Which Axe-Fx Outputs are you using for recording straight to DAW?


Which one gives you personally the best results?

Balanced Line Level XLR Out
Unbalanced 1/4" Out

Why do you use the output that you use? Any differences you can tell with your results?

Also what interface are you using?

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XLR outputs. I messed with the SPDIF a bit, but it's kind of hit or miss without a master word clock and to be honest the analog outputs sound amazing. It's a lot easier to maintain and adjust levels and monitoring is easier too.

I'm using a Fousrite Saffire DSP24 Pro right now. I don't like it; I love it.
Balanced XLR outputs.
S/Pdif is pointless for me as I record at either 44.1 or 96khz, never at 48k.
Plus no word clock bnc connectors on the Axe FX.
The analog outs sound great.

I run an Apogee Symphony rig with Apogee Rosetta's and Logic or sometimes Protools.
I'm having a bit of a time finding a budget priced, but descent, usb interface that accepts 2 line-level XLR inputs. MY Edirol UA-25 will not, so I'm shopping around and getting a feel for what others are using.
Balanced Line Level XLR Outs. Into Lexicon I-ONIX U22 interface. Why? Sounds good. Had used SPIF with prior interface, didn't sound as good to me.

Nothing more scientific on my part.
Dodo, I do not understand your term "jack" cable. Are you talking about the 1/4" line input on the interface?

I have a couple of these cables unbalanced xlr to balanced 1/4". By using these cables, wouldn't I get the same sonic quality as just using the 1/4" outs of the Axe-Fx?

*For the guys using the xlr outs. Are you going to a DI box first before going into your interface? Or does your interface accept line level xlr input?


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most of the time xlr line out or sometimes aes/ebu (both straight to rme hdsp) - the unbalanced ts outs goes always into a rane sm 26s to an spl mtc for monitoring (adam a7)
XLR into a Tascam US144-MKII. Very happy with the quality. Tried digital but I never could get it to work no matter what I did.
You folks who are going xlr out to your interface, are your interfaces (tascam us144, focusrite, lexicon) are they working with that +4 line level signal okay or are you using your DI box, xlr to 1/4 cable, etc?
Works fine on the Tascam. Gain knobs stay all the way down and I control the levels with the Axe. Very nice, very clean signal.
Strange - theoretically, the digital output should provide a more accurate representation of what's going on inside the Axe-Fx, since there is no analog conversion going on until something is actually recorded, versus converting to, from, and then back to analog.
One interface I am looking at is the M-Audio Fast Track Pro (yeah, I know everyone's favorite). Its specs for the xlr input are:

Mic Inputs (A/D)
Input Impedance 2.7k Ohms unbalanced, 5.4k Ohms balanced
Maximum Input Level from +24dBu @ min gain, pad on to -40dBu @ max gain, no pad

The Fast Track Pro's input level range is from +24dBu to -40dBu. So this would fall well within the range of the Axe-Fx xlr outputs?
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