such a thing can be useful. Just more convenient way to recreate behavior of existing effect. Am I right?
Yes, it’s assuming the original designer has taken the time to fine tune their device to produce a specific result in a way that makes sense to the user. Discarding these decisions isn’t really necessary, something gets lost by doing so.
But in the end my goal is... The sound)
Yes exactly. Both approaches are likely to lead to different results because of how we interact with the controls available. If there are 20 parameters available, there is a LOT more possibility to have sounds that aren’t possible from a device that only has 1. Both have merit, but one doesn’t replace the other
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