What's so special about Matrix GT1000?

Regarding Hypex Class D amps ... would you consider them fairly entry level?

I would imagine if you walked into the PA room of a major box music store the majority of powered monitors will have Chinese Hypex Class D amps or similar quality ones in them.

Hey Laz

Sorry for my delay regarding your question!

No - Hypex Class D modules were used in various products from entry - to mid pricing products. Most companies used them for their entry level products because they were cost efficient for their needs, doesn't need cooling or weight regardless heatsinks - and being easy to handle when a problem occours - pop 'em out, trow it in the bin, push a new in - finished. They combine it with a DSP for equalization, x-over, limiting and get very decent results for their needs. I would say it's great for listen music, DJing, small PA application and Sound Reinforcement. For my personal needs using it on a guitar FRFR cabinet, I prefer a fast , direct and simple (in terms of signal transfer) way of amplification - Matrix does it! :encouragement:

Almost every company has their chinese manufacturer, just because of costs - just because todays average customer doesn't wanted to pay that much money on a PA system. Chinese manufacturers aren't bad. If the production is lead by the right management and qualified personnel, you get the same industry quality as elsewhere. For less production costs as elswhere.....

Personally, I don't like them.....in the past, I had between 100 - 150 iron heavy PA amps in for repair per year - component based repairs where true skills and true knowledge was necessary to do the job right, today it's about 10 pcs/ year. The majority of products were just module based cheap stuff, you can pop out modules and simply trow them away. Stupid piece of shit.....I gladly put them on my workbench, testing it with custom made burst signals and fry them up....:lol or test their protection circuits by shorten the output lines or use minimum loads of 0.33 Ohms ......evil wars! :devilish:
What do "5kw" and "2R" stand for and how do these XT-only features affect THE SOUND of the XTs vs the GTs?

Besides those 2 features, and any other features that are XT-only, why do your P.A. customers prefer the sound of the XTs over the GTs?

Probably because a lot of the PA customers haven't tried the GT line so who knows whether they would indeed prefer it! Remember also that most of the PA customers we sell to will require the 1U amps to do a specific job like just run tops in a system, rather than a full range system off the smaller amps. Some of the rigs they have a pretty fearsome power wise but just like us guitarists, still want light weight and good sound quality and reliability.
This is the only item on your list that is a bit of a stretch.

Have you tried every SS amp?
Have you tried a Bryston? Older Crown or Ashley?

Matrix has some outstanding features and is obviously well suited for the Axe.
But to say that it has a feel not found in other SS amps is a lofty statement.

That isn't a lofty statement at all. I've tried crown, QSC, along with several other amps and there is nothing like matrix GT1000 in a SS power amp. The matrix isn't a true FRFR but it does make the AXE FX sound more tube like. The power amps you've mentioned weren't designed for this application.
The matrix isn't a true FRFR but it does make the AXE FX sound more tube like.

Nope....the Matrix is a true FRFR, it has a direct simple (in terms of signal transfer) design, it sounds a bit smoother in sonic terms what guitarists really like - if you don't believe me, try it for yourself, you wont be disappointed. The AxeFx II itself aka the power amp simulation makes the sound more tube like, a MOSEFT amp can't deliver the power sagging of a tube amp. The matrix (as most other linear solid state power amps) also have a damping factor (ratio between load and output resistance), higher then 200 times, which keeps the load linear, there is no influence by the speaker resonance or impedance rise when the coil get's inductive on higher frequencies. These things were all simulated properly by the speaker tab in the amp block.
There is no special current feedback circuitry as shown on various traditional solid state guitar amplifiers....

The Matrix amps were truly FRFR amps which have an awesome sound! Just saying.....:geek
I don't know if this already has been covered in this thread...
.. but I'm helping a bandmate with his rig.
Do you think triaxis / Matrix GT1000 and EVM2L will be a good match? ... or shall I play safe with a mesa 2:90 because of the unique voicing (modern/deep)?
Nope....the Matrix is a true FRFR, it has a direct simple (in terms of signal transfer) design, it sounds a bit smoother in sonic terms what guitarists really like - if you don't believe me, try it for yourself, you wont be disappointed. The AxeFx II itself aka the power amp simulation makes the sound more tube like, a MOSEFT amp can't deliver the power sagging of a tube amp. The matrix (as most other linear solid state power amps) also have a damping factor (ratio between load and output resistance), higher then 200 times, which keeps the load linear, there is no influence by the speaker resonance or impedance rise when the coil get's inductive on higher frequencies. These things were all simulated properly by the speaker tab in the amp block.
There is no special current feedback circuitry as shown on various traditional solid state guitar amplifiers....

The Matrix amps were truly FRFR amps which have an awesome sound! Just saying.....:geek

I own the Matrix GT1000. And IMO it is hands down the best power amp solution for AxeFX. I currently use 2-Matrix Q12A's. They both add something to your tone which gives a more guitar amp like feel. So, I agree with you that they sound amazing. I don't agree that they have a completely Flat Response.

I recently borrowed an atomic wedge. When comparing the 2 (matrix and atomic), the atomic wedge sounded like a true FRFR, and the matrix added a little extra something which worked very well with the amp and cab sims. Both sound amazing. IMO the matrix sounds and feels more like a guitar amp, and the atomic sounds amazing but was flatter and more monitor like when using the same settings.
Do you think triaxis / Matrix GT1000 and EVM2L will be a good match?

Only if you don't want any tones involving power tube break up.

The 2:90: has a switchable low power mode so that its power tubes can be driven into distortion for things like roots rock tones and blues which have always relied on power amp distortion as opposed to preamp distortion.

