What are your favorite FRFR speakers?

Yes you can run each output1 channel into different Makes of FRFR, you can actually run four FRFRs from output1 using the XLR and TRS at the same time - that is awesome!
I have 2 FRFRs of different makes and 1 is in the shop. When it returns I plan to run them together. However, the one I have now has more bottom end. Is it possible to EQ the FM3 each FRFR separately to balance them out?
I have 2 FRFRs of different makes and 1 is in the shop. When it returns I plan to run them together. However, the one I have now has more bottom end. Is it possible to EQ the FM3 each FRFR separately to balance them out?
You can EQ Out1 differently to Out2, but you cant EQ Out1 left differently to Out1 right. But you might be able to using 2 EQ blocks panned L and R just before the Out1 block.
3 years in and I'm still happy with my PXM's! It's funny if this thread were only 12 years older you would see a lot of different favorites.
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I still like my matrix CFR 12 wedges. I also have a matrix elements 10” powered speaker. I have a pair of the red sound Elis.8s as well. I still like my matrix CFR 12 wedges the best, but I have not used them since I went to in ear monitors a few years ago
I have an RCF NX 12 SMA, and it's pretty unbelievable. Sounds really, really good to my ears... now I'm saving for a second to make a stereo pair.
I'm really looking forward to receiving the V2 preamps for my Fender FR-10s. They're already great, but the hiss is significantly noticeable.

I also like the EV PXM-12, but even that has a low level hiss (much, much lower than the Fenders). I got it from Sam Ash. May have been before they fixed the problem.

If I ever get around to it, I'll try setting up a W-D-W.

Previously, the Xitone wedges were/are excellent. I also had 2 of the original CLRs, which were also a great solution (and yes, awesome in stereo), with incredible detail and clarity, but maybe less amp-like. The EV is also less amp-like than the Fenders and Xitones.

There are clearly many different and useful solutions. It's about trying to find what works for you.
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I'm really looking forward to receiving the V2 preamps for my Fender FR-10s. They're already great, but the hiss is significantly noticeable.

I also like the EV PXM-12, but even that has a low level hiss (much, much lower than the Fenders). I got it from Sam Ash. May have been before they fixed the problem.

If I ever get around to it, I'll try setting up a W-D-W.

Previously, the Xitone wedges were/are excellent. I also had 2 of the original CLRs, which were also a great solution (and yes, awesome in stereo), with incredible detail and clarity, but maybe less amp-like. The EV is also less amp-like than the Fenders and Xitones.

There are clearly many different and useful solutions. It's about trying to find what works for you.
If you send an email to repair@us.bosch.com should fix your PXM for you free!
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