Van Halen 5150 Tone Breakthrough

Fabulous work!! WOW 🤘

Just a little side bar-->OFTEN isolated tracks sound different than when they "get into the mix."
You are trying some things on and that's awesome, just remember the mixed track is going to sound different than the isolated guitar...

Usually the low-end is "cut" or lowered on the iso track to make sure there's no frequency overlap. Meaning the bass and low-end (guitar freq's) generally get mixed in later, if at all. Also, the gain is usually lower than "we" and recording in the studio are totally different animals.

But seriously, I'd really enjoy playing around with tone this myself, if you feel willing to upload the preset.

Again, great work my friend!! Love it 🎼
Sounds amazing. It's a bit bright to my ears, but sounds so good that I don't think it matters. The isolated track I listened to seems to have less high end & fizz. But, that very well could be something the software trimmed out. The AI stuff is good, but still not perfect.
Fabulous work!! WOW 🤘

Just a little side bar-->OFTEN isolated tracks sound different than when they "get into the mix."
You are trying some things on and that's awesome, just remember the mixed track is going to sound different than the isolated guitar...

Usually the low-end is "cut" or lowered on the iso track to make sure there's no frequency overlap. Meaning the bass and low-end (guitar freq's) generally get mixed in later, if at all. Also, the gain is usually lower than "we" and recording in the studio are totally different animals.

But seriously, I'd really enjoy playing around with tone this myself, if you feel willing to upload the preset.

Again, great work my friend!! Love it 🎼
Thanks for the compliments! I sincerely appreciate it.

I've been experimenting with removing the low end for a bit now. I think I het the point to where I'm kind of satisfied? If I remove too much more than it gets too thin, but if I re introduce the bass back with the eq, it becomes way too bombastic. Gonna experiment more tonight and see what happens. Also, I was just using dynacabs in tests 1, 2, and 3. But in 4 and 5, I've been using dynacabs as well as the old IR's. Low end was a nightmare until I realized that the new dynacabs and the old IR's are not phase aligned to each other at all. Getting those aligned helped and honestly while dynacabs are great, I forgot how diverse and great the old IR's sound. So many mic options.

Also, there's still work to do before I'm satisfied with releasing it. But I do plan on releasing it on AxeChange for free in time. The feedback from the community here has helped a tremendous amount already. All in good time.
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Messed around with it a bit more. I feel like I was able to cut back on the modulation of the detune by adding another Haas delay to the right detuned channel. Not at the same amount though. The dry right channel has 40m of delay, and the right detuned has 20ms.

This sounds amazing! And I’m just listening with low volume on my iPhone. Sounds huge! This is stellar work. So very interested in your detuning and Haas delay. It sounds so natural, it’s to the point where you almost don’t notice the effect, but you know something was done to the tone to make it killer sounding. To me, that’s the hardest thing to do. It’s easy to crank on a bunch of detuning. It’s very hard to do what you’ve done. Please don’t tweak too much longer before you post the preset, this is starting to get like waiting for a season finale for me! 🤣
Idea re: low end

Would an eq with a modifier for envelope or pitch follower help in that regard? A hair more low end/low mids only when that range is played?

Im no evh connoisseur and have not yet listened to the clips, but the feedback has me looking forward to it!
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