The reason that Axe-FX users need to use high powered power amps that don't break up is because all the tube power amp breakup that is desired is usually modelled within the Axe itself and in order to hear that reproduced accurately the power amp that the Axe is being monitored with should not normally add or subtract anything from the Axe's signal. It should just make it louder.

The Triaxis itself has no way of mimicking power amp distortion.
Because our PA customers prefer them, and they have features you won't need on guitar, like 5kw/channel and 2R capability etc etc.

Now that I know what these terms mean let me restate my earlier question...

*Based on sound alone*, why would one of your P.A. customers choose an XT800 or an XT1000 over a GT800 or a GT1000?
Only if you don't want any tones involving power tube break up.

The 2:90: has a switchable low power mode so that its power tubes can be driven into distortion for things like roots rock tones and blues which have always relied on power amp distortion as opposed to preamp distortion.

The reason that Axe-FX users need to use high powered power amps that don't break up is because all the tube power amp breakup that is desired is usually modelled within the Axe itself and in order to hear that reproduced accurately the power amp that the Axe is being monitored with should not normally add or subtract anything from the Axe's signal. It should just make it louder.

The Triaxis itself has no way of mimicking power amp distortion.

Yeah.. metal players don't often rely on poweramp breakup =)
I own the Matrix GT1000. And IMO it is hands down the best power amp solution for AxeFX.

Depends entirely on your needs and willingness to carry weight etc.

For example: I owned an Atomic Reactor 50/50 tube amp. When compared directly to the Matrix, I preferred the Atomic. It sounded more 3D (for lack of a better word), the highs sounded slightly more natural. But: 2u high, extremely heavy, tubes ...

Not to be mistaken: I love my GT1000FX. It's very hard to beat when it comes to factors such as height, maintenance-free, weight, power in a SS package.
That isn't a lofty statement at all. I've tried crown, QSC, along with several other amps and there is nothing like matrix GT1000 in a SS power amp. The matrix isn't a true FRFR but it does make the AXE FX sound more tube like. The power amps you've mentioned weren't designed for this application.

To say that Matrix is the ONLY company that makes a SS amp with this 'tone/feel' is absolutely a lofty statement.
I've tried the Matrix GT800, and I very much liked it.
I have a Crown K2 that I put side by side and they sounded/felt almost identical.
I have heard a Bryston, which I think sounded better than the Matrix (and felt more like a valve amp).

Is the Matrix GT series a great product, absolutely! I liked the GT800, and I loved the GM50 in a XiTone cab.
Is the Matrix GT series the ONLY (and I'm stressing the word 'only' because that is what was stated) SS amp that amplifies the Axe to sound up to a certain level of realistic valve feel. No way.

I find it hard to believe that anyone would ever describe a product like a power amp as the 'only' one that produces a certain level of quality/tone/feel/sound.....when there are hundreds of manufactures around the world.
I guess it's all a lot of IMO's, because it's personal. It is as personal as underwear to me at least. And nobody is going to tell me what kind of underwear i like. Not even my wife 8)
Koolaid.... many other power amps will work fine. crown, Ashley, qsc have been making amps for years.. and are flat. Size, weight, etc.. come into play as well.
I fix most of them during my time working for Clair Bros. some years ago- was working for LabGruppen distribution, ElectroVoice later on....I know all of them well..... Now, I bought a Matrix.....again, what's the fuzz?

If you choose another route to go, fine. But Matrix is way above being just a hype.....;)

Been saying the same thing about the CLR since I returned mine after two gigs.

Many PA amps and monitors that cost a fraction of the CLR use the same or similar Chinese made Class D Hypex amp modules found in the CLR.

So go figure.
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Depends entirely on your needs and willingness to carry weight etc.

For example: I owned an Atomic Reactor 50/50 tube amp. When compared directly to the Matrix, I preferred the Atomic. It sounded more 3D (for lack of a better word), the highs sounded slightly more natural. But: 2u high, extremely heavy, tubes ...

Not to be mistaken: I love my GT1000FX. It's very hard to beat when it comes to factors such as height, maintenance-free, weight, power in a SS package.

I agree. I was comparing solid state amps. I should have been more specific in my statement.
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Been saying the same thing about the CLR since I returned mine after two gigs.

Many PA amps and monitors that cost a fraction of the CLR use the same or similar Chinese made Class D Hypex amp modules found in the CLR.

So go figure.

Like which ones Laz? Love to hear your obvious expertise and knowledge on this.
Like which ones Laz? Love to hear your obvious expertise and knowledge on this.

as stated above - ElectroVoice LiveX or Dynacord A-Line ;) Hypex UcD-modules were cheap but made of industry standard quality - this is necessary to keep the price point low on these entry/mid-price products. They sound great for small PA application, sound reinforcement and where very easy to handle in terms of service. If they fail, pop 'em out trow it away, but some new in.....sound again! Personally, I'm not a fan.....but who cares :nightmare::mrgreen

@Laz: Don't use this against Atomic. Atomic made great products too, which makes many people happy - I respect that and everyone here is free on what he uses. Personally I would love to try out the CLR myself one day, there is even a passive version, so people who love their GT1000 - maybe this is your solution that works for you. Try it out for yourself and follow your ears only.
I don't like to play out Matrix and Atomic against them here. Let's focus on the basic FRFR user, who need good support and tutorials how to setup and play the gear. Information regarding the correct and safety use of ss-power amps, input- output sensitivity were welcome here. But please don't turn this in a Atomic vs. Matrix war. Life is too short....and we're all humans!

I know, we all can sort this out with a bit of mutual respect! This goes out to everyone. Don't let us turn this into another religious fight. :)

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