What I want to See AX8 II

I would love to have true bypass like Fx8. I've downgraded from Ax8 to Fx8 for this feature, the difference is remarkable using effects with a real amp. If I could buy an Ax8 with true bypass I would buy it now.
I would like to see a floor unit that is not inferior of AXE III. Many people buy AX8 not because its cheaper, but because of the perfect form factor. Racks are not for everyone, especially since it got even bigger now. I gig 2-3 times a week and also have rehearsals and sessions during a week. If i had to drag a rack everywhere my back would suffer drastically. It doesn't have to be cheaper, but i would like to see a flagship in a floor format.
I suppose all the people not wanting touch/color screens are still using phones with monochrome screens with buttons only. Color touch screen is such an unbelievable UI enhancement with no technical drawbacks. I am not even sure, it is more expensive anymore.

People complain that, it is hard to see the preset names, and we only have non customisable three letter acronyms as indicator of what pedals do. People use kick tags and other third party products to circumvent these UI shortcomings. That shouldn't be necessary.

I love the processing power, the sounds and the flexibility, but I really find the unit limited when it comes to a quick and effective overview in live situations, and tweaking on the unit feels very eighties to be honest

Well actually I have an $800+ Smartphone with the option for B&W. Which I use all the time. Why do I need color icon on my phone. takes appx 1 second to go to color. My battery lasts forever and I do not need to watch a football game on my phone.
Just sayin, Of course touch screen on a phone is a must. But on my ax8, not so much.
What I would like to see is actually finishing what was started-Allow SETTINGS control from AXe8 Edit. They set the button up but never implemented it. I want to make music, not be socially correct. I also would love little lcds or as you folk call them scribble strips.
I jsut cannot see paying X amount o dollars to have a touch screen. Better layout and easier editing from the unit, yes that would be great.

And I also think some type of wireless like bluetooth would solve the UI issues with the majority of people. Just forget the front panel. USe your phone or a tablet with AXe8 edit.
oh boy, well I'm still new to the AX8 as it is, but some suggestions here make sense. A single mic pre could be useful and open up a host of vocal vocoder and talkbox style effects for us guitarists. A color screen would be nice. The ability to make the effects send dual mono (much like the eventide H9 did and they did it in a firmware update) so you can drop loop blocks in 2 different places. Interface usability would be a plus, but would likely drive up cost, too (along with the mic pre). Lets see, what else? I don't think an onboard expression pedal is a bad idea but how about this? Build a modular system where you can add one on either side, just one, 2 on a side, 2 and 1, 3 in a row etc. You would have no cable or power requirements with a proprietary jack which would Lego in place, PLUS have the market cornered for your users. Hell, you can even Lego in different modules, like an extra 4 buttons, then an expression pedal, build different modules which all seamlessly connect and calibrate to the AX8. Users can then buy modules to fit their needs. Companies like RJM might even build aftermarket modules, too. This can be the biggest thing since the 500 series!!!
- Nav left/right buttons without having to use Shift
- Page left/right buttons without having to use Shift
- Fx Bypass button without having to use Shift

Two displays (!):
- One large with bank number and (with a different color) preset number, e.g. yellow bank and red preset number. Both with bright colors that can be excellently read at a sunny open air as well as a dark as night venue.
- One color display like AxeFx III or whatever is appropriate and a huge step forward

- FC12 included (with LCD displays)
- Or: A basic AX8 module plus a mountable footswitch module, so that you can put on a FC6, FC12, or FC12 with two expression pedals, or whatever is offered from FAS

- Easy unity gain for 4C

- More CPU power for two amps in parallel and less CPU usage
bluetooth app much like the eventide H9 has would be really slick. Would make program changes at gigs easier than dragging out a laptop and would actually make remote changes easier than connecting a midi device.
I made a video not too long ago with my requests, had some great suggestions in the comments too.

An amplifirebox style modeller from fractal would be pretty awesome too.
I’d like to see a quick edit app optimized for my phone, Bluetooth connected. That and maybe make it a tiny bit smaller, but that doesn’t really matter too much.
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