What is your go-to back up for the axe?

I keep a Crate Powerblock in the boot (trunk) of the car for emergencies. Recently discovered it has an XLR with speaker emulation on it, so I don't even need a cab.

Regularly use it at rehearsal to save carting stuff around. Set your heart on fire tone? No. Good enough to cover in emergencies? Damn right!
As much as I rely on this thing now and all the FX routing I use and the fact that we're only a 3 piece band (guitar, bass, drums), it's either another Axe II or I just pack it up and go home :eek:. Seriously though, it's so hard to go back to a basic rig when you really rely on things like harmony patches and other elements in the Axe that help fill in the void when you're a 3 piece band. But, I've had to pull out the Splawn and run straight in with nothing else when my Ultra bit the dust halfway through the first set one night a few years back. It was a *raw* night - which can be cool, but sometimes hard to wrap your head around if you're not in the mood for it. At this point I have a second Axe II so I don't have to haul heads and other rack gear around.
Amplitube iPhone app... :)

Sounds pretty bad, esp in comparison to the axe, but it means I don't have to carry anything extra. It's already in my pocket, adn the adapter lives in my gig bag...
I still own 10 different heads so I would have to bring my Grove Tube Solo 75 for cleans and semi dirty sounds and my Splawn Nitro modded by FJA mods. They both have channel switching, plus my Voodoo amp selector, my MXR eq, OCD ,Boss OD and a multi fx rack unit for delays. And perhaps 2 of my Aracom Attenuators depending on the size of the place we're playing. I already use one or 2 Marshall cabs so I can plug both amps in one stereo cab or 2 cabs.
Technically an AxeFX Ultra right now. I just upgraded to the AxeFX 2 and have yet to sell my Ultra ;-) So its technical role is "backup" until it finds a new home.

Otherwise, I've got a Fender Mustang 2 amp that's not a bad little modeling amp considering how little it cost. And on top of that I have a Blues Jr. for good tube sound with nice reverb in a portable, simple package.
my bandmate who has an ULTRA.
We both have a dual-guitar-preset for backup. If one of the units makes trouble we switch to the working one, plug the other guitar into the Input 1 on the back and switch the input type to stereo. ready within 2 minutes.
I think this thread needs a qualifier. If your backup solution is at home when you're at a gig with a non-working Axe, is it really a backup? I would say no. Isn't the OP asking about a backup that you carry with you to gigs?
my bandmate who has an ULTRA.
We both have a dual-guitar-preset for backup. If one of the units makes trouble we switch to the working one, plug the other guitar into the Input 1 on the back and switch the input type to stereo. ready within 2 minutes.

That's very clever! I have the Axe Fx 2 and my other guitar player has an Ultra.The only issue with that set up is that I have so many patches( 80) for 3 sets it would be difficult.
I still have my Ultra, but I plan to sell it after my II gets here, so I'll say POD X3 Live.
My pedalboard straight into the a DI, and into the desk. Depends on the genre I'm playing but that's usually what I use for smaller gigs or gigs where I can't use the AxeFX II. Sounds excellent, extremely easy to use and I have access to everything right in front of me.

I may get an HD500 though, as they are really excellent little units that can do the same thing.
GT-100. Sits nearby and (sort of) ready to go.
I power it up occasionally to see if it still works. Never needed it in over 3yrs gigging with Ultra/Axe-II.
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